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Ch 21-The Count of Monte Cristo


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What is the name of Dantés son?
How did Mercedes recognize Dantés toward the end?
He played with his hair
How does Dantés take revenge against Villaford?
He finds him and makes him confess and police officials hear him
1st mate who conspired with Fernand Mondego against Dantés
What was Dantés reaction to Mercédés? Why did he finally believe her?
She still had his ring
Divine rule of Kings
God made them kings
What was the beginning of the French Revolution?
The Third Estate declared itself to be the National Assembly
Third Estate
bourgeoisie and peasants- 97% of population
Luigi Vampa
leader of a group of bandits- helped Dantés to get "revenge" on his enemies
"God will give me justice"
slogan on wall at Chateau D'If where Dantés was kept for about 15 years
France was divided into 83 equal districts
How did Dantés escape from the Chateau D'If?
He took the place of the priest and with the body bag.
Louis XIV
ruled France for 72 years/ built the Versailles Palace/ "Sun King"/ absolute rule
Second Estate
nobles/king- less than 2% of population
What did Dantés call himself with his new wealth?
Count of Monte Cristo
ruled France for 4 years after Robespierre- unpopular with people- overthrown by Napoleon
John Locke- "inalienble rights"
he argued that men are "by nature, all free, equal, and independent."
engaged to Dantés/ thought Dantés was dead/ married Fernand Mondego
persons who don't hold extreme polical ways
Louis XV
king after Louis XIV- served 59 years- saw revolution coming
"Bastille Day"
celebrated every July 14th in France- similar to Independence Day in U.S.
Who buys the house and land for Dantés from another French noble?
main method of execution in France, CHOP OFF THEIR HEADS!
French for "emigrants"
two "radical" leaders- responsible for guillotining Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette
a military prison where the French government kept "political prisoners"/ Radicals and people of Paris captured the Bastille
"La Marseillaise"
France national anthem
expert with knife- fought against Dantés in a "life or death" scenerio/ served under Dantés in getting "revenge"
What happens in the end to Mercédés, Dantés, and Albert?
They get back together and leave
Why did Fernand Mondego (his friend supposely) turn against Dantés?
He wanted to marry Mercédés
persons who want broad changes made in government.
urban middle class
First Estate
clergy of Catholic Church- less than 1% of population
group that doesn't want to change existing conditions
Where did Dantés find the treasure after he escaped?
Island of Monte Cristo off the Italian coast
Why did Dantés buy the Chateau D'If in the end?
He was thinking of what the priest told him, memories that won't happen again.
slogan of French Revolution
"liberty, equality, fraternity"
"Reign of Terror"
rule of Roberspierre from 1793 to 1794- about 40,000 people guillotined
Monsieur Morrel
shipbuilder and owner/ promoted Dantés from 2nd mate to captain
Abbé Faria
priest in prison/ taught Dantés how to read and write/ also how to fight with a sword
Wife of Louis XVI, Austrian, most hated woman in France
Why did Mercédés later marry Fernand Montego?
thought Danté was dead, she was pregnant
"enemies of the state"
people who opposed Robespierre (had Danton guillotined when he felt that Robespierre was guillotining too many innocent people)
chief magistrate who had Dantés falsely imprisoned/ also had Fernand kill his father, a supporter of Napoleon
Edmont Dantés
falsely accused/ locked up in Chateau D'If
What happens to Villaford in the end?
He goes to jail
How does Dantés take revenge against Fernand Montego?
With all the new wealth, took control of all the banks and casinos, Montego would lose all his money and go bankrupted

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