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What is found at the beginning of the food chain?
What is the name for the identical chromosomes that coil up after replication?
What are consumers?
organisms that rely on other organisms for food
During which phase do the sister chromatids separate so that one set of single stranded chromosomes moves to the opposite sides of the cell?
What is the chemical formula for photosynthesis (KNOW THIS!!!!)
6CO2 + 6H2O + light (chlorophyll) = C6H12O6 + O2
What is glucose?
simplest form of sugar
Where are stomatoa located?
underside of leaves
What are the products in anaerobic respiration in certain bacteria and yeast?
carbon dioxide and alcohol
What is cytokinesis?
the division of the cytoplasm resulting in two new identical daughter cells each with the same number and kind of chromosomes as the parent cell
Where in the cell does the first stage of respiration take place?
What is photosynthesis?
the process by which producers change light energy into chemical energy
Where in the cell does the second stage of respiration take place?
During which pahse does the nuclear membrane and nucleolus reappear?
What are carnivores?
meat eating consumers
During what phase of mitosis do the nuclear membrane and the nucleolus disappear?
During which phase do sister chromatids face opposite poles?
What is cell respiration without oxygen called?
anaerobic respiration
What are the reactants during cellular respiration?
glucose (sugar) and oxygen
What is fermentation?
form of respiration that releases energy from glucose when there is not enough O2
When do chromosomes replicate?
right before mitosis
What is a sister chromatid?
the name of each of the 2 chromatids of the one chromosome that has replicated
What is metabolism?
total of all activities of an organism that enables it to stay alive, grow, and reproduce
What are chromosomes composed of?
DNA and protein
What is cell division controlled by?
DNA in the nucleus
What is cell respiration with oxygen called?
aerobic respiration
What do the identical daughter cells have?
the same number and kind of chromosomes as the parent cell
What are the products during cellular respiration?
carbon dioxide and water
Where are genes located?
on chromosomes
What do spindle attach to?
the centomere of each sister chromatid
What is interphase?
period between cell divisions
What is the formula for cellular respiration (KNOW THIS!!!)
C6H12O6 + 6O2 = 6CO2 + 6H2O+ E (energy)
What are the different types of consumers?
herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores
During which phase do spindle form?
What are the products during photosynthesis?
Glucose (C6H12O6) and Oxygen (O2)
What is the chemical formula for glucose?
What are chromosomes called before cell reproduction?
What does a chromosome look like during phosphase?
Why is starch formed during photosynthesis?
stored for future use
What are the purposes of cell division?
growth, development, repair, replacement of worn out cells, and reproduction of new cells
What are identical parts called (after replication)?
How many chromosomes do humans have?
46 or 23 pair
What are chromatin?
what chromosomes are (long, thin threads - can't see individual chromosomes) before cell reproduction
What are pigments?
colored chemical compounds that absorb light
What is light energy transformed into during photosynthesis?
chemical energy
What do chromosomes do before the cell divides?
replicate - make copies of themselves
What is the term to describe an organism that makes its own food?
What does each kind of organism have?
a specific number of chromosomes per cell
What is the main pigmentfound in the chloroplasts of plants?
Where does photosynthesis occur?
What makes bubbles that make bread with yeast rise?
carbon dioxide
What are the phases of mitosis?
phosphase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase
What is released into the air when bread rises?
During what phase of mitosis do chromosomes become visible as double stranded?
What are the reactants during photosynthesis?
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Water (H2O)
What makes up the cell walls of plants?
Chromatids are held together by what?
How do chromosomes appear in a sexually reproducing organism?
in pairs
During which phase do chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell?
During which phase do cells begin to pinch in?
What does the number of different pairs =?
n or the haploid number
How many phases does mitosis have?
How is energy stored during respiration?
as ATP (Adenosine TriPhosphate)
What is respiration?
the breakdown of glucose in the presence of oxygen to produce energy
Which color of light does chlorophyll reflect most and what percent?
95 % green
What are the 2 members of each pair of chromosomes called as they are structurally similar?
How does chlorophyll make a leaf look green?
it changes color depending on the amount of sunlight intake
What does stomata mean?
little mouths
What are omnivores?
consumers that eat both plants and meat
What are producers?
organisms that make their own food
How does oxygen enter and leave plants?
through pores called stomata
What are herbivores?
plant eating consumers
What is the purpose of interphase?
time of cell growth, cell maintenance, cell work,
What is the term for the final stage of the cell cycle?
What carries information that controls the traits that are passed on to offspring?
What causes muscles to be sore and stiff during anaerobic respiration?
lactic acid
What is an heterotroph?
an organism that cannot make its own food
Which type of respiration produces less energy?
What are some of the products of anaerobic respiration in muscle cells when the muscles are working so hard that oxygen is not supplied fast enough so anaerobic instead of aerobic respiration takes place?
Carbon dioxide (CO2) and lactic acid

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