WMT Digestive System
undefined, object
copy deck
- amylo
- starch
- ano
- anus
- appendo, appendico
- appendix
- bili
- bile
- ceco
- cecum
- cheilo
- lip
- chole
- bile or gall
- cholecysto
- gallbladder
- choledocho
- common bile duct
- colo, colono
- colon; large intestine
- cyso
- bladder or sac
- denti, dento, odonto
- teeth
- dipso
- thrist
- diverticulo
- divertiula
- duodeno
- duodenum
- entero
- intestines; small intestine
- esophago
- esophagus
- fructo
- fruit
- fungi
- fungus
- gastro
- stomach
- gingivo
- gums
- glosso, linguo
- tongue
- glyco
- sugar
- hepato
- liver
- ileo
- ileum
- intestino
- intestines
- jejuno
- jejunum
- lacto
- milk
- lipo
- fats
- mandibulo
- mandible
- maxillo
- maxilla
- myco
- fungus
- oro, stomato
- mouth
- pancreato
- pancreas
- pexo
- surgical fixation
- pharyngo
- pharynx
- procto
- anus, rectum
- proteo
- protein
- pyo
- pus
- pyloro
- pylorus
- reto
- rectum
- sialo
- saliva, salivary glands
- sialadeno
- salivary gland
- sigmoido
- sigmoid colon
- topo
- place or position
- vago
- vagus nerve
- viro, viruso
- virus
- eu-
- normal, well or good
- exo-
- outside or outward
- mal-
- bad
- par-, para
- near, beside, or abnormal
- sub-
- below or under
- -ase
- enzyme
- -cele
- hernia
- clysis
- irrigation or washing out
- -emesis
- vomiting
- -id
- structure; having the shape of
- -ose
- sugar
- -pepsia
- digestion
- -pexy
- surgical fixation
- -phage
- eat or swallow
- -phagia
- eating or swallowing
- -stalsis
- contraciton