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Global Studies Midterm People to Know


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Franz Ferdinand
man who's assassination was the "spark" for World War I
Henry Bessemer
inexpensive method for making steel quicker and more durable****
Alexander II
modernized Russia while being a conservative as well as a dictator
sovereignty; right to vote
Charles Goodyear
vulcanization; made rubber more durable/suitable/less sticky
checks and balances; three brances of governmetn
tricked into leading a war against Italy, eventually led to reunification of Italy
Charles Darwin
famous for theories of evolution
James Watt
invented steam engine
Charles Townsend
crop rotation
Samuel Morse
invented telegraph
James Hargreaves
invented spinning jenny; mass production of thread
Thomas Edison
first electric generating system
freedom of speech
Eli Whitney
invented the cotton gin
chairmen of Congress of Vienna; Austrian prince
military general who seized control of France and became dictator
Victor Emanuel II
King of Sardinia; unified Italy
Thomas Hobbes
believed in absolute monarchy; "only the strong will survive unless a ruler intervened"
John Locke
natural rights
John McAdam
Jacobin doctor; part of the Reign of Terror; assassinated
Jacobin who ruled during the Reign of Terror; guillotined millions of people
Henry Ford
invented the assembly line to mass produce cars
Karl Marx
father of Communism
made encyclopedia that spread of ideas that led to American Revolution
Cyrus Field
communications logistics
Adam Smith
father of Capitalism
Cyrus McCormick
power reaper
Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla
local priest who led Mexican Revolution and was violently executed
Prussian/German dynasty
Iessandro Volta
Alexander Graham Bell
inventor of the telephone, the first voice communication device
Henry VIII
created hus own church because he wanted offspring and his wives weren't giving him a son; daughter=Elizabeth I
Louis XVI
was beheaded along with his wife Marie Antoinette; ruled during French Revolution
Otto Von Bismarck
unified Germany; wanted to expand and unify Prussia and make it part of Germany through war
Robert Fulton
Edmond Cartwright
invented power loom

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