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History Test 2


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only English ships could be used
First Navigation Act
prohibited the building of iron mills and steel furnaces
Iron Act
allowed the British to search homes
writs of assistance
prevented competition with West Indies
Molasses Act
prevented manufacturing and competition
Hat Act
used by the colonists because of a currency shortage
T or F The Navigation Acts were intended to strengthen the shaky economy of the colonies
T or F The Navigation Acts began to be strictly enforced during the time of George III.
a country's power was measured by the amount of gold and silver it owned.
mercantile theory
Name four articles that could be sold only to England because of the Navigation Acts.
tobacco, sugar, indigo, naval stores
Name three additional acts that placed government regulations on trade:
Hat Act Wool Act Molassas Act
The Boston lawyer who unsuccessfully tried to have the writs of assistance removed
James Otis
The French and Indian War broke out over claims to the:
Ohio River Valley
One of the deciding battles of the French and Indian War was the capture of Quebec by General
As a result of the treaty of Paris of 1763, the French ceded:
Canada and the area east of the Mississippi to the English
One result of the French and Indian War was that England:
colonists should pay for it
The Albany Plan of Union was drawn up by:
Ben Franklin
General Braddock's greatest weakness in the French and Indian War was his lack of
understanding of indian fighting
The final colonial war between France and England was
the French and Indian War
The Albany Plan of Union was proposed in order to
strengthen the colonies against the French
Most of the French settlers trapped blank and traded with the blank
animals, indians
England's Indian allies
General Braddock and George Washington led an attack against the French at Fort
To join together against and have nothing to do with a person, business, nation, employer, or any other person or thing in order to coerce or punish is called
The Stamp Act forced the colonists to pay a tax on:
Passage of the Townshend Acts caused the colonists to:
boycott English goods
The Committees of Correspondence were organized by
Samuel Adams
The Boston Tea Party was:
protest against tea tax
The Intolerable Acts caused the formation of:
the continential army
prohibited settlers from moving west
Proclamation Act
troops were stationed in colonial homes
Quartering Act
result of Stamp Act
Virginia Resolves
a chain of communication with other colonies
Committees of Correspondence
secret organizations opposed to the stamp tax
Sons of Liberty
Parliament allowed to pass any laws
Declaratory Law
earliest to last
the Proclamation Act the Stamp Act the Townshend Program the Boston Tea Party the Intolerable Acts
T or F The colonists called the Albany Congress to encourage unity.
T or F Lieutenant Governor Dinwiddie was known for his defeat of the French at Quebec.
T or F The French and Indian War was the final colonial war between France and England.
T or F From their beginning, the Navigation Acts were strictly enforced
T or F The shortage of money in the colonies forced the colonists to use a system of barter.
Lieutenant Governor Dinwiddie
George Washington
Fort Necessity
Intolerable Acts
Committees of Correspondence
Sam Adams
First Continental Congress
The Treaty of Paris, 1763, returned:
Guadeloupe, Haiti, and Martinique to France
Lord Grenville's program included the:
Quartering Act
The man who said "If this be treason, make the most of it," was:
Patrick Henry
In protest of the Stamp Act, a group called the BLANK boycotted English goods.
Sons of Liberty
The First Continental Congress drew up a Declaration of
Rights and Grievances
The Boston lawyer who opposed the writs of assistance
James Otis
levied taxes to pay the salaries of those enforcing the law.
Townshend Program
T or F The Revolution was not caused so much by the acts of the British government as by its attitudes.
Why were the Navigation Acts initially not enforced by England?
England wanted loyalty of Colonies, and struggles b/w king and parliament
Name five acts or taxes that controlled the trade of specific items
Wool act molasses act Sugar Act Stamp Act, Hat Act
The arrest of two men resulted in the rides of Paul Revere and William Dawes
Sam Adams, John Hancock
To have the Intolerable Acts revoked was the aim of the
First Con. Congress

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