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History Sem. 2 Final


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launched by soviets to orbit the earth
Freedom Summer
project that helped register African Americans to vote
rigid segregation of races in South Africa / Carter condemned it
National healthcare for the needy
Warren Commission
investigated assassination of JFK
Montgomery Improvement Association
organization who's spokesperson was MLKJ; spoke in favor of Montgomery Bus Boycott
Ronald Reagan
president who was shot at in 1981 by a man trying to impress Jodi Foster
D-Day (Operation Overlord)
helped allies est. base from which they swept Germany out of France
Gerald Ford
president who pardoned Nixon and Vietnam draft dodgers
Civil Rights Act of 1964
act that prohibited discrimination in jobs and public housing
Three Mile Island
Nuclear Power Plant in Harrisburg, Penn. which failed, causing radiation to be admitted in the air
fear that no electronics would work due to not switching to the year 2000
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
group that focused on ending racial discrimination peacefully
(1) TWA Flight 847 - Greece to Rome, hijacked with 153 onboard (2) Pan-Am Flight 103 - exploded over Scotland, killing 256 passengers
Ho Chi Minh Trail
important supply route for north Vietnamese soldiers
Brown v. the Board of Education
Supreme Court case that stated separate schools were NOT equal
policy of allowing more open criticism of the Soviet government
Vietnam Memorial
memorial to Vietnam veterans entitles "Dark Silence", completed 1984
Tet Offensive
Vietnamese New Year, when North attacked South - as a result, Americans began heavily protesting against Vietnam
Little Rock Nine
9 African American students who attempted to integrate Central High; met with some opposition
hippie movement characterized by heavy drug use and casual sex
Peace Corps
new frontier program, sent volunteers to developing nations for two years
area of Africa in which genocide was discovered in 1994
Nixon's belief in putting National interests before all else
space shuttle which exploded in 1986
Thurgood Marshall
NAACP lawyer who suggested segregation was damaging to African American children
Bill Clinton
won election of 1992 and was impeached due to Monica Lewinsky scandal and after acquitted
Oklahoma City Bombing
1995, first act of domestic terrorism by an American
Berlin Airlift
successful because it embarrassed the Soviets
Jimmy Carter
human rights was his foreign policy focus (apartheid)
trickle-down economics
domino theory
if one country falls to communism, others will fall more easily
Axis Powers WWII
Germany, Italy, Japan
GI Bill of Rights
gave veterans money for housing and education
38th Parallel
place where North and South Korea were divide into American and Soviet occupied zones
Cold War
US and Soviet conflict in which they would block each others goals around the world
Joseph McCarthy spread fear of communism in the US
policy of giving in to hostile nations to avoid war
Black Power
movement that urged African Americans to gain control of political and economic power by force if necessary
Nelson Mandela
leader who was freed in South Africa in 1990 and struggled to end Apartheid
Lend-Lease Act
allowed US to provide arms & supplies to allies before the US joined the fighting
Rosa Parks
refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white man and was arrested
Operation Desert Storm
US protection of Kuwait in 1990
flexible response
JFK's policy that provided several options for handling Cold War issues
disease which was highlighted by a memorial quilt created in 1987
INF Treaty
agreement which eliminated all medium-range nuclear weapons
Atomic Bomb/ Manhattan Project
developed in Manhattan, tested in New Mexico, used to end war quickly
Marshall Plan
pledged billions of dollars to Europe to prevent communism
Berlin Blockade
in 1948 Soviets blockaded Berlin in an effort to keep communism in east Germany
Tonkin Gulf Resolution
1st time a president declared an act of war without the consent of Congress (JOHNSON)
Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)
women were encouraged to fight for more rights and lobbied to have this amendment passed
major musical event which represented the best and worst of the counterculture
Tienanmen Square
1989 - University students in China protested, wanting freedom of speech and a greater say in govt. China's leader ordered military to slaughter students
Berlin Wall (going up)
separated East and West Berlin from 1961 to 1989 - built by communist EAST BERLIN to prevent citizens from fleeing to the west
affected business by increasing productivity
1992 Bosnia voted on independence but the Serbs were against in and used ethnic cleansing to remove non-Serbs from their territory
Pearl Harbor
Dec. 7th, 1941, Japan attacked Hawaii b/c we cut off oil supply b/c they wouldn't leave Mancuria
Arms Race
Matching another country's production of weapons
Internment Camps
camps on west coast where govt placed Japanese Americans after Pearl Harbor
a restructuring of the Soviet economy which led to the fall of Communism
German govt in WWII
General MacArthur
person who disagreed with Truman on his Korea Policy and was fired
United Nations
created in 1945 to promote international peace
Sandra Day O'Conner
first female supreme court justice
role of women (1950s)
to cook, clean, and raise the kids
ability to get to the verge of war without entering one
Camp David Accords
1st signed peace agreement between Egypt and Israel
Richard Nixon
1st president to visit China, resigned due to Watergate scandal
preventing the spread of communism
a govt. characterized by racism and militarism, a repressive one-party dictatorship
Nuremberg Trials
established the principle that individuals can be held responsible for wartime conduct
Bay of Pigs
invasion planned by the CIA to overthrow Castro
scandal which led to resignation of Nixon
Baby boom
population increase resulted from younger marriages and put emphasis on parenting
Iran-Contra Affair
involved funding guerrilla forces in Nicaragua in exchange for hostages
Star Wars
cold war defense plan put in space (REAGAN)
Native Americans (1950s)
ethnic group pressured to move to cities as a result of termination
Environmental Protection Agency
Organization developed to protect the environment
purchasing a lot of material goods
Student Democratic Society - radical student group who organized the 1st anti-war protest in Washington
Head Start Program
Great Society program that offered preschool to those who could not afford it
political party from the south, broke off of Democrats due to race issue
Explorer I
1st US satellite
urban renewal
replacing old run down buildings with new ones
The National Defense Education Act
appropriated money to improve math, science, and foreign language in schools
Thomas-Hill Hearings
sexual harassment hearing in 1993 between Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas (potential Supreme Court justice)
Iran Hostage Crisis
the Shah of Iran (a US ally) came to US after a revolution in Iran and armed students took 52 American hostages. (contributed to the defeat of Carter in 1980 election)
Cuban Missile Crisis
soviets placed missiles in Cuba aimed at the US - it was 13 days of potential nuclear war
Adolph Hitler
used spoken word to rise to power in Germany
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
1960, coordinated sit-ins and protests to help young blacks protest discrimination and the Vietnam war peacefully
Family Medical Leave Act
laws requiring businesses to provide up to 12 weeks unpaid leave for family emergencies
Martin Luther King, Jr
led MIA and made it his goal in life to end racial injustice
Dolly the sheep was cloned in 1998
silent generation
youth of the 50s - conformed to middle-class culture without question
Affirmative Action
policy put into place to erase former discrimination of the basis of race and gender
Allied Powers WWII
Great Britain, Russia, France, US
styles of dress (1950s)
poodle skirts, cardigans sweaters, capris, bermudas, leather jackets
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries - Quadrupled oil prices in the 70s
Kent State
campus in Ohio where 4 students were killed in an Anti-war protest by National Guard
Free thinking poets and writers who rejected conformity
2/3 (6 million) Jews exterminated by Nazis
Civil Rights Act of 1957
act which outlawed attempts to prohibit qualified voters from voting
national healthcare for elderly - 65 or older
Armistice Agreement
signed Sept. 2nd, 1945, on battleship Missouri in Tokyo Bay
worst nuclear accident ever in Ukraine, 31 died immediately, 300 injured
Roe v. Wade
Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion
Fall of the Berlin Wall
1989 - communist government failed and crowds left East Germany as people dismantled the wall
govt. controlled by single person or party, controlling every aspect of life

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