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Modern World History Semester II Final Vocab.


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Allied Powers
Great Britain, France, Soviet Union, America
Central Powers
Germany and Austria-Hungary
Largest labor/death camp for Jews held by Nazis during the Holocaust, killed the most Jews
Axis Powers
Germany, Italy and Japan
Final Solution
Adolf Hitler's final attempt to get rid of all Jews- a program of genocide, the systematic killing of an entire people. (Moving Jews into labor/death camps)
Battle of Midway
The turning point of the war in Japan - Japanese launched a suprise attack against Midway Island in the west of Hawaii. American troops find out about the attack and under the instruction of General Douglas MacArthur await for the Japanese fleets under the horizon. Americans took them by suprise and won mercifully. Ended June 6, 1942
Germany's newest military stragtegy, "lightning war". Involved using fast-moving airplanes and tanks followed by massive infantry forces to take the enemy by suprise. (Used them against Poland)
Fidel Castro
President of Cuba - lead a revolution against Cuba's unpopular dictator, Fulgencio Batista. Nationalized the Cuban economy but was a harsh dictator himself. Relations between the US and Cuba deteriorated and so Castro turned to the Soviets for economic and military aid -- the Cuban Missle Crisis
Charles de Gaulle
French general fled to London when France falls under Italy and Germany. While he's there he sets up a government-n-exile committed to reconquering France - called upon the people of France to resist Axis Powers
Conference at Yalta
Leaders of the 3 Allied Nations (US, Britain and Soviet Union) had a conference in Yalta, Russia and agreed to divide Germany into zones of occupation controlled by the ALlied miliraty forces.
Dada Movement
1916-1924, as much a protest as an art movement. Message was that established values had been made meaningless by the savagery of WWI. Dadaist works were absurd, nonsensical and meaningless.
Developed Countries
A nation with all the facilities needed for the advanced production of manufactured goods
Developing Countries
A nation which is in the process of industrialization but it not yet complete
Demilitarized Zone -- neutral area between North and South Korea.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
1890-1969. Was the commander of the enormous American forces that went into Normandy (northwestern France) - Operation Overload June 6, 1944.

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