Japans 78
undefined, object
copy deck
- fuan (不安)
- uneasiness, anxiety, unrest, uncertainty
- fassho (ファッショ)
- the Fascists; Fascism
- foabōru (フォア・ボール)
- a base on balls
- fubenna (不便な)
- inconvenient
- firumu (フィルム)
- a film
- faito (ファイト)
- fighting spirits
- fu o tsuku (歩をつく)
- to advance a pawn
- fubunritsu (不文律)
- an unwritten law
- fubuki (吹雪)
- a snowstorm, a blizzard
- etsuran (閲覧)
- reading, inspection, perusal
- fēngenshō (フェーン現象)
- a foehn phenomenon
- fasunā (ファスナー)
- a zipper, a (zip) fastener
- fittonesukurabu (フィットネス・クラブ)
- a fitness centre
- fuantei (不安定)
- instability, insecurity, unrest
- fuanteina (不安定な)
- unstable, insecure, unsettled
- fu no (府の)
- prefectural
- firutātsuki tabako (フィルター付きタバコ)
- a tipped cigarette
- fubokai (父母会)
- a PTA
- foagura (フォアグラ)
- foie gras
- etsuranshitsu (閲覧室)
- a reading room
- fezākyū no (フェザー級の)
- featherweight ~
- ettō suru (越冬する)
- to pass the winter
- fajīriron (ファジー理論)
- the fuzzy theory
- etoku suru (会得する)
- to understand, to comprehend, to learn
- fasshonmoderu (ファッション・モデル)
- a model, a mannequin
- fu (麩)
- wheat-gluten bread
- fubina (不備な)
- defective, deficient, imperfect
- fan (ファン)
- [Infml.] a fan
- fubaiundō o suru (不買運動をする)
- to boycott
- fubi (不備)
- a defect, a deficiency
- fāsutoredī (ファースト・レディー)
- the first lady
- fuben o kakeru (不便をかける)
- to cause inconvenience
- fubo (父母)
- one's parents
- fīrudokyōgi (フィールド競技)
- field sports
- fajīna (ファジーな)
- fuzzy
- fuanni omou (不安に思う)
- to feel uneasy, to be uneasy, to feel anxious, to be anxious
- ete (得手)
- one's forte, one's strong point
- fakkusu (ファックス)
- a fax
- eigafan (映画ファン)
- a movie fan
- fīfa (フィーファ)
- FIFA [Fédération Internationale de Football Association/国際サッカー連盟]
- fāsutokurasu (ファースト・クラス)
- first class
- fandotorasuto (ファンド・トラスト)
- fund trust
- faindā (ファインダー)
- a viewfinder
- fubyōdōna (不平等な)
- unequal
- etsuran suru (閲覧する)
- to read, to inspect
- fāsutonēmu (ファースト・ネーム)
- one's first name
- fandomanejā (ファンド・マネジャー)
- a fund manager
- fubyōdōjōyaku (不平等条約)
- an unequal treaty
- firansoropī (フィランソロピー)
- corporate philanthropy
- feapurē (フェア・プレー)
- fair play
- fainpurē o suru (ファイン・プレーをする)
- to make a fine play
- feapurē o suru (フェア・プレーをする)
- to play fair
- fauru (ファウル)
- a foul (ball)
- firutā (フィルター)
- a filter, [タバコの] a filter tip
- fakkusu de okuru (ファックスで送る)
- to send by fax, to fax
- fu (譜)
- music, a score
- etekattena (得手勝手な)
- selfish
- firumuraiburarī (フィルムライブラリー)
- a film library
- ezuke suru (餌付けする)
- to induce [a chimpanzee] to take to feeding
- fubaiundō (不買運動)
- a boycott
- fubinna (不憫な)
- poor, miserable
- fu ni ochinai (腑に落ちない)
- I cannot understand
- fu no (負の)
- negative ~, minus ~
- fubyōdō (不平等)
- inequality
- fuanna (不安な)
- uneasy, anxious, uncertain
- fianse (フィアンセ)
- a fiancé; a fiancée
- etsunen suru (越年する)
- to pass the (old) year
- fuannai de aru (不案内である)
- to know nothing about, to be a stranger
- ezu (絵図)
- a drawing, a map, a plan
- ezuke (餌付け)
- artificial feeding
- fīrudo (フィールド)
- a field
- fasshon (ファッション)
- fashion
- fāsuto (ファースト)
- first base, a first baseman
- fauru suru (ファウルする)
- to foul
- etsuniiru (悦に入る)
- to rejoice, to be in ecstasies
- etchina hanashi (エッチな話)
- a dirty story, an indecent story
- ettōtai (越冬隊)
- the wintering party [at the Antarctic]
- fuchaku suru (付着する)
- to stick to, to adhere to
- fuben o kanjiru (不便を感じる)
- to feel inconvenience
- fasshonshō (ファッション・ショー)
- a fashion show
- figyuasukēto (フィギュア・スケート)
- figure skating
- fezākyūsenshu (フェザー級選手)
- a featherweight (boxer)
- fuchi (淵)
- a pool, the depth, an abyss
- fubinni omou (不憫に思う)
- to pity, to take pity on
- fināre (フィナーレ)
- a finale
- fuben de aru (不便である)
- to be inconveniently situated, to be in an inconvenient location
- fubarai (不払い)
- nonpayment
- fu (府)
- a prefecture