Vocubulario Alcarria
undefined, object
copy deck
- Hectómetro
1/10 of a kilometer, about the size of a football field
- Regato
a small pool of water bythe side of the road
- Descolgar
to unhitch, to take off
back pack
de medio cuerpo
- top half of body (torso)
- cuclillas
- squatting
- jabonera
- soap dish
se le acerca
- brings it close to him
- obsequioso
obliging, helpful
- expert
- Diputación
- local government body, state house
vaga cadencia
vague cadence, rhythm of speech
foie gras
paste of goose liver
- vueltecita
- a little turn, trip around
- va ya muerto
really dying of
- me lo tiene dicho
- has told me
- alargar
to stretch out
- rehuír
- refused
- suelo
- soil/ground
- hurgar
- poking around
la brilla
shines on him
- preguntón
asks too much
- colorado
- reddish
- pimentón
- paprika
- sandía
- watermelon
- reír
- laugh
- se queda parado
the sun is stopped
- Pelambrera
a mop of hair
- Arder
- to burn
- Se enciende
catches fire, lights up
- Ilusión
- hope, excitement
- Vaguada
waterway, ditch for irrigation
- Trago
- swig, slurp
- Desdoblar
- unfold
- Manta
- blanket
- Tumbarse
fall down
- Coche official
governmental car
- Ovejas
- sheep
- Apiñada
- bunched up
- Veloces
- quickly
- Detenerse
- stop
- De golpe
all of a sudden
- Acompasadamente
- Cuernos
horns (antenna)
- Delgado
- thin
- Amapolas
- poppies
- Margaritas
- daisy
- Cardos
- thistle
- Dorados
- golden
- Boton de oro
button of gold
- Bordes
- Sembrados
- cultivated fields
- Amplio
- wide
- Paja
- straw
- Ramitos
branches, sprigs
- Aciana
- cornflower
- Batas de cretona
jumper, smock of cretonne (kind of cloth)
- Andan sueltas
they walk around at ease
- Ligeras
- lightly
- Graciosas
- graceful
small european deer
- Ciguena
- stork
- Volar
- fly
- Chapuzarse
duck under, splash
- Restaño
- pools left in the river after dry season
- Arroyo
- creek
- Abeja
- bee
- Libar
- suck nectar
- Espino
thorn - thistle flower
- Al nacer el verano
beginning of summer
- hombros
- shoulder
- corriente
- current
- diese
- were to give
- ligereza
- lightness