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History 230 continued


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The Great War
Fueled by european competition over trade,colonies,and allies. Two alliances had been formed.The triple alliance Germany-austria-hungary, and italy. and the triple Entente- Britain, france and russia. The Germans and British were fighting for world leadership.
Violations of US Nuetrality
The british started to sieze US ships that were providing germany with goods considered to be contraband. All items were considered contraband if it would aid germany in the war including food.
Were submarines used by the germans to break the british blockaid. Crews of 2-3 people. They usually struck without warning which was against the rules of warfare.
The Lusitania and the Sussex
Lusitania was a brittish luxury liner attacked by germans. Americans were among the people killed aboard. This caused Wilson to treaten to cut off diplomatic relationships. the sussex was a french steamer that was torpedoed by germany. US threatens germany to stop the use of subs and declared the sussex pleadge which included "search and seizure" which was impossible to perform on u boats
The Zimmerman telegram
Zimmerman sends a telegram to mexico staing that they would support mexico VS us and return US territories back to mexico. Mexico declines. This sparks outrage against germany
Trench warfare
Ditches were dug for fighting the war. Over 400+ miles in france in the east and in the middle of the trenches on either side was called no mans land. Each side lost 500k people
The 14 points
Peace without victory. Germans wanted to be treated fairly postwar. Open covenance no more secret treadies-freedom of the seas-no more subs-boundries of europe to be set by language.
The War industries board
Was run by Bernard Baruch and was designed to coordinate the economy by making purchases and allocating products and supplies as well as setting fixed prices
The National War labor board
Was instituted by wodrow wilson to keep factories running smoothly. THE NWLB dicouraged strikes and lock outs and urged management to negotiate with exisiting unions. NWLB forced GE to raise wages and after 800 western union employees were fired the NWLB pushed to reinstate the union laborors back to work.
Committee on public information
Headed by Geoge Creel the CPI was formed to gain support for the war. The group was comprised of writers and scholars who would use propaganda such as pamphlets and spoke in movie theaters churches and schools. These people were called 4 minute men.
Espioange acts
Was passed by congress to imprison Americans who spoke out against the government or war efforts.
Sedition Acts
This act made it unlawful to obstruct the sale of war bonds and to use profane language to describe the flag, government,uniforms. many people were arrested under this act.
Schenk VS US
In this case the court unanimously convicted a socialist party member for mailing pamphlets urging resistance to the draft. "free speech would not protect a man falsely shouting fire in a theater and causing panic"
League of nations
Was formed by Wodrow Wilson and was the focus of his idea of a postwar world.
Article 10
Every country in league of nations were to protect and preserve the other countries from attacks and military agressions.
Warren G Harding
was a former senator and newspaper owner from Ohio who won the vote for presidency by 61% with his campaign slogan being "return to normalcy" Was considered to be the least compitent person in congress.
Calvin coolidge
Was the governor of Mass and VP running mate in the 1920 elections. He also broke up the Boston Police strike
Andrew Mellon
Was the secretary of treasury during Harding's term
Marcus Garvey
Was a jamiacan who was educated in london who called on blacks in the US to form an alliance to help africans gain freedom from brittish rule
KKK- postwar
Experienced a rise in both the north and the south. The extended their hatred towards jews,catholic chruches,and uban decadence. Governors in 4 states were known klansmen in this era.
Sacco and Vanzetti
were two Italian-born laborers and anarchists who were tried, convicted and executed via electrocution on August 23, 1927 in Massachusetts for the 1920 armed robbery and murder of a pay-clerk and a security guard in Braintree, Massachusetts
scopes "Monkey" trial
Made it illegal for any state funded school in tennesee to teach anything other than the devine creation of man as described in the bible and to instead teach that man formed through evolution
Herbert Hoover
Was the secretary of commerce during Harding's term
Red Scare
a period of general fear of communists
A Mitchell Palmer
Was the attourney general who conducted raids against socialist parties
Coolidge Prosperity
was the decage after Hardings death that experienced great growth and prosperity after world war I
Florida Land Boom
Was fueled by outside speculators who would buy and sell lots numerous times within a short period of time. The real estate bubble burst in 1925.
immigration quotas
Congress set limits as to how many immigrants were allowed to enter the US to no more than 3% of the number of immigrants already in the us with a yearly max of 350k
stock Market Speculation
was a major reason for the depression due to companies and individuals buying large numbers of stocks and only placing a small down payment of the actual cost of the stock. People bought heavilly on margin
Black thursday
Was a term to disribe the collapes of the stock market in the 1920's
Teapot dome scandal
An issue surrounding the topic of the government controlling oil fields on public land considered necessary for providing the navy with needed oil

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