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Geography 9 Weeks Test Definitions and Words (chapters 1-4)

i added the chapter 4 vocab words to this unit


undefined, object
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the distance north or south of Earth's equator
culture trait
an activity or behavior in which people often take part, ex:playing football
nonrenewable resources
resources that can't be replaced, like coal
the study of weather an what causes it
ocean currents
large streams of surface sea water; they move heat around Earth
the total number of people in a given area
sudden, violent movements of Earth's crust
all the human and physical features that make a place unique
a region's average weather conditions over a long period
water vapor
water occurring in the air as an invisible gas
seasonal winds that bring either dry or moist air
planting trees to replace lost forest land
fossil fuels
nonrenewable resources that formed when the remains of ancient plants and animals
a semidry grassland or prairie, they often border deserts
areas of tall grasses, scattered trees, and shrubs
to die out
magma that reaches the Earth's surface
the movement of sediment from one location to another
the set of beliefs, values, and practices a group of people have in common
the place where two air masses of different temperatures or moisture content meet
cultural diversity
having a variety of cultures in the same area
the short term changes in the air for a given place and time
the land, water, climate, plants, and animals of an area; surroundings
population density
average number of people living in an area (average population divided by total area which equals persons per square mile or kilometer)
plate tectonics
a theory suggesting that the Earth's surface is divided into a dozen or so slow-moving plates, or pieces of the Earth's crust
United Nations
an organization of the world's countries that promotes peace and security around the globe
the process in which countries are increasingly linked to each other through culture and trade
humanitarian aid
assistance to people in distress
hydroelectric power
the production of electricity form waterpower
decayed plant or animal matter
the process by which rock is broken down into smaller pieces
social science
a field that studies people and the relationships among them
ethnic group
a group of people who share a common culture
a political system in which the government owns all property and dominates all aspects of life in the country
water found below the Earth's surface
natural resource
any material in nature that people use and value
the science of making maps
the clearing of trees
a 365 1/4 day trip Earth takes around the sun each year
gross domestic product
the value of all goods and services produced within a country in a single year
absolute location
a specific description of where a place is located; it is often expressed using latitude and longitude
developing countries
countries with less productive economies and a lower quality of life
command economy
a system in which the central government makes all economic decisions
the reliance of one country on the resources, goods, or services of another country
a spherical, or ball shaped model of the entire planet
the place where a plant or animal lives
renewable resources
resources Earth replaces naturally, like water, soil, or a tree
one complete spin of the Earth on its axis, each takes about 24 hours
physical geography
the study of the world;s physical features- its landforms, bodies of water, climates, soils, and plants
a form of government in which the people elect leaders and rule by majority
the study of the world, its people, and the landscapes they create
a long period of lower than normal precipitation
water that falls to Earth's surface as rain, snow, sleet, or hail
human geography
the study of the world's people, communities, and landscapes
large areas of slow-moving ice
regions close to the equator
surface water
water that is found in Earth's streams, rivers, and lakes
market economy
a system based on private ownership, free trade, and competition
culture region
an area in which people have many shared culture traits
the annual number of births per 1,000 people
popular culture
culture traits that are well known and widely accepted
water cycle
the movement of water from Earth's surface to the atmosphere and back
solar energy
energy from the sun
cultural diffusion
the spread of culture traits from one region to another
a large landmass that is part of the Earth's crust; geographers identify seven continents
permanently frozen layers of soil which often create ponds and marshes in the summer
the spread of desert like conditions
developed countries
countries with strong economics and a high quality of life
a part of the world that has one or more common features that distinguish it from surrounding areas
water without salt, it makes up about 3 percent of our water suppky
population distribution
where people really live (around water and urban areas)
the process of moving from one place to live in another
relative location
a general where a place is located; a place's relative location is often expressed in relation to something else
a group of plants and animals that depend on each other for survival and the environment in which they live
prevailing winds
winds that blow in the same direction over large areas of Earth
a flat drawing that shows all or part of the Earth's surface
shapes on Earth's surface, like hills or mountains

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