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Black Death


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Bubonic plague
buboes occur in groin, armpit, or neck- high fever/disorientation- plague bacteria spreads and victim dies
Pnneumonic plague
infection of the lungs- more deadly because harder to fight
the plague bacilli are circulating in the bloodstream in large numbers
swellings that occur most frequently on armpits, neck, or groin
formed a circle and fell to the ground in the positions which showed their sins, the master whipped each flagellant who then arose
Dance of death
represented in paintings- strong sense of sadness and mortality descended on the people during the Black Death
Heavenly Letter
placed on the alter of a cathedral in Jerusalem- it said that God would destroy the world if the Christians did not take a flagelllant pilgrimage of 33.5 days
14th century christian beliefs on what caused the plague
changed in air quality and water- human production of the plague, position of planets and influence of stars, vapors and fumes, posessions of the sick, jews infected, gods anger for their wicked deeds
14th centuury christian reactions to the plague
charged jews, looked for treatment, recorded informatinon, fake doctors
muslim beliefs of the plague
a way to go to heaven, corruption in air by terrestrial and heavenly causes, shooting stars and meteorites, not contagious or punishment for sins
Muslim reactions to the plague
did not flee, had civil and social responsibilities, populations vanished, accepted asn atural disaster, seeked fresh air and ate fresh fruit
statute of labourers
no peasent could ask for more than they got paid before
social and economic consequences
prices were very high

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