socail studies
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- norhtwest Passage
- waterway to get to chimea through or around north america sought by the english, french, and dutch
- manor
- self sufficient viallage that was center of peasant life
- fedalism
- away of managing the land and its people
- conquistadors
- spanish word for conueror
- crusades
- increase in trade with other parts of the world- travel increses
- holy lands
- middle eastern land connceted with the life of christ
- Lief Ericson
- Reahced Norht America established colony of vinland
- astrolabe
- usefulistrement to determine location of stars
- Protestant Reformation
- movement to reform the Roman Cathlioc church in 1500's led to creation of many.
- chimea
- where soldires bring back goodies, gold. also known as china
- colony
- group of people who made to a new land and are ruled by the government of their native land.
- renaissance
- french word that means rebirth.
- cabot
- england
- de soto
- spain
- estavanico
- spain
- coronado
- spain
- Marquette and Joliet
- France
- Magellan
- Spain
- Cortes
- spain
- Colombus
- spain
- Champlain
- France
- Ponce De Leon
- Spain
- La Salle
- France