Greek Art
undefined, object
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- greek sculpture
- basically portrays "ideal" figures
- archaic statues
- used to represent dieties, mark graves, or be votive offerings or memorials
- kuoros
- created in 8th century B.C., it is the earliest Greek sculpture, it is a static male (female) figure
- stance of Kouroi
- shows no movement, definate Egyptian Influence.
- clothing of statues
- males portrayed nude, females always clothed
- material of the statues
- marble, later (530 BC) cast in bronze to give more mobility (lighter material)
- Kritios Boy
- marble statue, 480 BC, perfect male dimensions,stance shows no movement, Sculptor Kritios abandoned rigid Kouros style
- Riace bronzes
- 2 bronze male statues (possibly Greek warrior memorials) found in ocean off of Italian Town of Riace. 450 BC. life-like.
- Zeus of Artemuseum
- Football Zeus. Bronze statue of Zeus hurling a thunderbolt, found off Artemisium. 450 BC.
- Doryphoros
- Spearcarrier sculpted in bronze by Polyclitus ~440 BC. Perak more "real" male proportions.
- Discobolos
- Discus thrower originally cast in bronze by Myron ~450 so famous that later on Romans order many copies in marble (Cheaper)