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Comm107 Final


undefined, object
copy deck
Difference between illustrations, examples and specific instances
Illustrations clarify a point

Examples offer proof

Specific instances are condensed examples used to clarify a point
Supporting speech material
Ideas whose purpose it is to clarify a point being made
rhetorical language
use of appropriate language ased on participants, setting, and purpose to accomplish the desired goal
Spiral form of Organization
Make a statement and then give a story or analogy to demonstrate, leaving the audience to apply the message
Topical arrangement
speaks of component parts

ex. a pie is made of crust, filling, fruit, wholesome goodness
unfolding method
ideas bridge from one to another, leaving the central idea for last. Good to use whenever you have a hostile audience.
comparative advantage
state solutions, then demonstrate how the proposal you have is most workable, beneficial, practical.
Elaboration likelihood
You are more persuasive if peoople are motivated to listen to you.
Motivated Sequence
the structure of your speech helps to convince people as well.

(answer Virginia)
Elimination method
list all the possible solution and eliminate the others until you come to yours
Ethnograhic theory
Explains human needs

Pleasure seeking
Survival of the speicies

(PS Tempos Stink)
Maslows Hierarchy of Human Needs
Self Actualization
Social Acceptance
Physiological needs
Psychological Appeals
Enlist emotions

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