platinum vignettes
undefined, object
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- warfarin
- craninofacial, IUGR, central nervous system, stillbirth
- IgA deficiency
- mild symptoms of respiratory and GI infections, suspect if anaphylaxis to immunoglobulins
- most common malignancy newborn
- neuroblastoma
- hydrocephalus symptoms
- due to increased intracranial pressure - enlarging head size, lethargy, irritability, vomiting, headaches, poor feeding/appetite, confusion
- meconium ileus
- small intesetine obstruction at birth from inspissated meconium
- nephrotic syndrome present
- dependent edema, moring periorbital edema, and even ankle and foot edema - preceding viral URI common
- hypocalcemia
- - jittery carpopedal spasam (muscle spasm hands and feet), bronchospasm and seizures
- CF die of
- respiratory failure complicated by secondary pulmonary hypertension and right heart failure (cor pulmonale)
- retropharyngeal abscess
- high fever, severe dysphagia
- HMD risk factor
- maternal diabetes, premature
- WPW diagnosis
- electrophysiologic testing
- partial seizures either
- simple or complex
- child abuse
- shaken baby, retinal hemorage, duodenal hematoma - in absense of severe trauma, frenulum injuries (forcing bottle into mouth)
- epiglotitis where tx
- operating room, as may precipitate airway obstruction
- HMD due to
- deficiency of pulmonary surfactant (produced type II pneumocytes)
- noncommunicating hydrocephalus cause
- neoplasm or congenital anomaly - aqueductal stenosis
- HD symptoms obscure
- Pruritus, cervical adenopathy, - immuno deficiency, splenomegaly
- Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis
- recurrent Canida infection s(skin, thrush, nails) with no other immune problems; HYPOthyroidism
- DiGeorge Syndrome is
- 3rd and 4th paryngeal pouches maldevelopment
- viral menengitis cause
- enteroviruses (coxsackievirus A/B, echovirus)
- meconium aspiration
- chemical pneumonitis, term or post term infants - prolonged or stresful deliveries, oligohydraminos and placental insufficiency increase risk
- strep throat
- streptococcal pharyngitis
- FAS signs
- intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), small-for gestational age, microcephaly, mental retardation, learning disorders, behaviroal problems
- simple seizure
- no impared consciousness
- HD symptoms common
- vague constitutional systems "B" symptoms - fatigue, malaise, low-grade fever, weight loss, and night sweats
- foreign body tx
- heimlich maneuver or back blows in infants, NOT BLIND finger sweep (ok if see object)
- FAS cardio
- ventricular septal defect or aterial septal defect
- hydrocephalus classic sign
- rapidly enlarging head circumference > 95% - bulging fontanelle, enlarged scalp veins - "setting sun" sign
- HIV test infant
- All ifnants of HIV positive mom - within 72 hours birth - DNA PCR HIV test or HIV culture.
- TTN lasts
- 6-36 hours, if improvement in this time then was not HMD
- signs of sepsis
- hypotension, leukocytosis, or seizures
- C5-C9 complement deficiencies
- recurrent Neisseria infections, low specific complement level
- WPW is a
- type of ventricular preexcitation, or premature stimulation of the ventrical by an accesssory conduction pathway bypasses AV node
- hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
- harsh midsystolic creschedo-decrescendo systolic murmor, and a strong two-part (bifid) apical impulse)
- athletes pass out
- hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
- communicating hydrocephalus cause
- meningitis or hemorrhage
- epiglotitis tx
- immediate airway management, entrotracial intubation, dpt should not be agitated (do not start IV before intubation)
- CF tricky
- rectal prolapse and bleeding varices
- why treat GAS
- prevent rheumatic fever and development of scarlet fever, does not prevent poststreptococall glomerulonephritis
- Chediak Higashi syndrome
- autosomal recessive, giant granules in neutrophils, oculocutaneous albinism, microtubule polymerization defect
- peritonsillar abscess
- locked jaw (trismus), muffled voice, fever, drooling, asymmetric tonsillar enlargement
- pharyngitis on PE
- beefy red pharynx w/ whitish or yellowish tonsillar exudate, tender cervical adenopathy, leukocytosis with neutrophils > 75%
- HIV mom how long treat child
- AZT for 6 weeks after birth (regardless of symptoms)
- without Hib you get
- Epiglottitis
- CF respiratory
- cough, wheezing, and/or lung infections (pseudomonas or staphylococcus aureus)
- DiGeorge Syndrome missing
- parathyroid glands and hypoplastic absent thymus
- VSD sounds
- Characteristically, a loud, harsh, or blowing holosystolic murmur is best heard over the lower left sternal border in the third or fourth intercostal space. This is frequently accompanied by a thrill. Sometimes, the murmur ends before the second heart sound, presumably because of closure of the defect during late systole.
- epiglotitis PE
- high fever, appear acutely ill/toxic and anxious, respiratory distress and dyspnea, lean forward droolwing, leukocytosis
- down syndrome cause
- maternal nondisjunction during meiosis
- ALL think
- down syndrome then think of
- hydrocephalus etologies
- arnold-chiari, aqueductal stenosis, tumors, meningitis, hemorage
- aspriated foreign body either
- sudden respiratory distress or RECURRENT pneumonia when chronic
- complex seizure
- impaired consciousness
- X-linked agammaglobuniemia (Brutton's)
- males, low B cells, infections start at 6 MONTHS, when maternal antiboides disappear, lung/sinus infections
- ALL is the
- most common childhood malignancy
- nephrotic syndrome other cause
- glomerular sclerosis - similar presentation to minimal change dz, does not respond steroids
- WPW history
- arrhythmias, shortness of breat, syncope, or palpitations - atrial fibulation or other tachycardia
- epilepsy
- recurrent seizures due to an intrinsic brain abnormality
- epiglotitis tx not helpful
- racemic epinephrine
- peak age ALL
- 4y old, down syndrome, family history, fanconi syndrome, ataxia telangiectasia, radiation, benzne, or chemotherpay
- Roseola PE w/ fever
- often alert, active not too irritable, appetite may be nearly normal
- menengitis empiric coverage
- ampicillin plus cefotaximine, ceftriaxone or gentamicin in those < 3 months, cefotaxime or ceftriaxone plus vancomycin in older children
- DiGeorge S. cardiac
- aortic arch abnormalities or trunctus arteriosis w/ VSD - so cyanosis
- rib fracture w/ callus formation
- at least 3wks old, child abuse
- HIV positive infants
- immunzations and give MMR, prophylatic antibotics (bactrim for pneumocystis) when CD4 < 200, antiretrovial medications
- Chronic granulomatous disease
- X linked, recurrent catalase positive organism infections (STAPH), deficient nitroblue tetrazolium dye test (absent respiratory burst from NADPH oxidase deficiency.
- luekemia and
- down syndrome blood
- if DNA-PCR for HIV negative
- repeate after 1 month (as low sensitivity), then ELSA at 18 months
- menengitis PE
- bluging fontanelle, fever, photophobia, alterned level of consciousness
- tonic-clonic seizure
- classic generalized seizures - grand mal
- nephrotic syndrome
- hallmark is proteinuria 50mg/kg/day in children - results in hypoalbuminemia and edema - most often minimal change dz
- meconium aspiration xray
- patchy infiltrates, atelectasis and/or scattered areas of hyperinflation
- 3 Hertz
- absense seizures
- GAS tx
- oral penicillin for 10days, erythromycin if allergic.
- subdural hemorage
- think child abuse
- Confirm true puberity
- admin GnRH as it causes a marked increase in serum level luteinizing hormon once puberity has been reached.
- setting sun sign
- bilateral lid retraction and increased, tonic downward gaze - and/or upward gaze palsy - papilledema likely
- ALL due to
- malignant transformation of the B cell lymphocyte
- head circumference
- spared in benighn causes of FTT or delayed growth including endocrine, while abnormal in serious FTT - utero insults or genetic
- Roseola Tx
- supportive - acetaminophen to lower fever, and fluids
- peritonsillar abscess uvula moves
- away from the affected side
- shows short PR interval (< 0.12sec), wide QRS complex (> .12) and a slurred QRDS upstroke or delta wave, which causes the double peak in the QRS complex
- foreign body tests
- inspiratory and expiratory chest xray to confirm air trapping
- AIDS symptoms children
- lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia (chornic, stable, noninfectious), HIV encephalopathy, and wasting syndrome - recurrent fevers, chronic diarrhea, adenopathy, hepatosplenomegally
- WPW when
- congential, symptoms may not occur until adolescense or even adulthood
- generlized seizure
- seizure starts in BOTH hemispheres at the same time
- nephrotic syndrome complication
- hypercoagulable state - leads to thrombosis, classically the RENAL vein
- HD diagnosis
- biopsy lymph node
- HD xray
- bulky bilateral mediastinal adenopathy
- rales, arterial blood gas - hypoxia and acidosis, mechanical ventilation, admin surfactant, recover in week
- HIV test infant NOT helpful
- ELISA IgG anti-HIV serology not helpful, unless negative - as circulating maternal antibodies can be detected for upto 18 months
- meconium
- first stools of infant - typically greenish and contain epithelial cells, mucus and bile. First past in utero or within 48 hours birth.
- Hyper-IgE syndrome
- Job or Job-Buckley syndrome, fair skin, red hair, eczema, and recurrent staph skin infections, high IgA levels
- we avoid asprin
- Reye syndrome
- Roseola PE rash
- classically macular or macularpapular - chest and abdomen, less on the face and extermities. lasts less than 2 days.
- WPW abbrev.
- wolff parkinson White
- WPW tx
- radiofrequency ablation or procainamide or DC cardioversion. DO NOT slow the AV node (ie. betablockes or verapamil)
- bacterial menengitis CSF
- WBC count 1340, neutrophils 85%, glucose 10mg/dL, protein 112 mg/dL (nl 15-45)
- DiGeorge S. at 24-48 hours
- signs of hypocalcemia
- precocious puberty def
- secondary sex characteristics before age 8 femals, 9 males
- DiGeorge S. PE
- low-set ears, micrognathia (small mandible) and hypertelorism (widely spaced eyes)
- CF tx
- antibiotics, exocrine pancreatic enzyme replacment, nutritional support (fat soluable vitamins)
- arrhythmia symptoms
- shortenss of breath, syncope, or palpitations
- minimal change dz tx
- corticosteroids - oral prednisone 4-5wks, diuretics and salt-restriction supportive to reduce edema, if fail to respond renal biospy, in increased susceptibility to infection (encapsulated organsims) as loss immunoglobins in urine
- Roseola PE nodes
- posterior auricular and/or cervical adenopathy
- mcune albright syndrome
- look for coexisting cafe-au-lait spots and polyostotic fibrous dysplaisa with precocious puberity
- lithium
- cardiac (Ebstein's) anomalies
- epiglotits tx med
- third generation cephalosporin
- cause menengitis not neonate
- S. pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitdits, haemophilus influenza type b
- absense seizure are
- a generalized seizure
- ALL signs PE
- multiple petechiae and purpura, result in severe thrombocytopenia
- ALL diagnosis
- bone marrow biopsy
- hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy TX
- beta blockers (avoid diuretics and positive inotropes)
- 2nd most common malignancy of childhood
- central nervous system turmors - pilocytic jev
- meconium aspiration PE
- respiratory distress, tachypnea, retractions and rales or rhonchi.
- at birth respiratory difficulty, gets worse within the first few hours - tachypnea, grunting, nasal flaring, substernal intercostal and supraclavicular retractions - cyanosis perhaps
- aspirated foreign body where
- right lower lobe or middle lobe bronchus
- RS cell from
- B lymphocyte
- if meconium
- neonate immediately intubated with suction performed below the vocal cords
- CF confirmed by
- DNA probe
- in utero HIV
- fulminant course - early adenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly at birth - death by 5y
- meningtiis treatment
- IV fluids and antibioitcs - not delay. on boards - choose treatment over securing a diagnossi with LP
- pharyngitis uncommon PE
- palatal petechie - uncommon, but highly suggestive of GAS.
- bacterial menengitis signs
- poor feeding, vomiting, jaundice, lethargy, irritablity, and fever
- during pregnancy FAS
- no alcohol is good alcohol (often > 5 drinks/day typical)
- bruises days 5-7
- greenish yellow, while red days 0-1, and purple 1-4. delay in seeking treatment consider child abuse
- ALL present with
- anemia (pallor, fatigue, shortness of breath), thrombocytopenia (petechiae, easy brusing), leukonemia (fever, infections) and/or system symptoms (weight loss, anorexia), e
- Roseola progression
- 6m to 3years old, starts fairly abrupt onset of HIGH fever (104), not very sick appearing, w/ high fever febrile seizures, lasts 3-4 days then rash
- HD biospy lymphocyte depleted
- rare poor prognosis
- partial seizure
- seizures starts in one area or one side of the brain, EEG changes can often be localized to one area
- HD associated with
- Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and African Burkitt's lymphoma.
- mom HIV should
- not breastfeed
- diagnosis pharyngitis GAS
- CONFIRMED on the boards, as atypical cases frequent - rapid antigen assays - only average sensitivity - not the gold standard
- Herpes encephalitis classically
- personality changes and temporal lobe abnomralitys on CT/MRI - diagnose with PCR of CSF - tx acyclovir
- Patau syndrome
- deafness, microcephaly, HOLOPROSENCEPHALY (brain not devided into two separate hemisphers), MICROPHTHALMIA, rocker-bottom feet, cleft lip, tri 13
- Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
- X-linked (males), eczema, thrombocytopenia, and recurrent respiratory infections
- Edward syndrome
- microcephaly, clenched fist and index finger overlapping 3rd and 4th, tri 18, abnormal number of fingers, low-set ears, club feet, rockre bottom feet, cleft lip
- Roseola seizures
- consider bacterial infections (meningitis) - the difference is roseola pts are NOT very sick appearing - white count not high. AVOID extensive workup. if atypical or child seems ill - do LP and aggresively antibiotics
- Hodgkin's disease distribution
- bimodal age peak at 15-34
- TTN xray
- see hyperinflation (opposite of HMD), increased perihilar markings, possibly fluid in fissuers or small effusions.
- sudden onset wheezing
- no history of asthma think foreign body aspriation, xray focal hyperinflation (as ball-valve phenomenon), if esophagus severe dysphagia of sudden onset
- down syndrome symptoms
- placid and rarely cry, brushfield spots (white spots on iris), 5th finger clinodactyly, ventricular septal defect or atrioventricular canal defect
- HD biospy nodular sclerosing
- more common females
- alheimer's dz and
- down syndrome mind
- diphenylhydantoin
- craniofacial, limb, metnal retardation, cardiovascualr defects
- membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
- nephtroic syndrome with hematuria and HTN
- female virilization
- heterosexual precocious puberity (male-pattern facial hair, clitoral enlargement, voice deepending) always abnormal due to androgen secreting neoplasms, cushing syndrome, or congential adreanl hyperplasia
- meconiumsspiration tx
- prevenation - infants mouth routinely aspirated/suctioned with catheter before shoulders delivered
- hydrocephalus tx
- surgical - shunt to decompress ventricular system. Ventriculoperitoneal shunt.
- atypical GAS
- rhinorrhea, cough, conjunctivitis, and hoarseness - viral etiolgoy and sick contacts
- minimal change dz
- postinfectious, immune -mediated results in effacement of the foot process of renal epithelial podocytes - leading to nephrotic syndrome
- thalidomide
- phocomelia
- nephrotic syn. PE
- periorbital edema, and often soft pitting edema in lower extermities - lab shows hypoalbluminemia an dlipedemia (elevated cholesterol and triglycerides), proteinuria and lipiduria - no hypertension and no hematuria
- children HIV when
- 5 or 6years of age
- RDS complications
- bronchopulmonary dysplasia, intraventricular hemorrhage, necrotizing enterocolititis, pneumothorax, and pulmonary interstitial emphysema
- Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)
- maxillary hypoplasia, shortened palpebral fissures, flat nasal bridge, and thin upper lip
- classic GAS
- school age child, fairly rapid onset of fever, sore throat and constitutional symptoms (headache malise, stomache, nausea/vomiting)
- pneumoia same location
- think chronic aspriated foreign body or structural lung abnormalitis - often peanuts, coins, small toys
- Severe combined immunodeficiency
- autosomal recessive, due to adenosine deaminase deficiency, B and T cell problem, severe infections tsart after birth, cutaneous anergy
- acute pharyngitis etiologies
- viral and group A streptococcus (GAS)
- displaced cardiac apex with a similar holosystolic murmur, as well as an apical diastolic rumble and third heart sound (S3) at the apex, caused by the increased flow through the mitral valve.
- meconium stained
- thick particulate or pea soup appearance.
- Roseola infantum
- exanthem subitum
- epiglottitis signs
- fairly rapid onset of fever, trouble breathing and dysphagia, may or may not preceded by brief upper respiratory infection - cough absent or mild
- hydrocephalus is
- ventricular enlargement w/ excessive cerebrospinal fluid
- owl eyed cell
- reed sternberg cell (RS)
- transient tachypnea of newborn (TTN)
- due to delayed resorption of the fetal lung fluid - term or near-term infant, delivered by cesarean section, better in 24-26 hours, while HMD get worse
- hydrocephalus forms
- communicating (CSF can flow) and non-communicating
- cause menengitis neonate
- GROUP B STREP!, then Escherichia coli and Listera
- absense seizures PE
- no other symptoms, may have eyelid fluttering, or mild motor symptoms (automatisms), lip smacking, increased muslce tone during seizures
- CF pancreatic
- chornic steatorrhea and/or diarrhea
- febrile sezures
- 5m to 5y, high fever, one brief seizure, no other signs, very slight increased risk of epilepsy - watchful waiting
- down syndrome PE
- oblique palpebral fissures, small ears, nose small with flattened bridge, mouth open, mild muscle hypotonicity present, large gap 1st and 2nd toese.
- billiary cirrhosis may develop with portal hypertension and varices
- hyaline membrane dz (HMD)
- WPW on boards
- classic rhythm strip patient is asymptomatic - ex: pts has two separate episodes of passing out at football practice
- GAS gold standard
- culture - perform GAS culture or rapid antigen assay in all infectious cases of pharyngitis (unless clearly viral) if gen option, ESPECIALLY before treating with antibioitics.
- CF signs
- meconium ileus, rectal prolapse, dehydration, hypernatremic, hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis
- epiglotitis lateral xray
- wide, rounded, markedly enlarged epiglottits - thumb sign
- absense seizure characterizied by
- breif (15-45 seconds), few or hundrends of seizures per day, onset abrupt, no aura, no postictal drowsiness
- Tx absense seizures
- ethosuximide or valproic acid