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- Christopher Columbus left Spain for the new world Friday 3, ______.
- Answer: 1492
- The construction of what Canal shortened the travel time of east to west coast travel by ship?
- Answer: The Panama Canal
- In 1773 the Tea Act was a driving force that caused the American colonist to protest against England. What was the name of this protest?
- Answer: Boston Tea Party
- The assasination of whom in June of 1914, lead to the beginning of the great wars to end all wars?
- Answer: Archduke Franz Ferinand
- The Greeks invented a new kind of warfare that was used all the way up thru the Roman empire. Name this important battle tactic invented by the Greeks.
- Answer: phalanx (sheilds and long speartipped poles surrounding a group of men)
- In the Fourteenth-Century Europe, one third of the population died as a result of contact with what?
- Answer: Black Plague or Bubonic Plague
- The basic unit of Chinese society including ancestors was known as the Family. Where in China is the present capital of China located.
- Answer: Beijing, China
- Athens, the city state that eventually became the capital of the Greek Nation has been and still remains Greece's capital. Where is Athens and Greece located?
- Answer: Southeastern Europe on the Mediterranean Sea.
- What city-state became the largest Empire of the Mediterranean Sea area?
- Answer: Roman Empire
- What powder from China changed the way we conduct war to this day and is still in use?
- Answer; gun powder or black powder
- The Pharaohs of Egypt, between 2550 B.C.E. and 2490 B.C.E. built the largest stone structures ever built by man. What is the name of these Structures?
- Answer: Pyramids
- What was the trade route across china, India, Persia, and into present day Europe called?
- Answer: Silk Road
- The Industrial Revolution is said to have begun in what Nation in Europe during the 18th century?
- Answer: England
- The real center of power in the Roman State that lasted it's life and members were members for life, was known as the _____.
- Answer: Senate
- What city in the central part of the United States waa "The Gateway To The West."
- Answer: St. Louis
- What nation gave the United States the Statue of Liberty?
- Answer: France
- The Virginia town that Lee and Grant sat down to sign the surrender of the Confederate forces was ?
- Answer: Appomattox, Virginia
- The French settled in What area of North America?
- Answer: Canada
- The priest called ______, were the teachers and judges of the Celtic society.
- Answer: Druids
- The Name of the President who survived the split and repair of America only to died at wars end was whom?
- Answer: Abraham Lincoln
- The British surrendered to Washington at what battle? Thus ending the Kings rule over the Colonists.
- Answer: Battle of Yorktown
- During the French Revolution,no symbol was more important of the overturning of the old order than the beheading of whom?
- Answer: Louis XVI
- What city in Europe was the treaty of England and the colonist signned?
- Answer: Paris France (Treaty of Paris)
- The midnight ride of who was signaled one if by land and two if by sea?
- Answer: Paul Revere
- Iceman, a 5,300 year old man found frozen in the Alps, was equipped with tools and a means to hunt food. Where in Europe is the Alps?
- The Alps are located in Northern Italy and Southern Switzerland.
- Within six years of the end to the Civil War , the East and West Coasts of the United States would be linked by what mode of transportation.
- Answer: RailRoad
- What famous America Writer was once a Riverboat Captain?
- Answer: Mark Twain (samuel Clemens)
- The name of the war that divided the United Stated into two factions over States rights was what?
- Answer: Civil War War Between The States
- What is the largest Nation in Central America that Spanish is spoken today?
- Answer: Mexico
- When the New England area of America was settled, two seperate groups of Protestant dissenters undertook the settlement of this area. Who were they?
- Answer; Pilgrims and Puritans
- Where is the Statue of Liberty located?
- Answer: New York Harbor