undefined, object
copy deck
- pundit
- pedant authority on a subject
- pungency
- sharpness stinging quality
- purvey
- provide supply
- pusillanimous
- cowardly craven
- putrefaction
- becoming rotten
- pyre
- large pile of wood for burning
- quack
- person dishonestly claiming to smth
- quaff
- drink deeply
- quail
- lose courage turn frightened
- qualm
- feeling of doubt temporary feeling of sickness
- quandary
- state of doubt or perplexity
- quell
- suppress subdue
- quibble
- try to avoid by sophistication
- quiescence
- state of being passive/motionless
- quiescent
- at rest dormant torpid
- quirk
- habit or action peculiar to smb or smth
- quixotic
- generous unselfish
- quotidian
- banal everyday
- rabble
- mob crowd the lower classes of populace
- raconteur
- person who tells anecdotes
- raffish
- low vulgar base tawdry
- ramify
- to be divided or subdivided to branch out
- rancorous
- feeling bitterness spitefulness
- rant
- use extravagant language
- rapacious
- greedy (esp for money)
- rarefy
- to make thin to make less dense to purify or refine
- rave
- act with excessive enthusiasm
- reactionary
- opposing progress
- rebuff
- snub
- recalcitrant
- disobedient
- recant
- take back as being FALSE give up
- recast
- cast or fashion anew
- recidivism
- relapse into antisocial or criminal behavior
- reciprocity
- granting of privileges in return for similar
- recitals
- a number of performance of music
- recluse
- person who lives alone and avoids people
- recompense
- make payment to reward punish
- reconcile
- settle a quarrel restore peace
- recondite
- little known abstruse
- recreancy
- cowardice a cowardly giving up
- recuperate
- become strong after illness loss exhaustion
- redeem
- get back by payment compensate
- redoubtable
- formidable causing fear
- refine
- make or become pure cultural
- refractory
- stubborn unmanageable untractable
- refulgent
- shining brilliant
- regale
- to delight or entertain to feast
- regicide
- crime of killing a king
- reiterate
- say or do again several times
- rejuvenation
- becoming young in nature or appearance
- relapse
- fall back again
- remonstrate
- to protest object
- render
- deliver provide represent
- renovate
- restore smth to better condition
- renowned
- celebrated famous
- repast
- meal
- repel
- refuse to accept/cause dislike
- repine
- at be discontented with
- reproach
- scold upbraid
- reprobate
- person hardened in sin one devoid of decency
- repudiate
- disown refuse to accept or pay
- repulsive
- causing a feeling of disgust
- requite
- repay give in return
- rescind
- repeal/annul/cancel
- resigned
- unresisting submissive
- resilience
- quality of quickly recovering the original shape
- resort
- to frequently visit
- restive
- refusing to move reluctant to be controlled
- resuscitation
- coming back to consciousness
- retard
- check hinder
- reticent
- reserved untalkative silent taciturn
- revere
- have deep respect for
- reverent
- feeling or showing deep respect
- riddle
- puzzling person or thing
- rift
- split crack dissension
- rivet
- fix take up secure metal pin
- roll
- call calling of names
- rotund
- rich and deep plump and round
- ruffian
- violent cruel man
- rumple
- make rough
- sagacious
- having sound judgment perceptive wise like a sage
- salacious
- obscene
- salubrious
- healthful
- salutary
- remedial wholesome causing improvement
- sanctimony
- self-righteousness hypocritical with FALSE piety
- sanction
- approval (by authority) penalty
- sanguine
- cheerful confident optimistic
- sanity
- health of mind soundness of judgement
- sash
- long strip worn round the waist
- satiate
- satisfy fully
- saturnine
- gloomy dark sullen morose
- savant
- person of great learning
- savor
- taste flavor smth
- sawdust
- tiny bits of wood
- scabbard
- sheath for the blade
- scent
- smell (esp pleasant)
- scorch
- become discolored/dry up/go at high speed
- scribble
- write hastily
- scurvy
- mean contemptible
- secular
- material (not spiritual) living outside monasteries
- sedulous
- persevering
- seminal
- like a seed constituting a source originative
- sententious
- short and pithy full of maxims/proverbs
- sequence
- succession connected line of
- sere
- make hard and without feeling
- sermon
- reproving a person for his faults
- serrated
- having a toothed edge
- serration
- having a toothed edge
- servile
- like a slave lacking independence
- sever
- break off
- severance
- severing
- shallow
- little depth not earnest
- shard
- piece of broken earthenware
- sheath
- cover for the blade of a weapon or a tool
- shrewd
- astute showing sound judgement
- shrill
- sharp piercing
- shun
- keep away from avoid
- shunt
- send from one track to another lay aside evade discussion
- sidestep
- step to one side
- simper
- (give a) silly/self-conscious smile
- sinuous
- winding undulating serpentine
- skiff
- small boat
- skit
- short piece of humorous writing
- slack
- sluggish dull not tight
- slake
- to assuage to satisfy allay
- slate
- king of blue-grey stone propose criticize
- sluggard
- lazy slow-moving person
- slur
- join sounds/words (indistinct)
- smolder
- burn slowly without flame
- snare
- trap
- snub
- treat with contempt
- soar
- rise fly high
- sober
- self-controlled
- sobriety
- quality or condition of being sober
- sodden
- soaked saturated
- soggy
- heavy with water
- solvent
- of the power of forming a solution
- somatic
- of the body
- soot
- black powder in smoke
- sophisticated
- complex subtle refined
- sophistry
- fallacious reasoning faulty logic
- sophomoric
- self-assured though immature affected bombastic overblown
- soporific
- producing sleep
- sordid
- wretched comfortless contemptible
- spear
- weapon with a metal point on a long shaft
- specious
- illogical of questionable truth or merit
- splenetic
- bad-tempered irritable
- splice
- join (two ends)
- sponge
- porous rubber for washing live at once expense
- spurious
- FALSE counterfeit
- spurn
- have nothing to do reject or refuse
- squalid
- foul filthy
- squander
- spend wastefully
- squat
- crouch/settle without permission
- stanch
- to stop the flow of a fluid
- steeply
- rising or falling sharply
- stentorian
- extremely loud and powerful
- stickler
- person who insists on importance of smth
- stigma
- mark of shame or disgrace
- stigmatize
- describe smb scornfully
- sting
- smth sharp
- stingy
- spending using unwillingly
- stint
- to be thrifty to set limits
- stipple
- paint with dots
- stipulate
- state or put forward as a necessary condition
- stolid
- showing no emotion impassive
- stray
- wander lose one's way
- streak
- long thin move very fast
- striated
- striped grooved or banded
- stride
- walk with long steps
- strut
- a supporting bar
- stygian
- hence dark gloomy
- stymie
- to hinder obstruct or block
- subdue
- overcome bring under control
- sublime
- extreme astounding
- submerge
- put under water liquid sink out of sight
- suborn
- induce by bribery or smth to commit perjury
- subpoena
- written order requiring a person to appear in a low court
- substantiation
- giving facts to support (statement)
- subsume
- include under a rule
- succor
- assistance relief in time of distress
- suffice
- be enough
- suffocate
- cause or have difficulty in breathing
- sullied
- to be stained or discredited
- summarily
- briefly without delay
- sumptuous
- magnificent
- sundry
- various miscellaneous separate
- supercilious
- disdainful characterized by haughty scorn
- superfluous
- more then is needed or wanted
- superimpose
- put smth on the top
- supersede
- take the place of
- supine
- lying on the back slow to act passive
- suppliant
- asking humbly beseeching
- supplicate
- make a humble petition to
- suppress
- prevent from being known put an end to
- surcharge
- additional load/charge
- surfeit
- satiate feed to fulness or to excess
- susceptibility
- sensitiveness
- swerve
- change direction suddenly
- sycophant
- person who flatter to the rich and powerful