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World History Vocab Chapter 10


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Great Schism
a split in the Catholic Church that lasted from 1378 to 1418, during which time there wer rival popes in Rome and in the French City of Avignon, while France's enemy England and its allies supported the pope in Rome
a buisness association associated with a particular trade or craft; guilds evolved in twelth century and came to play a leading role in the economic life of medival cities
the language of everyday speech in a particular region
an annual direct tax, usually on land or propery, that provided a regular source of income for the French monarchy
commercial capitalism
economic system in which people invest in trade or goods to make profits
money economy
an economic system based on money rather than barter
new monarchies
in the fifteenth century, government in which power had been centralized under a king or queen, i.e., France, England, and Spain
lay investiture
the practice by which secular rulers both chose nominees to churchoffices and gave them the symbols of their office
a court established by the Catholic Church in 1232 to discover and try heretics; also called the Holy Office
a medieval philosophical and theological system that tried to reconcile faith and reason
the denial of basic church doctrines
piece created by a journeyman who aspires to be a master craftsperson, it allowed the members of a guild to judge whether the journeyman was qualified to become a master and join the guild
the study of religion and God
in medieval Europe, an agricultural estate run by a lord and worked by peasants
a decree by the opoe that forbade priests to give the sacraments of the church to the people
bones or other objects connected with saints; considered worthy of worship by the faithful
hostility toward or discrimination against Jews
Black Death
a form of bubonic plague, sored by fleas carried by rats
Christian rites
in medieval Eurooe, a peasant legally bound to the lanad who had to provide labor services, pay rents, and be subject to the lords control

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