undefined, object
copy deck
- rob
- v.搶劫,盜取,非法剝奪 You've robbed me of my happiness.
- convict
- v.判罪,證明 We need jurors who will not convict them guilty merely because they are suspicious.
- lawsuit
- n.訴訟
- dictator
- n.獨裁者,專制者 Hitler is a typical dictator.
- bourgeois
- adj.資產階級的,中產階級的
- supervision
- n.監督,管理,指導 The house was built under the careful supervision of an architect.
- parliament
- n.議會,國會 Parliament makes laws.
- justly
- 公正地 Maine is justly famous for its beautiful lakes and ponds.
- poll
- n. 投票記錄,民意測驗,投票(數) v.投票
- magistrate
- n.行政長官,地方法官 the first / chief magistrate
- imprisonment
- n.監禁
- Nazi
- adj 納粹的 n.納粹分子
- conviction
- n.確信,信服,定罪 This was her third conviction for cheating.
- quell
- v.壓制 He finally quelled the children's fears.
- execute
- v.實行,執行,處死,處決 The manager assistant came here to execute a few small commissions for the manager.
- decree
- n.法令,規定 v.頒佈
- precept
- n.規則,戒律
- dictatorial
- 獨裁的,專斷的
- ballot
- n,選票 The club members held a secret ballot to choose the chairperson.
- statesman
- n.國務活動家,政治家
- democratic
- 民主的 A proper democratic system scorn for bloated dukes and lords.
- clue
- n.思路,暗示,線索
- flag
- v.衰退,枯萎 My interest in this business has flagged.
- confiscate
- v.沒收,充公 The customs officials confiscated the contraband.
- reign
- v.統治 The Queen reigns but does not rule.
- province
- n.省,領域,簵圍
- casualty
- n. 意外,受害人,事故中受傷或死亡的人 The corner grocery was a casualty of the expanding supermarkets.
- preside
- v.主持 The special workshop was presided over by a famous scientist.
- penalty
- n.處罰,懲罰,罰金 The death penalty has been abolished in this country.
- prisoner
- n.困徒
- diplomacy
- n. 外交,策略 The union leader used all his diplomacy to settle the quarrel between the employer and the employees.
- suppress
- v.鎮壓,壓制,抑制,隱瞞,查禁 Although poisonous, many alkaloids are valuable as medicines, and some can suppress coughing.
- matrimony
- n. 婚姻,結婚,婚姻生活 How to unite a couple in holy matrimony?
- minister
- n.部長,大臣,牧師 the Minister for / of Foreign Affairs
- intrigue
- v.引起...興趣 Because of its old mannerisms, the praying mantis has always intrigued human beings.
- robbery
- n.搶劫,盜取 The news of the robbery of the bank was quickly bandied about.
- heirship
- n.繼承權
- throne
- n.王位,君權 The must obey the throne.
- delegate
- n.代表
- clause
- n.分句,條款 The clause in the contract is unsusceptible of another interpretation.
- aristocrat
- n.貴族
- bourgeoisie
- n.資產階級
- jurisdiction
- n. 司法權
- testimony
- n.證言
- dominate
- v. 統治,支配,控制 Successful leaders dominate events rather than react to them.
- bureaucracy
- n. 官僚主義 promised to reorganize the federal bureaucracy
- despoil
- v.奪取,搶劫 The region has been despoiled of its scenic beauty by unchecked development.
- commonwealth
- n.共和國,聯邦,共同體 The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
- homicide
- n.殺人 justifiable homicide
- chairman
- n.主席,議長 Chairman of the committee
- delegation
- n.代表團
- criterion
- n. (批評,判斷的) 標準 admission criterion 招生條件,錄取標準
- presumptuous
- 專橫的 It's too presumptuous of him to do so.
- consultant
- 顧問 The consultant committee met at the call of the chairman.
- legislation
- n 立法,法規 air pollution legislation
- anarchy
- n.無政府狀態 The assassination of the leaders led to a period of anarchy.
- Finn
- 芬蘭人
- ministry
- n. (政府的)部 the Ministry of National Defense
- commit
- v.使承擔義務,做(錯事),把...託交給 Booker T. Washington started the National Negro Business League, a group that was committed to the goal of black economic independence.
- sue
- v. 控告,請求 He threatened to sue.
- arbitration
- n.調停,仲裁 submit the points in a dispute to arbitration
- legislature
- n.立法機關,議會
- confer
- v.協商,頒給 The research team needs to confer with the director before it begins its final report.
- offensive
- 無理的,攻擊性的 The offensive troops gained ground quickly.
- trial
- n.審判 The trial ended with a hung jury. 此審判最後懸而未決
- citizen
- n.公民
- surveillance
- n.監視 electronic surveillance
- episode
- n.插曲
- outspoken
- 坦率直言的 It has been said that the essayist Henry David Thoreau was outspoken and usuall put forth little effort to please others.
- realm
- n.王國,領域 the realm of science
- absolve
- v. 赦免,解除(責任等)The officers would be given a certificate absolving them of / from any blame.
- incriminate
- v.控告,使負罪 In his confession, the thief incriminated two others who helped him steal.
- provincial
- adj.省的,外省的,鄉下的 Well-educated professional women made me feel uncomfortably provincial.
- civil
- 民用的,土木的,國內的,公民的 The lecturer continued that civil law was different to criminal law.
- subvert
- v.顛覆,推翻 Economic assistance must subvert the existing feudal or tribal order.
- court
- n. 法庭 v.追求,說服 a salesperson courting a potential customer
- partisan
- adj黨派的,派系感強的 partisan politics
- penalize
- v.處罰,罰款,懲罰 The baseball player was penalized for unnecessary roughness.
- civilian
- n. 平民 adj.平民的 civilian life
- illegitimate
- 非法的,私生的
- session
- n.會議,一段時間,一次 The general session approved the report of the investigaion commiitt.
- justify
- v.證明...是正當的 He justified each budgetary expense as necessary.
- ambassador
- n.大使 the British ambassador to France
- accusation
- n.控告 The accusation of falsehood against him was untenable.
- democracy
- n.民主 The teacher's democracy made her popular among her pupils.
- premier
- n.總理,首相
- autonomy
- n.自治權
- premeditated
- 預謀的 a premeditated murder
- politics
- n. 政治,政治學,政綱,政見,政治活動 Politics has never interested me.
- plaintiff
- n.原告 (defendant 被告)
- charter
- v.租船或車;給予特權 a charter plane n. 租賃,許可證
- tyrant
- n.暴君,專制君主 a local tyrant惡霸
- communism
- n.共產主義
- hostage
- n.人質,制約 Superpowers held hostage to each other by their nuclear arsenals.
- impartial
- 公正的,無偏見的 I don't think it is impartial for the professor to flunk my Chemistry test
- legalize
- v 合法化,法律認可
- probation
- n.緩刑,察看 (以觀後效) be placed on probation within the school
- sovereign
- n.統治者,君主 adj.統治的,有主權的 Only sovereign states are able to ake treaties.
- affiliate
- v. 加盟,入會 He refused to affiliate into any political party.
- regimen
- n.政權,養生法 Under such a regimen you'll certainly live long.
- regime
- n.政體,統治,制治 people suffered under the new regime
- domain
- n 領域 the domain of history
- outskirts
- n.郊區
- commune
- n. 公社 v.親密地交談,(與周圍的事物)處於親密的情感和感受的狀態 hikers communing with nature
- sin
- n.罪過,過失 It's a sin to tell lies.
- arrest
- v.逮捕 Aman was arrested on suspicion of having murdered the girl.
- acquit
- v.宣告無罪 That man was acquitted on two of the charges.
- eyewitness
- n.目擊者 Were there any eyewitnesses to the murder crime?f
- appealing
- 吸引人的,懇求的,求助的 San Francisco, one of the most appealing cities in the United States, is built on many hills.
- penal
- 受刑罰的,刑事的 penal laws刑法
- impeach
- v.控告,彈劾 impeach somebody's motives
- ownership
- n.所有權
- Oceania
- n. 大洋洲
- condone
- v.寬恕,赦免 People cannot condone the use of fierce vio.lence
- politician
- n.政客,政治家
- Jewish
- adj.猶太人的 Jewish customs
- urban
- adj. 城市的 The world urban population is increasing.
- obligatory
- 義務的,必須的 Attendance is obligatory.
- governor
- n.總督,地方長官 the Governor of the Bank of England
- domestic
- adj.家內的,國內的 domestic issues such as tax rates and highway construction
- testify
- v. 證明,作證 Her tears testified her grief.
- cabin
- n.機艙,船艙,小木屋
- tyranny
- n.暴政,暴虐,專橫 I have sworn eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
- territory
- n.領土,地區,範圍 Wild animals will not allow other animals to enter their territory.
- appeal
- v.呼籲,申述 The woman appealed to the government for assistance in resisting forced marriage. n.呼籲,申述
- alliance
- n. 聯盟,同盟
- covenant
- n.契約 The rival nations signed a covenant to reduce their armaments. v.立保證書 I covenanted to pay $10 a week to the church.
- fascist
- n.法西斯主義者
- delinquency
- n.少年犯罪,過失 delinquency problems
- culprit
- n.犯人
- factious
- 黨派的 factious quarrels
- mayor
- n.市長
- marital
- 婚姻的 marital status
- fascism
- n.法西斯主義
- dominant
- 佔優勢的,主導的 The dominant theme in the music is of tranquility and peacefulness.
- dominion
- n.領土,主權 the government's claim of dominion over the resources of the marginal sea
- legacy
- n.遺產,遺物 inherit a legacy 繼承遺產;a legacy of hatred / ill-will 宿怨,世仇; a rotten legacy 爛攤子
- legislative
- 立法的 a legislative body 立法機構
- justice
- n. 正義,公正 We thanked them for upholding justice 司法,法律制裁 the minister of justice
- congress
- n.國會,(代表)大會 Congress has approved the new publication laws.
- violate
- v.違犯,違背,侵犯 violated our privacy
- league
- n.同盟,聯盟,聯合會 Our team plays in the football league.
- warrant
- n.保證,許可權 He almost gives his failings as a warrant for his greatness.
- registration
- n.登記,掛號 a registration fee
- parade
- v.遊行,檢閱 n.遊行 The circus performers and animals paraded down the Main Street.
- avow
- v.公開,承認 He avowed that he would never cooperate with them again.
- boycott
- v.聯合抑制,杯葛 The people who work there are on strike to boycott a meeting.
- autonomous
- 自治的,自主的 This island is a colony; however, in most matters, it is autonomous and receives no orders from the motherland.
- parliamentary
- adj.議會的,國會的 parliamentary government
- executive
- adj. 執行的,實施的 n.執行著,行政官 the executive director of a drama troupe
- attorney
- n.代理人,辯護律師
- supervise
- v.管理,監視,指導 The teacher supervised our drawing class
- sovereignty
- n.主權 The neighboring country demanded its complete sovereignty and territorial integrity.
- faction
- n.宗派,派系,小集團
- obligation
- n.義務,責任 We are under an obligation to help.
- enact
- v.制定(法律),扮演 The United States Congress and the state legislatures enact thousands of laws each year
- confess
- v.懺悔,坦白 Mr. Foster confessed that he'd broken the speed limit.
- consul
- n.領事執政 an acting consul
- treaty
- n.條約
- detain
- v.使延遲,拘留 The disruptive students were detained after school until their parents had been notified.
- confederate
- adj 同盟的
- prefecture
- n.專區,府
- unruly
- 難控制的,不守法的 an unruly child 任性的小孩
- indictment
- n.起訴 bring in an indictment against somebody
- embassy
- n.大使館 American Embassy in Japan
- outlaw
- n.逃犯,歹徒 v.宣佈...非法 outlaw the sale of drink
- violent
- 激烈的 Not a few violent scenes were cut from the film before it came to show.
- commission
- n. 委員會,傭金 The Federal Trade Commission investigated false advertising.
- council
- n.理事會,委員會,議事機構 a council chamber
- legislate
- v.立法 legislate somebody out of an office 依法免某人的職
- conference
- n.會議 the peace conference
- sheriff
- n. (某些城市的)行政司法長官,(英)郡長
- diplomatic
- 外交的,有策略的 Julia joined the diplomatic service after her graduation from the university.
- senator
- n.參議員
- empower
- v. 授權,使能夠 Modern science and technology empower human begins to control natural forces more effectively.
- bureau
- n.署,局 a travel bureau
- inherit
- v.繼承 Children inherit half of their 23 pairs of chromosomes from each parent.
- metropolitan
- adj.大都會的,大城市的
- admonish
- v.警告,勸告 He admonished his listeners to change their wicked ways.
- warranty
- n.擔保,保證 The purchaser of this automobile is protected by the manufacturer's warranty.
- mission
- n.使節,代表團,使命,任務,天職
- colonist
- n.殖民地開拓者,殖民地居民 A colonist is an original settler or founder of a colony or an inhabitant of a colony.
- prosecute
- v.起訴,檢舉 He was prosecuted for robbery.
- liability
- n.責任,義務,負債
- warlord
- n.軍閥
- hierarchy
- n.統治集團,等級制度 put honesty first in her hierarchy of values
- capital
- adj.主要的,基本的 n.首都,資本,資金,大寫
- monarch
- n.君主 Mont Blanc is the monarch of the mountains.
- communist
- n.共產主義者 adj.共產主義的 the international communist movement
- cabinet
- n. 櫥櫃,內閣 a Cabinet Minister
- discipline
- n.紀律,風紀,思想,性格的訓練,學科 v.懲罰,懲戒 She, under no circumstances, disciplines her children and they are uncontrollable.
- equitable
- 公平的,公正的 a more equitable distribution of available resources
- propaganda
- n.宣傳 the selected truths, exaggerations, and lied of wartime propaganda
- unbiased
- 公正的
- accuse
- v.控告,歸咎 The accused her publicly of stealing their books.