Breves X
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- Inhumanitas omni aetate molesta est
- Inhumanity is harmful in every age. (Cicero)
- Nervos belli, pecuniam. (Nervus rerum.)
- The nerve of war, money. (The nerve of things.) (Cicero)
- Locus standi
- The right to be heard in court
- Pro tempore (pro tem.)
- For the time being
- Aut viam inveniam aut faciam
- I will either find a way or make one
- De asini vmbra disceptare
- To argue about the shadow of an ass. (petty things for petty mind)
- Exterioris pagina puella
- Cover Girl
- Volvptates commendat rarior vsvs
- Infrequent use commends pleasure. (moderation in all things)
- O tempora, O mores!
- Oh, the times! Oh, the morals! (Cicero)
- Suggestio falsi
- Suggestion of something false
- Noli nothis permittere te terere
- Don’t let the bastards get you down
- Deo adiuvante
- With God's help
- Sapere aude!
- Dare to be wise! (Horace)
- Nomen est omen
- The name is the sign
- Ratio et consilium propriae ducis artes
- Reason and deliberation are the proper skills of a general
- Via dolorosa
- The Way of Sorrow
- Natura in minima maxima
- Nature is the greatest in the smallest things
- Ex officio
- By virtue of his office
- Quique amavit, cras amet
- May he love tomorrow who has never loved before;
- Age quod agis
- Do what you do well, pay attention to what you are doing
- Lingua franca
- French tongue
- Quaque mane (Qm)
- Every morning
- Fidei defensor
- Defender of the faith
- Caeli enarrant gloriam dei
- The heavens declare the glory of God
- Floruit
- Flourished
- Facilius per partes in cognitionem totius adducimur
- We are more easily led part by part to an understanding of the whole. (Seneca)
- Quorum
- Of whom
- Pulvis et umbra sumus
- We are dust and shadow. (Horace)
- Ceteris paribus
- All else being equal
- Elizabeth Regina/Eduardus Rex (E.R.)
- Queen Elizabeth/King Edward
- Scripsit
- He/she wrote it
- Revelare pecunia!
- Show me the money!
- Quo ad hoc
- As much as this (to this extent)
- Crux
- Puzzle
- Re
- Concerning
- Veritas vos liberabit
- The truth will set you free
- In loco
- In the place of
- Sub poena
- Under penalty of law
- Primum non nocere
- The first thing is to do no harm. (Hippocratic oath)
- Vive vt vivas
- Live that you may live
- Placet
- It pleases
- Intelligo me intelligere
- I understand that I understand. (St. Augustine)
- Peculium
- Property
- Vrbi et orbi
- To the city and to the world. (preface of Papal documents)
- Totum dependeat!
- Let it all hang out!
- Conditio sine qua non
- Condition without which not, or an essential condition or requirement
- In dubiis non est agendum
- In dubious cases, you should not act
- Loquitur (Loq.)
- He/she speaks
- Et tu, brute!
- You too, Brutus! Even you have betrayed me! (Caesar's last words)
- Non, mihi ignosce, credo me insequentem esse
- No, excuse me, I believe I'm next
- Inter arma silent leges
- In time of war, laws are silent
- Inter canum et lupum
- Between a dog and a wolf
- Non serviam
- I will not serve
- Inter nos
- Between ourselves
- Sumptus censum ne superet
- Let not your spending exceed your income (live within your means)
- Pretium iustum est
- The Price is Right
- Sine die
- Without a day (being set)
- Omnes aequo animo parent ubi digni imperant
- All men cheerfully obey where worthy men rule. (Syrus)
- Homo nudus cum nuda iacebat
- Naked they lay together, man and woman
- Ubique
- Everywhere
- In libris libertas
- In books (there is) freedom
- Vir bonus, dicendi peritus
- A good man, skilled in speaking. (definition of an orator) (Cato the Elder)
- De profundis
- Up from the depths (of misery)
- Mvndvs vvlt decipi
- The world wishes to be deceived there's a sucker born every minute
- Pater familias
- Father of the family
- Necesse est multos timeat quem multi timent
- He must fear many, whom many fear. (Laberius)
- Ventis secundis, tene cursum
- Go with the flow
- Iunctis viribus
- By united efforts
- Quod differtur, non aufertur
- That which is postponed is not dropped. Inevitable is yet to happen. (Sir Thomas More)
- Vacca, vacca, vacca
- Cow, cow, cow
- Orbes volantes exstare
- Flying saucers are real
- Sine sole sileo
- Without the sun I'm silent. (sundial inscription)
- Unitas mirabile vinculum
- The wonderful bond of unity
- Maximus in minimis
- Great in little things
- Ave caesar! Morituri te salutamus
- Hail Caesar! We who are about to die salute you. (gladiators before the fight)
- Dominus vobiscum
- May the Lord be with you (Plural)
- Una salus victis nullam sperare salutem
- The one safety for the vanquished is to abandon hope of safety knowing there is no hope can give one the courage to fight and win
- Cogito sumere potum alterum
- I think I'll have another drink
- Frater, ave atque vale
- Brother, hello and good
- Millennium (millennia)
- A thousand year period
- Prescriptio in manibus tabellariorium est
- The check is in the mail
- Memorabilia
- Memorable things
- Fiat volvntas tva
- Let Thy will [be done] (Biblical)
- Vale, lacerte!
- See you later, alligator!
- Interdum feror cupidine partium magnarum europe vincendarum
- Sometimes I get this urge to conquer large parts of Europe
- Probae esti in segetem sunt deteriorem datae fruges, tamen ipsae suaptae enitent
- A good seed, planted even in poor soil, will bear rich fruit by its own nature. (Accius)
- Moratorium
- A delay
- In perpetuum
- To all time
- Te audire non possum. Musa sapientum fixa est in aure
- I can't hear you. I have a banana in my ear
- Terminus ad quem
- The end to which
- Ultimo (ult.)
- Of the previous month
- Semper paratus
- Always prepared
- Cedo maiori
- I yield to a greater person
- Nemo dat quod non habet
- No one gives what he does not have
- Non teneas aurum totum quod splendet ut aurum
- Do not take as gold everything that shines like gold
- Magnas inter oper inops
- A pauper in the midst of wealth. (Horace)
- Dixi
- I have spoken. (I will say no more on the matter, and no one else may speak further)
- Tempus neminem manet
- Time waits for no one
- Corpus christi
- The body of Christ
- Verbum sapienti satis est
- A word to the wise is sufficient. Enough said
- Dum vita est spes est
- While life is, hope is. / While there is life there is hope
- Lex malla, lex nulla
- A bad law is no law. (St. Thomas Aquinas)
- Id imperfectum manet dum confectum erit
- It ain't over until it's over
- Vita sine libris mors est
- Life without books is death
- Per capita
- Per head
- Quidvis Recte Factum Quamvis Humile Praeclarum
- Whatever is rightly done, however humble, is noble
- Iure divino
- By divine law
- Ventis secundis, tene/tenete cursum
- The winds being favorable, hold the course
- Seriatim
- One after another in order
- Opus dei
- The work of God
- Urbi et orbi
- To the city [Rome] and to the globe
- Cum tacent, clamant
- When they remain silent, they cry out. (Their silence speaks louder than words) (Cicero)
- Vade in pace
- Go in peace. (Roman way of saying goodbye)
- Nemo repente fuit turpissimus
- No one ever became thoroughly bad in one step. (Juvenal)
- Ex gratia
- Purely as a favour
- Laus Deo
- Praise be to God
- Vltima ratio regvm
- The final argument of kings. (motto of Louis XIV on his cannon)
- Anno mundi
- In the year of the world
- Tam diu minime visu!
- Long time, no see!
- Decrevi
- I have decreed
- Uti, non abuti
- To use, not abuse
- Victis honor
- Honour to the vanquished
- Litoralis
- Beach bum
- Nemo ante mortem beatus
- Nobody is blessed before his death. We never know what is future preparing for us!
- Rident stolidi verba latina
- Fools laugh at the Latin language. (Ovid)
- Indulgentiam quaeso
- I ask your indulgence
- Viva voce
- With living voice
- Valui ad satanam in computatrum meum invocandum
- I succeeded in summoning satan into my computer
- Dulcius ex asperis
- Through difficulty, sweetness
- Pater Noster
- Our Father. The first words of the Lord's Prayer in Latin
- Trahimur omnes laudis studio
- We are all led on by our eagerness for praise. (Cicero)
- Credula vitam spes fovet et melius cras fore semper dicit
- Credulous hope supports our life, and always says that tomorrow will be better. (Tibullus)
- Pro nunc
- For now
- Ignotus (ign.)
- Unknown
- Ars longa, vita brevis
- Art (work) is long, but life is short
- Heus, hic nos omnes in agmine sunt!
- Hey, we're all in line here!
- Quod licet Iovi non licet bovi
- What Jupiter (supreme God) is allowed to do, cattle (people) are not
- Perpetuum mobile
- Something in perpetual motion
- Pavesco, pavesco
- I'm shaking, I'm shaking
- Nullum crimen sine lege, nulla poena sine lege
- No crime and no punishment without a (pre
- Aqua fortis
- Nitric acid
- Delenda est carthago
- Carthage must be destroyed
- Arcana imperii
- Secrets of the empire
- Nihil est ab omni parte beatum
- Nothing is good in every part. (Horace)
- Diligentia maximum etiam mediocris ingeni subsidium
- Diligence is a very great help even to a mediocre intelligence. (Seneca)
- Simia quam similis, turpissimus bestia, nobis!
- How like us is that very ugly beast the monkey. (Cicero)
- Summum bonum
- The highest good
- Anno (an.)
- Year
- Exitus acta probat
- The outcome proves the deeds. (the end justifies the means) (Ovid)
- Paucis verbis
- In a few words
- Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus
- Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon. (This is the motto of Harry Potter's alma mater)
- Nolite id cogere, cape malleum majorem
- Don't force it, get a bigger hammer
- Sciri facias
- Cause (him) to know
- Tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis
- The times change, and we change with them. (John Owen)
- Hoc erat in votis
- This was among my prayers
- Tarditas et procrastinatio odiosa est
- Delay and procrastination is hateful. (Cicero)
- Hic jacet (HJ)
- Here lies. (written on gravestones or tombs)
- Pro se
- On one's own behalf
- Qvis cvstodiet iposos cvstodes
- Who will guard those selfsame guardians? Don't assign a fox to guard the henhouse
- In aeternum
- For eternity
- In pleno
- In full
- Te Deum
- Thee, God
- Diem perdidi
- I have lost a day (another day wasted) (Titus)
- Mea culpa
- Through my fault
- Absente reo
- In absence of the defendant
- Amoto quaeramus seria ludo
- Joking aside, let us turn to serious matters. (Horace)
- Qvae nocent docent
- Things that hurt, teach. School of Hard Knocks
- Quod bonum, felix faustumque sit!
- May it be good, fortunate and prosperous! (Cicero)
- Bis interimitur qui suis armis perit
- He is doubly destroyed who perishes by his own arms. (Syrus)
- Me oportet propter praeceptum te nocere
- I'm going to have to hurt you on principle
- Ab ovo
- From the egg
- Risu inepto res ineptior nulla est
- There is nothing more foolish than a foolish laugh. (Catullus)
- Pleno iure
- With full authority
- Per aspera ad astra
- Through the thorns to the stars
- Qvod erat demonstrandvm
- [that] which has been demonstrated
- Inter spem et metum
- Between hope and fear
- Mulier taceat in ecclesia
- Let the woman be silent in church. (Paul)
- Ubicumque homo est, ibi benefici locus est
- Wherever there is a man, there is a place of/for kindness/service
- In totidem verbis
- in so many words
- Pro memoria
- For a memorial
- Caeci caecos ducentes
- Blind are led by the blind. Leaders are not more knowledgeable than the ones they lead
- Amantes sunt amentes
- Lovers are lunatics
- Editio princeps
- first printed edition
- Dies non
- Business free day
- Braccae illae virides cum subucula rosea et tunica Caledonia
- quam elenganter concinnatur!
- Litterae humaniores
- The humanities
- Cogitationis poenam nemo patitur
- Nobody should be punished for his thoughts
- Crescite et multiplicamini
- Increase and multiply
- Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
- Let him who wishes for peace prepare for war. (Vegetius)
- In rerum natura
- In the nature of things
- Proprium humani ingenii est odisse quem laeseris
- It is human nature to hate a person whom you have injured
- Libenter homines id quod volunt credunt
- Men gladly believe that which they wish for. (Caesar)
- Nullum saeculum magnis ingeniis clausum est
- No generation is closed to great talents. (Seneca)
- Scio cur summae inter se dissentiant! Numeris Romanis utor!
- I know why the numbers don't agree! I use Roman numerals!
- Tertium quid
- A third something
- Ex parte
- By only one party to a dispute in the absence of the other
- Abusus non tollit usum
- Wrong use does not preclude proper use
- Rosa rubicundior, lilio candidior, omnibus formosior, semper in te glorior
- Redder than the rose, whiter than the lilies, fairer than everything, I will always glory in thee
- Si Deus pro nobis quis contra nos
- If God is with us who is against us