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Vocab For Achievement 2


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Def) A word formed from the initial letters of a name or by combining initial letters or parts of a series of words: WAC for Womens Army Corps.

Example) Acronyms are frequently used in official and political circles to shorten long titles of organizations or systems

a) A word element, such as a prefix or suffix, that is attached to a base, stem, or root.

b) Something that is attached, joined or added.


a) To secure (an object) to another; attach: affix a stamp to a letter.

b) To place at the end: affix a postscript.

(From the Latin ad- meaning "to," and figere, meaning "to fasten")

Example) The word reappearance has to affizes: re- and -ance.

a) The invention of new words

b) An invented word or phrase

c) The process of making coins: coinage of silver.

Related Word:
coin (verb)

Example) The word hobbit was a coinage of J.R.R. Tolkien

a) Used in or suitable to spoken language or to writing that imitates speech; conversational.

b) Informal in style of expression.

(From the Latin com-, meaning "together," and loqui, meaning "to speak")

Related Words:
colloquialism (noun)
colloquially (adverb)

Example) Connie suggested to Joe that he substitue "narrow escape" for his colloquial expression "a close call."

The use of a word sounding somewhat like the one intended but humorously wrong in the context: "polo bear" rather than "polar bear"

(From the French phrase mal à propos, meaning "unsuitable")

Example) In Sheridan's eighteenth-century play, The Rivals, Mrs. Malaprop makes such malapropisms as "the verre pineapple of politeness" for "the very pinnicale of politeness."

The formation or use of a word that imitates or resembles what it stands for.

(From the Greek words onoma, meaning "name," and poiein, meaning "to make")

Related Word:
onomatopoetic (adjective)

Example) Buzz and hiss are examples of onomatopoeia that the poet used to make the meadow come alive.

A word, phrase, or sentence that reads the same backward or forward.

(From the Greek words palin meaning "again," and dromos meaning "a running")

Example) "A man, a plan, a canal, Panama" was the only palindrome that Richard could remember.
Portmanteau Word
--compound noun--

A word formed by merging the sounds and meanings of two different words; blend.

Example Arlin didn't realize that the word slithy in Lewis Carrol's poem "Jabberwocky" irs a portmantaue word formed from slimy and lithe.

A figure of speech in which two essentially unlike things are compared, often in a phrase introduced by like or as.

(From the Latin word similis, meaning "like")

Example) Some similies, such as "hungry as a bear" and "sly like a fox," are considered to be overused.

An accidental but humorous distortion of words ina phrase formed by interchanging the initial sounds: "the tons of soil" rather than "the sons of toul."

Example) The word spoonerism comes from the name of William A. Spoonder, an English clergyman who was noted for such verbal slips.

Constant and earnest effort to acomplish a task; careful attention.

(From the Latin word diligere, meaning "to love")

Related Words:
diligent (adjective)
diligently (adverb)

Example) The study of organic chemistry requires diligence because one must memorize many formulas.

a) Difficult to satisfy or please; exacting.

b) Possessing or displaying careful attention to detail.

(From the Latin word fastidium, meaning "loathing")

Related Words:
fastidiously (adverb)
fastidiousness (noun)

Example) Mr.s Armitage was such a fastidious housekeeper that she asked all visitors to remove their shoes at the front door.

The ability to see what is likely to happen and to prepare for it accordingly; careful thought or concern for the future.

Related Word:
foresee (verb)

Example) Mr. Figone had the foresight to invest in the company when it began to produce personal computers.

Having or exhibiting sound judgment; sensible; wise.

(From the Latin word judicium, meaning "judgement")

Related Words:
Judiciously (adverb)
Judiciousness (noun)

Example) Judicious biographers select facts carefully and critically.

a) Extremely careful and precise.

b) Excessively concert with details.

(From the Latin word metculosus, meaning "timid")

Related Words:
meticulously (adverb)
meticulousness (noun)

Example) The meticulous volunteer made a list of the thousands of butterfly specimens in the science museum.

Minor or trivial details.

(From the Latin word minutus, meaning "small")

Related Words:
minute (adjective)
minutely (adverb)

Example) The meticulous volunteer made a list of the thousands of butter fly specimens in the science museum.

Exercising caution, good judgement, or common sense in handeling practical matters; giving thought to one's actions and their consequences.

(From the Latin pro-, meaning "forward,: and videre, meaning "to see")

Related Words:
prudence (noun)
prudently (adverb)

Example) Prudent people generally try to save part of their wages.

)Attentive to the finer points of etiquette and formal conduct.

b) Very careful and exact.

Rleated Words:
Punctiliously (adverb)
punctiliousness (noun)

Rric was punctilious in returning borrowed books.

a) Careful in choosing; particular; discriminating.

b) Highly specific in activity; selective pesticides.

(From the Latin se- meaning "apart," and legere, meaning "to choose")

Related Words:
select (verb)
selectively (adverb)
selectiveness (noun)

Example) As prices for goods and services have increased, consumers have become increasingly selective in their purchases.

a) Having a system, method, or plan; carried out in a step-by-step procedure.

b) Orderly in arranging things or getting things done;purposefully regular.

(From teh Greek syn- meaning "together," and histanai, meaning "to cause to stand")

Related Words:
System (noun)
Systematically (adverb)
Systematize (verb)

Example) Biologists have a systematic procedure for classifying the forms of animal life.

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