European Colonization
European Colonization: 1492-1700
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- 1585
- The first British colony in the US, Roanoke; failed miserably
- 1800
- Napolean won back the Lousiana Territory
- Line of Demarcation
- an imaginary line seperating the world into territories Spain could control and territories that Portugal could control; Gave western hemisphere (except for brazil) to spain and asia to portugal
- British reasons for colonizing
- Northwest passage; investments in joint-stock companies; lure of raw materials (essential to egland's expanding manufacturing economy); means to accumulate precious resources; colonies acted as a counterbalance to the power of other countries
- Restrictions on colonization
- English colonies could not spread farther west than the appilachian mountains because of france controlling from the ohio river valley to louisiana
- Reasons for Spanish Decline
- Increased pressure from other nations (especially dutch); problems in spain; declining profits due to colonial expenses; huge military expenditures for the army and navy fleet to protect the colonies
- Jamestown
- first permanent colony; established in 1606 by the Virginia Company; original colony suffered from disease, internal strife, starvation, and dependance on the mother country and native americans; economy stabilized after the introduction of tobacco; destroyed by a fire in 1676 during Bacon's Rebellion; rebuilt several years later and burned again in 1698
- Other New England Colonies
- Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Maine; a productive fur trade was established in the Connecticut River Valley, religion was less important than commerce, first colony to write a constitution; In Maine and New Hamphire-Originated when tow Englishmen divided a government grant, both were eventually absorbed into the Massechusetts Bay Colony, New Hampshire became a colony in 1679, Maine became a colony in 1820; Rhode Island was started when Roger Williams was kicked out of the Massechusetts Bay Colony for suggesting seperation of church and state, Williams was later joined by other religious refugees, became a colony when given a charter for religious freedom in 1663
- 1803
- US bought the Louisiana Territory from Fance; as a result, great britain controlled most of north america (from the eastern seaboard to the mississippi river to canada
- Dutch Reasons for Colonizing
- Exploit the fur trade
- Spanish Missionaries
- Usually followed spanish explorers; saw the New World as a fertile ground for sowing their religious views
- 11th Century
- Vikings attempted to colonize the US
- Spain's Exploration
- Spain explored North and South America for precious materials, but they didn't colonize until other European powers took an interest in North America
- Quebec
- Originally suffered from lack of colonists. Little to no incentive was provided for colonizing, and forbade people seeking a way out of france to emigrate
- major early british colonies
- Jamestown, Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay Colony, Other New England Colonies, The Middle Colonies, The Southern Colonies
- Northwest Passage
- the original reason why British, Dutch, and French explored north america; non-existent
- The Middle Colonies
- New York was captured by the British when the Duke of York took over New Netherlands to eliminate dutch influence in the fur trade (1664); New Jersey was owned by the Duke of York until he gave it to other nobles, quakers inhabited north and east new jersey until it was unified in 1702; Pennsylvania was founded as a sanctuary for Quakers, home to settlers who wanted good farmland and democracy; Delaware passed from swedish control to dutch to british, owned by Duke of York then purchased by Penn to provide his settlers access to the sea
- Massachusetts Bay Colony
- started as an economic venture in 1630; soon settled by the puritans, who were seeking freedom from the crown and church; under calvanist leaders (ex: John Winthrop), the colony soon became a theocracy; first colony to establish a semi-representative government and demand representation in parliment if they were to be taxed
- 1640's
- The benefits Spain was getting from the new world started to decline
- The Southern Colonies
- Maryland was a refuge for Catholics, created by Lord Baltimore (a recent catholic convert and london company stockholder), was given to younger baltimore after older baltimore's death and was run like a fiefdom, eventually became semi-republic with a bicameral legislature, had religious problems between protestants (the majority) and catholics (who the colony was made for), Maryland Toleration Act was guaranteed freedom of worship for christians but punished non-christians; land was granted in the carolinas for people who helped re-establish monarchy after the english civil war, mainly founded by stockholders, sorta like fiefdoms, they are ironically known for religious and politcal freedom along with slavery (introduced to beef up the labor force), divided into North and South Caronlina in 1729; Georgia was a jail colony, rum and catholics and blacks were originally prohibited, was the first line defense against spanish florida, protestants and craftsman from england scotland and germany were welcomed when it was discovered that there werent enough convicts to support the colony
- Native American Crops
- Corn, Tomatoes, Potatoes, Tobacco
- Plymouth
- established by religious seperatists seeking a free place from the Church of England; sailed on the Mayflower in 1620 after getting a charter from the Virginia Company; by the end of the century, Plymouth had become the colony of Massachusetts
- Huguenots
- french protestant reformers procescuted for leaving the catholic church
- 1588
- British colonization really begins; time gap because of all resources focused on keeping peace in England
- 17th Century
- Dutch colonized the Hudson River, calling it New Netherland, and Manhattan Island, calling it New Amsterdam; France colonized Nova Scotia, called New France, and the Mississippi Valley, called Louisiana
- 1492
- Columbus Arrived
- New Amsterdam
- Was not supported by the "mother country"; suffered from frequent indian raids and lack of colonists
- 1763
- France is defeated by england in the French and Indian war; as a result, has no major territorial possesions
- Spanish Conquest Means
- Superior weaponry (the gun), having indigenous tribes go against each other, and disease (ex: smallpox)
- French Reasons for Colonizing
- Exploit the fur trade
- Reasons to come to the new world
- better life; freedom of religion; freedom of government; to pay off debts; to strike it rich
- Spanish Conquest Reasons
- Destroyed cultures such as the Aztec and Inca peoples so that they could get gold and other precious materials
- 1494
- Treaty of Tordesillas; drafted by the pope; drew a line of demarcation
- Treaty of Utrecht
- 1713; France lost Newfoundland, Hudson Bay, And Acadia (Nova Scotia) to England; made because france was on the losing side of the War of Spanish Succession
- 1762
- France lost the Louisiana Territory to Spain
- French colonies
- Quebec (1542), Nova Scotia (1600s), Missisipi Valley (1682), New Orleans (1712); by the 1820s, they had spread as far west as New Mexico and South Dakota; originally, most who settled returned back to france
- Goal of Spanish Royalty
- To set up a mercantilist policy that would give spain all the benefits the new world had to offer; the king was supreme in the new world
- Spain's Colonies
- St. Augustine, Florida (1565); American Southwest; South America; California