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Mr H chapter 10


undefined, object
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an action or decision that serves as an example for later
George Washington
1st president of the United States
Loose Construction of the Constitution
the government can take reasonable actions that the Constitution does not specifically forbid
private ships allowed by its country to attack its enemies
Judiciary Act of 1789
Created a Federal Court System with three levels
Anthony Wayne
General who was put in charge of the U.S. Army's frontier forces
Jay's Treaty
-U.S. agreed to pay debts that occurred before the revolution
-British would abandon forts on the northwestern frontier
-Small U.S. merchant ships were allowed to trade certain goods in the Caribbean
Whiskey Rebellion
the name of the uprising led by farmers who were upset over a new tax on this type of alcohol
people who buy items at very low prices in hope that the value will rise
certificates that represent money owed
Edmond Genet
France's new representative to the United States
Electoral College
A system of electing the president where electors represent the popular vote of their state
Strict Construction of the Constitution
The belief that federal government should only do what the Constitution specifically says it can do
Little Turtle
American Indian Leader from the Miami Nation
Political Parties
groups that help elect government officials and shape policies
Democratic-Republican Party
wanted to limit the power of the federal government
Treaty of Greenville
-Gave the U.S. access to the American Indian lands in the Northwest Territory
-American Indians received $20,000 in goods and acknowledgment of their claim to the lands they still held
Martha Washington
The 1st first lady
Thomas Pinckney
U.S. Ambassador in Washington's administration
National Debt
the amount of money owed by a country to its lenders
Bank of the United States
a national bank that was created to help offer economic stability
French Revolution
The French people overthrew their monarchy and created a republican government
Battle of Fallen Timbers
The U.S. led by General Anthony Wayne won a major victory against the American Indians at this battle
Thomas Jefferson
The most important enemies of Hamilton's financial ideas
Alexander Hamilton
George Washington's Secretary of the Treasury
Protective tariff
a tax on imported goods designed to help American Companies
Neutrality Proclamation
The United States would not take sides with countries at war in Europe
XYZ affair
the French wanted bribes to pay for the right to negotiate with them over concerns about privateers
Pinckney's Treaty
-Spain agreed to change Florida's border
-reopened the Port of New Orleans
-US gained the right of deposit
John Jay
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court who was sent to Britain by Washington to try to avert war
Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
-stated that the Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional
-state governments had the right to ignore laws that they believed were unconstitutional
Right of Deposit
this right would allow American boats to transfer their goods at New Orleans without paying fees on their cargo
Federalist Party
-wanted to make the federal government stronger
-wanted to promote industry and trade
Alien and Sedition Acts
-allowed the president to have foreign residents removed from the country
-citizens could not write, utter, or publish any hostile words towards the government

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