Egypt Vadala
undefined, object
copy deck
- cataracts
- rough waters in the Nile
- What is Monarchy?
- A government run by a king or queen
- Canopic
- Jars used for body organs when bodies were made into mummies
- what is the Nile
- Lonest river runs through Egypt
- Ankh
- Symbol or sign for life and immortality like our cross
- Sarcophagus
- coffin for the mummy
- Osiris
God of the Dead
decided if a soul would llive or not - Champollion
- French language expert figured out the languages on the Rosetta stone
- What is Anubis
An egyptian god of the Dead
another name for Osiris
Looked like a jackal - Who is Menes?
Very early ruler who Began a dynasty of Egyptian rulers
before 300 BC