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USMLE-diseases and findings

Named diseases and clinical findings for 1st and 2nd year med students


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Stevens-Johnson Syndrome
erythema multiforme, fever, malaise, mucosal ulceration (often 2 to infection or sulfa drugs)
Strawberry gallbladder
IgM against IgG
Rheumatoid arthritis (rheumatoid factor)
Boutonniere's Deformity
rheumatoid arthritis
Patent ductus arteriosus
Maternal rubella and prematurity
polycystic ovary
Lacunar infarct
Chronic hypertension
Fatty Liver
Mid-systolic click
Mitral prolapse
Addisonian Anemia
pernicious anemia (antibodies to intrinsic factor or parietal cells IF Vit B12 megaloblastic anemia)
Port-Wine Stain
Burkitt's Lymphoma
small noncleaved cell lymphoma EBV, 8:14 translocation
Sugar icing on spleen
Portal hypertension
Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease
Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome
thiamine deficiency in alcoholics; bilateral mamillary bodies (confusion, ataxia, ophthalmoplegia)
Lemon sign
Ultrasonographic finding in Neural Tube Defects
Red hyalin globules
Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency (in liver)
Coagulation factor deficiency
Lemon yellow skin color
Pernicious anemia
Strawberry tongue
Scarlet fever, Kawasaki's
Crypt abscesses
Ulcerative colitis
Schwartzman Reaction
Neisseria meningitidis impressive rash with bugs
Shaver's Disease
aluminum inhalation lung fibrosis
Onion skin kidney arterioles
Malignant nephrosclerosis (malignant hypertension)
Diaphragmatic pleural plaques
Cotton Wool Spots
Kimmelstiel-Wilson Nodules
diabetic nephropathy
Takayasu's arteritis
aortic arch syndrome, loss of carotid, radial or ulnar pulses
Eccentric intimal fibrosis with medial hypertrophy
Chronic transplant rejection
Munchausen Syndrome
factitious disorder (consciously creates symptoms, but doesn't know why)
Heterophil Antibodies
infectious mononucleosis (EBV)
Palpable purpura
Hypersensitivity vasculitis (Henoch-Schonlein, serum sickness)
Berger's Disease
IgA nephropathy
Leukocyte alk. Phos. Positive
leukemoid rxn.
Conn's Syndrome
primary aldosteronism
Low set ears
Downs, DiGeorge, Trisomy 18 (Edwards)
Necrolytic migratory erythema dermatitis
-cell islet tumor
Monckeberg's Arteriosclerosis
calcification of the media (usually radial & ulnar aa.), pipestem arteries
Bartter's Syndrome
Lamellar bodies
Contain surfactant in Type II pneumocytes
Krabbe Disease
Beta-galactosidase deficiency
Bernard-Soulier Disease
defect in platelet adhesion (abnormally large platelets & lack of platelet-surface glycoprotein)
Target Cells
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Median nerve entrapment
Warthin-Finkeldey Giant Cells
Concentric laminar intimal fibrosis of small arteries of lung
Primary pulmonary hypertension
Nutmeg Liver
CHF, right heart
Arnold-Chiari Malformation
cerebellar tonsil herniation
Double bubble sign on ultrasound
Down's syndorme - duodenal atresia
defective collagen
Wolff-Chaikoff Effect
high iodine level (*)'s thyroid hormone synthesis
Bouchard's Nodes
osteoarthritis (PIP)
Blue Sclera
Osteogenesis imperfecta
Rouleaux Formation
multiple myeloma RBC's stacked as poker chips
Shagreen patches
Tuberous sclerosis
Hat size increase
Paget's disease of bone
Machine-like murmur
Patent ductus arteriosus
Painless Jaundice
pancreatic CA (head)
de Quervain's Thyroiditis
self-limiting focal destruction (subacute thyroiditis)
Tuberous sclerosis
Rugae loss
Pernicious anemia (atrophic gastritis)
Pink, foamy lung exudate
Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
Condyloma Lata
2* Syphilis
Ferruginous Bodies
Anti-sacharommyces cervisiae antibody
Anti-centromere antibody
Limited scleroderma (CREST)
Tamm-Horsfall protein
Hyaline casts (non-specific)
Struma Ovarii
Thyroid teratoma of ovary
Turner's Syndrome
45, XO
Cold Agglutinins
Mycoplasma pneumoniae; infectious mononucleosis
sickle cell anemia
Brown Tumor
Lacunar cells
Variant of Reed-Sternberg cell seen in nodular sclerosing Hodgkin's Disease
Reid Index Increased
chronic bronchitis
Analgesic abuse
Papillary necrosis, esp. in diabetics
Crigler-Najjar Syndrome
congenital hyperbilirubinemia (unconjugated)
Howell Jolley Bodies
Splenectomy, remnant of nuclear DNA
Bilateral renal cell carcinoma
Von Hippel-Lindau
Aneurysmal nodules
Polyarteritis nodosa
Bloody nipple discharge
Intraductal papilloma
Thymus, parathyroid agenesis
Digeorge (3rd and 4th pharyngeal pouch)
Soldiers plaque
Clinically insignificant remnant of healed pericarditis
Flea-bitten Kidney
Malignant Hypertension
Kaposi Sarcoma
malignant vascular tumor (HHV8 in homosexual men)
Pompe's Disease
glycogen storage disease (acid maltase deficiency) * cardiomegaly
Clue Cells
Gardnerella vaginitis, trichomonas?
X-linked Brutons agammaglobulinemia, and common variable immunodeficiency
Lumpy-Bumpy IF Glomeruli
poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis
Keratin Pearls
Edwards' Syndrome
trisomy 18, rocker-bottom feet, low ears, heart disease
Chagas' Disease
Trypansoma infection sleeping disease, cardiomegaly with apical atrophy, megaesophagus, megacolon
Pott's Disease
tuberculous osteomyelitis of the vertebrae
Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
autoimmune hypothyroidism (antimicrosomal or antithyroglobulin); Hurthle cells, thyroid germinal centers,
VMA and metenephrins in urine
Typhoid Fever
Bradycardia and in white people rose spots on abdomen
Tetrahydrobiopterin cofactor def.
Kaussmaul Breathing
Punched-out esophageal lesions
Malignant pustule
Anthrax (black skin lesion)
Eisenmenger's Complex
late cyanotic shunt (RL) pulmonary HTN & RVH 2 to long-standing VSD, ASD, or PDA
Tetralogy of Fallot
ÊVSD, Ëoverriding aorta, Ìpulmonary artery stenosis, Íright ventricular hypertrophy
parkinsonism with autonomic dysfunction & orthostatic hypotension
RSV, measles
Virchow's Node
supraclavicular node enlargement by metastatic carcinoma of the stomach
Melanosis coli
Laxative abuse
Clear nuclei
Thyroid papillary carcinoma (Orphan Annie's eyes)
Neurofibrillary Tangles
Maple syrup/burnt sugar urine
Alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase deficiency; valine, leucine and isoleucine build up (branched)
Embolizing endocarditis
Infectious, marantic (fibrin deposits in hypercoagulable states)
Tyrosinase deficiency
Gilbert's Syndrome
benign congenital hyperbilirubinemia (unconjugated)
Rockerbottom feet
Patau (Trisomy 13), Edward's (Trisomy 18)
Chediak-Higashi Disease
Phagocyte Deficiency: neutropenia, albinism, cranial & peripheral neuropathy
rheumatoid arthritis
RBC poikilocytosis
esophageal webs & iron-deficiency anemia, SCCA of esophagus
Waldenstrom's macroglobinemia
proliferation of IgM-producing lymphoid cells
endocarditis with small vegetations on valve leaflets, associated with SLE
PAS positive macrophages
Whipple's disease
autoimmune: ab's to glomerular & alveolar basement membranes; linear immunofluorescence
Anti-endomysial antibody
Celiac sprue
1* Syphilis, painless firm ulcers
Mucosal bleeding
Platelet problem (qualitative or quantitative)
Lewy Bodies
Parkinson's (eosinophilic inclusions in damaged substantia nigra cells)
Proliferating bile ducts
Obstructive jaundice
Chordae tendinae short and fused
Rheumatic heart disease
String Sign on X-ray
Crohn's bowel wall thickening
von Recklinghausen's
neurofibromatosis & café au lait spots & Lisch nodule (iris hamartomas)
von Willebrand's Disease
defect in platelet adhesion 2* to deficiency in vWF; increased bleeding time and PTT
Uric Acid
Gout, Lesch Nyhan, Myeloproliferative Disorders, Diuretics (Loop & Thiazides)
gangliosidosis (hexosaminidase A deficiency * GM2 ganglioside)
Hemorrhagic Temporal Lobe Lesion
Chronic staph infections
Chronic granulomatous disease, a deficiency of NADPH oxidase, can't kill catalase positive bugs
initial hyperthyroidism in Hashimoto's Thyroiditis that precedes hypothyroidism
Meig's Syndrome
Triad: ovarian fibroma, ascites, hydrothorax
Rotor Syndrome
congenital hyperbilirubinemia (conjugated), similar to Dubin-Johnson, but no discoloration of the liver
Brushfield Spots
Down's, on iris
Ashleaf spots (skin)
Tuberous sclerosis
Macronodular cirrhosis
Wilson's, viral hepatitis, alpha-1-antitrypsin
Oligoclonal band
Multiple sclerosis
Reiter's Syndrome
urethritis, conjunctivitis, arthritis non-infectious (but often follows infections), HLA-B27, polyarticular
Becker's Muscular Dystrophy
similar to Duchenne, but less severe (deficiency in dystrophin protein)
Rhomboid crystals
Kawasaki Disease
mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome (lips, oral mucosa)
Simian Crease
Down's Syndrome
trisomy 21 or translocation
Berry Aneurysm
circle of Willis (subarachnoid bleed), often associated with ADPKD
Philadelphia Chromosome
Microglial nodules
Gaucher's Disease
Lysosomal Storage Disease glucocerebrosidase deficiency, hepatosplenomegaly, femoral head & long bone erosion, anemia
Frontal bossing
Sickle cell anemia
Chocolate Cysts
Depigmentation Of Substantia Nigra
Spitz Nevus
juvenile melanoma (always benign)
Antiplatelet Antibodies
idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
Hyaline thrombi
Henoch-Schonlein purpura
hypersensivity vasculitis
Spike & Dome Glomeruli
membranous glomerulonephritis
Addison's Disease
primary adrenocortical deficiency
Wrinkled glomerular basement membrane
Simmond's Disease
pituitary cachexia
Nelson's Syndrome
1* Adrenal Cushings * surgical removal of adrenals * loss of negative feedback to pituitary * Pituitary Adenoma
Charcot Triad
multiple sclerosis (nystagmus, intention tremor, scanning speech)
Porcelain gallbladder
Chronic cholecystitis (scarring)
Teardrop RBCs
Scalloped colloid
Grave's disease
Joint Mice
osteoarthritis (fractured osteophytes)
Sjogren's Syndrome
triad: dry eyes, dry mouth, arthritis risk of B-cell lymphoma
Ectopia Lentis
Riedel's Thyroiditis
idiopathic fibrous replacement of thyroid
Erythema Chronicum Migrans
Lyme Disease
Plexiform lesions
Pulmonary HTN (aneurysmal expansion of vessel wall)
prion infection * cerebellar & cerebral degeneration
IBD; ileocecum, transmural, skip lesions, lymphocytic infiltrate, granulomas, (contrast to UC: limited to colon, mucosa & submucosa, crypt abscesses, pseudopolyps, * colon cancer risk)
hemisection of cord (contralateral loss of pain & temp / ipsilateral loss of fine touch, UMN)
dopamine receptors
Night pain relieved by aspirin
Osteoid osteoma
Cystathioine synthase deficieny
idiopathic polyneuritis (ascending muscle weakness & paralysis; usually self-limiting)
Fanconi's Syndrome
impaired proximal tubular reabsorption 2* to lead poisoning or Tetracycline (glycosuria, hyperphosphaturia, aminoaciduria, systemic acidosis)
Galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase deficiency or galactokinase deficiency
Pink Puffer
Emphysema Centroacinar - smoking Panacinar - 1-antitrypsin deficiency
Bilateral breast cancer
Lobular carcinoma
Auer Rods
acute promyelocytic leukemia (AML type M3)
Strawberry cervix
Trichomonas vaginalis
Pick Bodies
Pick's Disease
Rash on Palms & Soles
2 Syphilis
Kernig's sign
Brudzinski sign
post-hepatic venous thrombosis
Wegener's Granulomatosis
necrotizing granulomatous vasculitis of paranasal sinuses, lungs, kidneys, etc.
Trousseau's Sign
visceral ca, classically pancreatic (migratory thrombophlebitis), hypocalcemia (carpal spasm) (These are two entirely different disease processes and different signs, but they unfortunately have the same name.)
Boot-Shaped Heart
Tetralogy of Fallot
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Non-pitting Edema
Myxedema, Anthrax Toxin
Atypical lymphocytes
Buerger's Disease
acute inflammation of small, medium arteries * painful ischemia * gangrene
Bladder trabeculation
Ankylosing spondylitis, psoriasis, IBD, Reiter's syndrome
McArdle's Disease
glycogen storage disease (muscle phosphorylase deficiency)
Disease: hypercorticism 2* to * ACTH from pituitary (basophilic adenoma), Syndrome: hypercorticism of all other causes (1* adrenal or ectopic)
dopamine receptors
Congenital Hepatic Fibrosis
Polycystic Kidney Disease, juvenile autosomal recessive form
Peutz-Jegher's Syndrome
melanin pigmentation of lips, mouth, hand, genitalia plus hamartomatous polyps of small intestine
Soap Bubble on X-Ray
giant cell tumor of bone
Wernicke's Aphasia
Sensory Aphasia impaired comprehension
Bell's Palsy
CNVII palsy (entire face; recall that UMN lesion only affects lower face)
Heart Failure Cells
CHF; hemosiderin-laden macrophages in lungs
Punched-Out Bone Lesions
multiple myeloma
Curling's Ulcer
acute gastric ulcer associated with severe burns
Phenylalanine hydroxylase deficiency
Central Nuclei in Muscle
Muscular dystrophies
Monoclonal Antibody Spike
multiple myeloma this is called the M protein (usually IgG or IgA)
Neuritic Plaques
Palatal Petechaie
Strep pharyngitis
Peyronie's Disease
subcutaneous fibrosis of dorsum of penis
Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome
immunodeficiency: combined B- &T-cell deficiency (thrombocytopenia & eczema)
Eyrthroplasia of Queyrat
carcinoma in situ on glans penis
Bruton's Disease
X-linked agammaglobinemia
von Recklinghausen's Disease of Bone
osteitis fibrosa cystica ("brown tumor") 2* to hyperparathyroidism
Porcelain gallstones
Associated with gallbladder adenocarcinoma
Job's Syndrome
immune deficiency: neutrophils fail to respond to chemotactic stimuli
Osler-Weber-Rendu Syndrome
Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia
Tourette's Syndrome
involuntary actions, both motor and vocal
11-hydroxylase deficiency
virilism, no cortisol, salt retention, hypertension
acute disseminated Langerhans' cell histiocytosis
TTP (fever, anemia, thrombocytopenia, renal failure, neuro problems)
dopamine depletion in nigrostriatal tracts; Cogwheel rigidity
Duret Hemorrhages
Uncal herniation
Pancoast Tumor
bronchogenic tumor with superior sulcus involvement * Horner's Syndrome
Anti-jo antibody
osteoarthritis (polished, ivory-like appearance of bone)
Tram-Track Glomeruli
membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
Rectangular RBC's
Hemoglobin SC
HGPRT deficiency, gout, retardation, self-mutilation
Dubin-Johnson Syndrome
congenital hyperbilirubinemia (conjugated), striking brown-to-black discoloration of the liver
Albright's Syndrome
polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, precocious puberty, café au lait spots, short stature, young girls
Weil's Disease
Tingible Bodies
Macrophage in lymph node germinal centers
Micronodular cirrhosis
Wilsons, alcoholic, hemochromatosis, primary biliary cirrhosis
Swiss cheese brain
Clostridia (gas forming)
Pulmonary atherosclerosis
Cor pulmonale
Anti-smooth muscle antibody
Autoimmune hepatitis type I
Carbon monoxide poisoning
hyperemia, edema and necrosis of globus
Cold thyroid nodules
Colloid cyst or thyroid adenoma
Councilman Bodies
dying hepatocytes
progressive dementia; tau proteins, neurofibrillary tangles, apolipoprotein E4 allele, narrow gyri and wide sulci (atrophy), occipital sparing, hydrocephalus ex vacuo, plaques in hippocampus and cortex, Acetylcholine, Hiramo bodies (inrtacellular inclusion bodies in hippocampal cells)
Asbestos exposure
Splinter hemorrhages
Infective endocarditis
Laennec's Cirrhosis
alcoholic cirrhosis
Birbeck Granules
histiocytosis X (eosinophilic granuloma)
Paget's Disease
abnormal bone architecture (thickened, numerous fractures * pain) , woven and lamellar bone mosaic
Coin Lesions in Lung
Pulmonary Hamartoma
Heberden's Nodes
Osteoarthritis (DIP)
Amyloid in thyroid
Thyroid medullary carcinoma (calcitonin)
Kartagener's Syndrome
immotile cilia 2 to defective dynein arms infection, situs inversus, sterility
Smudge cells
CLL (delicate cells easily destroyed on peripheral smear)
Decreased alpha-L-iduronidase
Hirschprung's Disease
aganglionic megacolon
Sulfer granules
Collection of actinomyces or nocardia organisms in chronic abscessing bronchopneumonia
Minimal change disease
Hirano Bodies
Anterior vermian atrophy
Gold Pneumonia
Lipid pneumonia, exogenous (aspiration) or endogenous (obstruction
Aschoff Bodies
rheumatic fever
Lines of Zahn
arterial thrombus
TIBC increase
Anemia of chronic disease
AFP in amniotic fluid or mother's serum
Spina Bifida; Anencephaly
Anti-Smith antibodies
Specific for SLE, anti-ribonulceoprotein
Donovan Bodies
granuloma inguinale (STD)
Reinke Crystals
Leydig cell tumor
gout (MP joint of hallux)
Mallory Bodies
Alcoholic liver disease: intermediate filaments of hepatocyte cytoskeleton
Psammoma Bodies
Papillary adenocarcinoma of the thyroid, Serous papillary cystadenocarcinoma of the ovary, Meningioma, Mesothelioma
Ghon Complex
Tuberculosis, primary
columnar metaplasia of lower esophagus (* risk of adenocarcinoma)
Pick's Disease
progressive dementia similar to Alzheimer's, knife-edged gyri
Wire Loop Glomeruli
lupus nephropathy, type IV
von Gierke's Disease
glycogen storage disease (G6Pase deficiency)
Tendinous Xanthomas
Familial Hypercholesterolemia
Crushed ping pong balls
Pneumocystis carinii
Bronze Diabetes
Lisch Nodules
neurofibromatosis (von Recklinhausen's disease)
Sheehan's Syndrome
postpartum pituitary necrosis
Notching of Ribs
Coarctation of Aorta
gastrin-secreting tumor of pancreas (or intestine) * * acid * intractable ulcers
Lou Gehrig's
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis degeneration of upper & lower motor neurons
S3 Heart Sound
L ->R Shunt (VSD, PDA); Mitral Regurg; LV Failure
Charcot-Leyden Crystals
bronchial asthma
Contraction Band Necrosis
Temporal lobe encephalitis
Sipple's Syndrome
MEN type IIa (pheochromocytoma, thyroid medulla, parathyroid)
chronic progressive histiocytosis
Blueberry muffin baby
Decreased iduronosulfate sulfatase
Michealis-Gutmann Bodies
Malakoplakia, an abnormal tissue response to kidney infection
Thymidine dimers
Xeroderma pigmentosum
Wermer's Syndrome
MEN type I (thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal cortex, pancreatic islets, pituitary)
elastin defect, floppy mitral valve, arachnodactyly, cystic medial necrosis, subluxed lens
Caisson Disease
gas emboli
Mallory-Weis Syndrome
bleeding from esophagogastric lacerations 2* to wretching (alcoholics)
Curschmann's Spirals
bronchial asthma
Gower's Maneuver
Duchenne's MD use of arms to stand
Glanzmann's Thrombasthenia
defective glycoproteins on platelets
Non-embolizing endocarditis
Rheumatic, Libman-Sacks (with SLE)
Wallenberg's Syndrome
Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery (PICA) thrombosis "Medullary Syndrome", Ipsilateral: ataxia, facial pain & temp; Contralateral: body pain & temp
von Hippel-Lindau
hemangioma (or hemangioblastoma), adenomas of the viscera, especially renal cell carcinoma
Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction
Syphilis over-aggressive treatment of an asymptomatic pt. that causes symptoms 2 to rapid lysis
Ochronosis (dark pigment of fibrous tissue)
Alkaptonuria -homogentisic acid oxidase deficiency
Tumor arising in cells of Cajal (pacemakers of gut)
Cori's Disease
glycogen storage disease (debranching enzyme deficiency)
Broca's Aphasia
Motor Aphasia intact comprehension
Rheumatic fever
Bowen's Disease
carcinoma in situ on shaft of penis (* risk of visceral ca)
Whipple's Disease
malabsorption syndrome (with bacteria-laden macrophages) & polyarthritis
Spider telangiectasia
Hyperestrinism: liver failure, pregnancy
Sezary Syndrome
leukemic form of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (mycosis fungoides)
Cheyne-Stokes Breathing
cerebral lesion
Tree bark aorta
Posterior Anterior Drawer Sign
tearing of the ACL
Amnion nodosum
Renal agenesis
Vincent's Infection
"trench mouth" - acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
Mees lines
Arsenic (parallel lines on fingernails)
Turcot's Syndrome
adenomatous polyps of colon plus CNS tumors
Cholesterol clefts
Dew drop on rose petal
Chicken pox
glucose, protein in CSF
Bacterial meningitis
Disease: recurrent vasospasm in extremities, Phenomenon: 2* to underlying disease (SLE or scleroderma)
Garlic odor on breath
Arsenic (or lasagna)
Thyroidization of Kidney
chronic pyelonephritis
Bacterial conjunctivitis
S. aureus, strep. pneumo, Hemophilus aegyptius
Alport's Syndrome
hereditary nephritis with nerve deafness, Type 4 collagen defect (basement membranes)
Honeycomb lung
Pulmonary fibrosis
Smith Antigen
SLE (also anti-dsDNA)
Argyll-Robertson Pupil
loss of light reflex constriction (contralateral or bilateral), "Prostitute's Eye" - accommodates but does not react, Pathognomonic for 3Syphilis
Periventricular Calcifications
Congenital CMV (brain ventricles, that is)
Human placental lactogen increase
Placental site trophoblastic tumor
Hamman-Rich Syndrome
idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Gardner's Syndrome
adenomatous polyps of colon plus osteomas & soft tissue tumors
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
deficiency of dystrophin protein * MD X-linked recessive
Briquet's Syndrome
somatization disorder
White matter petechiae
Fat emboli
Zenker's Diverticulum
esophageal; cricopharyngeal muscles above UES
Adhesive arachnoiditis
Caused by bacterial meningitis, leads to obstructive hydrocephalus
Arachnoid cap cells, whorls of cells
Reye's Syndrome
microvesicular fatty liver change & encephalopathy, 2* to aspirin ingestion in children following viral illness
Negri Bodies and hydrophobia
Periductal edema
Excavation of Optic Cup
Codman's Triangle
Ewing Sarcoma
undifferentiated round cell tumor of bone
Koplik Spots
Waterhammer pulse
Aortic regurgitation
Call-Exner Bodies
granulosa cell tumor
Cardiomegaly with Apical Atrophy
Chagas' Disease
Microsatellite instability
HNPCC (right-sided colon cancer), but also possible in other cancers
Meconium ileus
Cystic Fibrosis
AFP increase
Neural tube defects, hepatocellular carcinoma, yolk sac and embryonal carcinoma
Rim pattern
SLE, staining pattern with anti-double stranded DNA antibodies
Hypochromic Microcytic RBCs
iron-deficiency anemia
Osteoid production
Piecemeal Necrosis
Chronic active hepatitis (periportal hepatocytes)
Kallman's syndrome
Cushing's Ulcer
acute gastric ulcer associated with CNS trauma
Index finger overlapping 3rd and 4th
Edward's (Trisomy 18)
Lysosomal Storage Disease sphingomyelinase deficiency,"foamy histiocytes"
Grave's Disease
autoimmune hyperthyroidism (TSI)
Fish-mouthed mitral valve
Rheumatic heart disease
Currant-Jelly Sputum
Basophilic Stippling of RBCs
lead poisoning
Chvostek's Sign
Hypocalcemia facial spasm in tetany
Felty's Syndrome
rheumatoid arthritis, neutropenia, splenomegaly
Mousy / musty odor
Heinz Bodies
G6PDH Deficiency
DiGeorge's Syndrome
thymic hypoplasia * T-cell deficiency
Horner's Syndrome
ptosis, miosis, anhidrosis (lesion of cervical sympathetic nerves often 2* to a Pancoast tumor)
Hemorrhagic Urticaria
Keyser-Fleischer Ring
Haemophilus ducreyi, painful soft ulcers
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
21-hydroxylase deficiency: virilism, no cortisol, salt loss, hypotension
Winged scapula
Long thoracic nerve (C5,6,7) damage, common with radical mastectomy
Jacksonian Seizures
epileptic events originating in the primary motor cortex (area 4)
Osteogenesis imperfecta
Type I collagen defect
Reed-Sternberg Cells
Hodgkin's Disease
Ulcerative colitis
Albumino-Cytologic Dissociation
Guillain-Barre (markedly increased protein in CSF with only modest increase in cell count)
Still's Disease
juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (absence of rheumatoid factor)
Plummer's Syndrome
hyperthyroidism, nodular goiter, absence of eye signs (Plummer's = Grave's - eye signs)
Red Morning Urine
paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
WBC Casts
Potter's Complex
renal agenesis * oligohydramnios * hypoplastic lungs, defects in extremities
Hypersegmented PMNs
Megaloblastic anemia
progressive degeneration of caudate nucleus, putamen & frontal cortex; AD
catastrophic adrenal insufficiency 2* to hemorrhagic necrosis (eg, DIC), often 2* to meningiococcemia
bilateral lesions of amygdala (hypersexuality; oral behavior)
Anti-mitochondrial antibody
Primary biliary cirrhosis
Fungus ball in lung
Dressler's Syndrome
Post-MI Fibrinous Pericarditis autoimmune
H shaped vertebrae
Sickle cell anemia
Mental probs. with heart defect
Mitral prolapse
Rose thorns
Langhans giant cells
Tuberculosis, other including coccidioides
Klinefelter's Syndrome
47, XXY
AFP decrease
UMN lesion
Pautrier's Microabscesses
mycosis fungoides (cutaneous T-cell lymphoma)
McBurney's Sign
appendicitis (McBurney's Point is 2/3 of the way from the umbilicus to anterior superior iliac spine)
Krukenberg Tumor
adenocarcinoma with signet-ring cells (typically originating from the stomach) metastases to the ovaries
Gray discoloration of skin
Argyria (silver poisoning)
Hereditary Spherocytosis
RBC cytoskeletin defect, most commonly spectrin
Loss of grey-white junction
Tuberous sclerosis
Cherry-red spot on macula
Tay-Sachs, 50% of Niemann-Pick
Wilson's Disease
hepatolenticular degeneration (copper accumulation & decrease in ceruloplasmin)
Menetrier's Disease
giant hypertrophic gastritis (enlarged rugae; plasma protein loss)
Anti-DNA topoisomerase antibody
Diffuse scleroderma
S4 Heart Sound
Pulmonary Stenosis, Pulmonary HTN
Crescents In Bowman's Capsule
rapidly progressive (crescentic glomerulonephritis)
False positive VDRL
SLE, Treponema pertenue (non-STD tropical infection)
Weber's Syndrome
Paramedian Infarct of Midbrain, Ipsilateral: mydriasis; Contralateral: UMN paralysis (lower face & body)
Bence Jones Protein
multiple myeloma free light chains (either kappa or lambda) Waldenstrom's macroglobinemia
Erb-Duchenne Palsy
trauma to superior trunk of brachial plexus Waiter's Tip
Meckel's Diverticulum
rule of 2's: 2 inches long, 2 feet from the ileocecum, in 2% of the population, embryonic duct origin; may contain ectopic tissue (gastric, pancreatic, etc.)
Tethered cord
Arnold-Chiari malformation (tonsilar herniation)
Acute appendicitis
Blue Bloater
Chronic Bronchitis

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