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Japans 384


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reikokuna (冷酷な)
cruel, heartless, harsh
maitsuki no reikai (毎月の例会)
a monthly meeting
reiten o toru (零点をとる)
to get zero [in mathematics]
reiseisa o ushinau (冷静さを失う)
to lose one's head/temper, to be upset/excited
reinen ni naku (例年になく)
unusually [cold]
reitōniku (冷凍肉)
frozen meat
reishu (冷酒)
cold sake, chilled sake
reitōsha (冷凍車)
a refrigerator car
reihō (霊峰)
a sacred mountain
reiken aratakana (霊験あらたかな)
[a deity] that works a real miracle
reika sanjūdo (零下30度)
It's thirty degrees below zero
reishiki (礼式)
a ceremony, a rite; etiquette, manners
reigai no (例外の)
reikai (例会)
a regular meeting
reiken (霊験)
a miracle
reitō suru (冷凍する)
to freeze, to refrigerate
reiji (例示)
an example, an illustration
reizen ni sonaeru (霊前に供える)
to offer [a thing] to the spirit/memory of [the departed]
reisen (冷戦)
a cold war
reigitadashii (礼儀正しい)
polite, courteous
reikonfumetsu (霊魂不滅)
the immortality of the soul
reitōshokuhin (冷凍食品)
frozen foods
reitōgyo (冷凍魚)
frozen fish
reisen (冷泉)
a cold spring/spa
reigū suru (冷遇する)
to treat [a person] coldly, to give/show/turn the cold shoulder to
reikyakukikan (冷却期間)
a cooling-off period
reigū suru (礼遇する)
to receive [a person] courteously, to treat [a person] with respect
reitōko (冷凍庫)
a freezer, a deep freeze
reisetsu (礼節)
decorum, courtesy, etiquette, propriety, politeness, (good) manners
reisoku (令息)
your son, his son
reisui (冷水)
cold water
reigenna jijitsu (冷厳な事実)
grim/stern/stark realities
reikyaku suru (冷却する)
to cool, to refrigerate, to cool down/off
reisaina (零細な)
small [business], petty [farmer], trifling [sum of money]
reiketsu no (冷血の)
reigi (礼儀)
courtesy, good manners, etiquette
rei***u (礼服)
full dress, formal dress, [夜会の] evening dress [-> 礼装]
reikai (霊界)
the spiritual world
reihaidō (礼拝堂)
a chapel
reihō (礼砲)
a salute [of 21 guns]
reiseini (冷静に)
[to think about a matter] calmly, [to take things] coolly
reihyō suru (冷評する)
to make a sarcastic criticism/remark on
reikyakuki (冷却器)
a cooler, a refrigerator, a freezer, [エンジンの] a radiator
reikan (霊感)
an inspiration
reiketsukan (冷血漢)
a cold-blooded/cruel/heartless villain
reiki (冷気)
cold, a chill
reitanni (冷淡に)
coldly, indifferently
reikanshō (冷感症)
reihai suru (礼拝する)
to worship [at a shrine]
reirina (怜悧な)
clever, bright, intelligent
reimeiki (黎明期)
the dawn [of a new age]
reiten (零点)
reikyū (霊柩)
a coffin, a casket
reijō (礼状)
a letter of thanks
reiji (零時)
twelve o'clock, [昼の] noon, [夜の] midnight
reishō (冷笑)
a sneer, a derision
reijō (霊場)
a holy land, a sacred place [-> 霊地]
reigai (冷害)
damage from/by cold weather
reijō (令状)
a warrant, a writ
reisai (例祭)
an annual festival
reimei (黎明)
dawn, daybreak
reigai (例外)
an exception
reinen (例年)
an ordinary year, the average year; every year, annually
reikyūsha (霊柩車)
a motor hearse, a funeral car
reijō (令嬢)
your/his daughter, Miss [Kato]
reikō suru (励行する)
to enforce, to carry out [the rules], to observe; [時間を] to be punctual
reijō o hassuru (令状を発する)
to issue a warrant/writ [for a person's arrest]
reihai suru (零敗する)
to be shut out, to fail to score, [Infml.] to be blanked, to be skunked
reitanna (冷淡な)
cold, indifferent
reishō toshite (例証として)
by way of illustration, as an example
reikon (霊魂)
the soul, the spirit
reirōna (玲瓏な)
reiseina (冷静な)
cool [judgment], calm [attitude]
reihai (礼拝)
worship, [教会の] a service
reimyōna (霊妙な)
miraculous, mysterious, marvelous
reimairi o suru (礼参りをする)
to visit [a shrine] for thanksgiving, to pay a visit of thanks, [暴力団が] to make a revenge call
reigai naku (例外なく)
without an exception
reika (冷夏)
a coll summer
reimawari suru (礼回りする)
to make a round of calls to return thanks
reishō suru (冷笑する)
to sneer, to mock, to scoff at
reisuimasatsu o suru (冷水摩擦をする)
to rub oneself with a cold wet towel
reiraku suru (零落する)
to be ruined, to be badly off, to be worse off
reikin (礼金)
a reward, a fee, a recompense, a honorarium
reisō (礼装)
a ceremonial dress; full dress [-> 礼服]
reishō suru (例証する)
to exemplify, to illustrate
reireishiku (麗々しく)
pretentiously, ostentatiously
reisenshūketsu (冷戦終結)
the end of the Cold War
wa reigai to suru (は例外とする)
[we will] make an exception of [your case]

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