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Drafting the Constitution


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Shays Rebellion
Shays and fellow people march on governmetn. Some peple killed. Showed that Articles of Confederation needed change.
To accuse higher official of wrong doing. Congress' job.
Executive Branch
The branch of the president. Has 2 four year terms. 1)can call specail sessions on legislation 2)appoints federal judges
Process of Impeachment
The house is allowed to do the accusing. THen the senate tries the officail in trial.
Elastic Clause
Congres has flexibility to change laws
Checks and Balance
Eah branch has the power to make sure no one branch overpowers the other
Part of Ligislative Branch. Makes the laws. Two parts: senate and house of representatives
Power to Pardon
Presidents power to let go a persons case.
Concurrent Powers
Powers shared by national and stte governemtn . Ex tax.
James Madison
He is called the father of the constitution. He came to the constitutional convention.
Small State
Congress should have 1 house. One vote per state
House of Representatives
Members are directly responsible to the people. Concerned wit peoples concerns. Lower house
War Powers Resolution
1973. At the end of vietman war. President can send troops to a location wihtout the consent of congress. But only for 60 days, unless approved by confress to stay there.
Constitutional Convention
Delegated met up in Philidelphia at the independence hall. 12 out of 13 states show up, Rhode Island doesnt come.
Central Government
Authority comes from peole. Government stonger than states.
3/5th Compromise
3 out of 5 slaces are accounted fro representation.It solved the political not economic problem wiht slavery.
6 year term. Responsivle for national and federal issures. Upper house
Daniel Shays
A vetersan of the Revoultionary War. He lived n Massachusetts as a farmer. The farmers racked up so much debt that they lacked money to pay taves. Problem because the point of the Rev war was to lower taxes.
Delegated Powers
Enumerated Powers. Powers strictly given to national governmetn Ed. Control foreign affairs, interstate trade, declare war, and make peace.
Virginia Plan
Introduced by James Madison. 1)Bicameral- 2 houses 2) Congress has power to tax 3)Congress has power to veto 4)Proposes executive and judicial branch.
Tenure Law
President can't fire high ranking official wihtout senates approval
Franklin D. Rosevelt
After him presidency was set for 2 four year terms.
Strong State
Authority comes from the state. State is stronger than governmetn.
Roger Sherman
Great Compromise
Large State
Congress should have 2 houses. Representation according to population.
Great Compromise
Introduced by Roger Sherman 1)2 Houses wheith one house based on popultion and and the other has a set number
A president can creeate one. But must be approved by congress. Ex.president Woodrow goes to europe afdter WWI and he had to return to us to have senate approve treaty of versialle.
Sepperation of Powers
Provide 3 different branches. Where each branch has certain responsibilities and duties.
Judicial Branch
The branch of judges. THey interpret laws 1)declares an act unconstitutional
New Jersey Plan
Introduced by William Paterson. 1)Unicameral-1 House where representation has one vote for each state. 2)Seperation of powers
Not guilty
Northern States
Slavves hsould not affect the number of congressional delegates and when levying taxes.
Legislative Branch
The branch of congess. 1)Can overide veto, impeach, and approve treaty 2)creates lower courts, and remove judges by impeachment
2/3 veto
Congress can send back veto if two thirds of congress approves
Southern States
Slaves shoud be accounted for number of congressional delegates and when levying taxes.
Reserved Powers
Powers granted to the state. Ex. Marriage license, education.
James Madison
Virginia Plan
William Paterson
New Jersey Plan

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