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AP psychology important names 2


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First "frontal lobotomy" really just pole went up his face
Phineas Gage
Personality is determined to a large extent by genes. He used the terms Extro/Introversion
Hans Eysenck
Physical response and cognitive lable
S. Shacter
Systematic desensitization
Mary Cover Jones
Hypothesis that language determines how we think
Benjamin Whorf
Three intelligences: academic problem solving, practical, and creative intelligence
Robert Sternberg
Theory of multiple intelligences
Howard Gardner
Bobo doll, effect of observational learning
Albert Bandura
Law of effect, behavior with favorable results will be repeated while behavior with unfavorable results will not
E.L. Thorndike
Frenchman that made a test to identify slow learners, problem was that it was culture bound so not very valuable in America
Alfred Binet
Revised the Binet test and established norms for American children
Lewis Terman
Created an intelligence test especially for adults and minimized the importance of language on the scores recieved
David Weschler
Gum, G, General intelligence, G factor
Charles Spearman
H. Developed one of first projective tests, the Inkblot test.
H. Rorschach
Prison experiment to study power of social roles on peoples behavior
Philip Zimbardo
A bunch of random people went to hospital and said they heard voices, then acted normally, testing the effect of mental disorder diagnosis on treatment
David Rosenhan
Studied conformity, had the funny test where asked which line was different, and 7 plants would say the one that was obviously wrong, then the person experimented on would agree even though clearly wrong
Solemon Asch
Conducted the obedience test where "experimentors" were told to shock people and they recorded how high the shockers went. 60% would go to dangerous very painful levels
Stanley Miligram
Investigated leadership style on group function, did autocratic, laizssez-faire, and democratic, and found democratic to be most productive
Kurt Lewin
Studied attatchment in the infant monkey to the fuzzy mom or the one with food.
Harry Harlow
Theory linked personality and body type. Endomorph (fat and jolly), Ectomorph (skinny and thoughtful), Mesomorph (superman, Captain Awesome)
William Sheldon

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