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Unit 5 Review



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land left unseeded during a growing season to recharge its mineral supplies
English Civil War
(1642-1688) Civil War that resulted from political tormoil and the attempt to establish absolutism
Charles I
Roman catholic, ruled without parliament, public did not like him ABSOLUTIST, and taxed the people without agreement of others (James I's son)
Charles II
king when monarchy was re-established, wanted to share power with parliament but had to dissolve parliament when they became a threat to the catholic church
Peter the Great
ruled Russia from 1682 to 1725, wanted closer ties to western europe, modernize and strengthen Russia, St.Petersberg
constitutional monarchy
A political system in which a king/queen is the head of state but in which his/her power is limited by a constitution.
Johannes Kepler
proved elliptical orbits
Oliver Cromwell
a. Creates a Republic with him really in control b. Leads Roundheads c. Introduces redcoats
Frederick the Great
King of Prussia (1740-1786). Successful in the War of the Austrian Succession (1740-1748) and the Seven Years' War (1756-1763), he brought Prussia great military prestige in Europe.
English Bill of Rights
Guaranteed certain rights to English citizens. Introduced the concept of individual rights. (1689)
models of the universe based on the assumption that the sun, moon, and planets all orbit Earth
Age of Reason
Same as the Enlightenment.
Issac Newton
mathematician, made gravity laws and the laws of motion
Age of Absolutism
a time of monarchy power being unrestrained
Earth and all planets orbit the sun
Scientific Revolution
A time between 1500 and 1700 when there was a major shift in the thinking on science (reason)
scientific method
A research method whereby a problem is identified, a hypothesis stated, and hypothesis is tested
Glorious Revolution
bloodless overthrow of King James II by King William and Queen Mary.
William Harvey
He showed how heart pumps blood through body
Louis XIV
king of France from 1643 to 1715, - the longest reign in French history, was characterized by a magnificent court and the expansion of French influence in Europe.
divine right of kings
god gave kings the right to rule and kings are answerable only to God
Galileo Galilei
built his own telescope and used it to study the heavens
a philosophical movement (1600s-1700s) that emphasized human reason, scientific examination, and industrial progress
absolute monarchy
a monarchy in which the ruler's power is unlimited
Nicolaus Copernicus
suggested that the sun, not Earth, was the center of our solar system (heliocentric)

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