undefined, object
copy deck
- Leukocyte
- dermatosis
- skin condition
- Electrocardiogram
- record of electrical waves given off by the heart
- demato
- skin
- Penia
- decrease
- tony
- to cut into
- Graph
- instrument
- acro
- extremities
- Mania
- madness
- erythro
- red
- Gram
- record or picture
- megaly
- Leukemia
- condition of WBC
- cyanotic
- pertaining to a condition of blueness
- Cardio
- heart
- acromegaly
- extremities are enlarged
- Gastromegaly
- enlarged stomach
- stomy
- to form a new opening
- Emia
- blood condition
- itis
- inflammation
- Blast
- embryonic cell
- dermatome
- an instrument that cuts into the skin
- Cyte
- cell
- Costo
- ribs
- Gastro
- stomach
- melano
- black
- Carditis
- inflammation of the heart
- Pubis
- pubic
- Cardiomegaly
- enlarged heart
- chloro
- green
- Thrombo
- blood clot
- Osteopathy
- disease of the bone
- Echocardiogram
- a record of sound waves reflected through the heart
- leuko
- white
- Cardiologist
- heart specialist
- Arthritis
- inflammation of a joint
- Leukocytopenia
- decrease in WBCs
- pathology
- study of disease
- Cytology
- study of cells
- Tendono
- tendon
- Adenopathy
- any disease of a gland
- cyano
- blue
- Carcino
- cancer
- Bursa
- small serous sac between a tendon and a bone
- Lipoma
- a fatty tumor
- osis
- condition
- Metastasis
- cancer that has spread to a new location
- Osteoarthritis
- inflammation and destruction of bone and joint tissue
- Arterio
- arteries
- /s
- Athero
- fatty or porridge like
- Costectomy
- excision of ribs
- Oncology
- cancer unit
- Atherosclerosis
- hardening of vessel walls
- Intercostal
- between the ribs
- Emesis
- vomiting
- acrocyanosis
- blood does not get enough oxygen to the feet
- Oncologist
- medical specialist in cancer
- Inter
- between
- Adeno
- glands
- dermatitis
- inflammation of the skin
- Leio
- smooth
- Lumbo
- lower back
- Sarco
- malignant connective tissue
- tome
- cutting instrument
- po
- oral
- Supra
- higher, above
- ∆
- change
- xantho
- yellow
- Arthro
- joint
- Ab
- prefix meaning from or away from
- Myo
- muscle
- cyanosis
- condition of blueness
- Carcinoma
- malignant tumor
- Scope
- instrument used to look at something
- Osteo
- bone
- /c
- with
- Adenoma
- tumor of a gland
- Meter
- an instrument used to measure
- Neuro
- nerve
- patho
- disease
- Oma
- tumor
- Suprapubic
- above the pubis
- Encephal
- head
- paralysis
- loss of movement
- Lipo
- fat
- Aberrant
- a structure that wanders from the normal
- Glossectomy
- excision of the tongue
- ectomy
- to cut out
- Stomatitis
- inflammation of the mouth
- Osteomalacia
- softening of the bone
- Enteritis
- inflammation of the small intestine
- Nephro
- kidney
- Stomatoplasty
- surgical repair of the mouth
- Arthroscope
- an instrument used to look into a joint
- Gastrorrhagia
- stomach hemorrhage
- Nephroptosis
- prolapse of the kidney
- Glosso
- tongue
- Osteoitis
- inflammation of the bone
- Stomatopathy
- any disease of the mouth
- Nephrolith
- kidney stone
- Enteroplegia
- paralysis of the small intestine
- Nephritis
- inflammation of the kidney
- Stomato
- mouth
- Pylelitis
- inflammation of the renal pelvis
- Algia
- pain
- Lith
- stone
- Stomatalgia
- pain in the mouth
- Lysis
- destruction
- Hypoglossal
- under the tongue
- Nephromegaly
- enlargement of the kidney
- Glossitis
- inflammation of the tongue
- Nephrolysis
- destruction of the kidney
- Gingivo
- gums
- adult onset diabetes mellitus
- Enteroptosis
- prolapse of the small intestine
- Renal
- pertaining to the kidney
- Dysentery
- disorder of the intestine characterized by inflammation, pain and diarrhea
- Pyleo
- renal pelvis
- Esophageal
- esophagus
- Cysto
- bladder
- Gastritis
- inflammation of the stomach
- Ptosis
- prolapse
- Entero
- small intestine
- Cystitis
- inflammation of the bladder
- Glossoplegia
- paralysis of the tongue
- Ad lib
- as desired
- Dysuria
- pain or burning on urination
- Pyeloplasty
- surgical repair of the renal pelvis
- arterial blood gas
- Hematuria
- blood in the urine