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a muscular tube that connects the mouth to the stomach
the physical breakdown of food. ex. chewing
mechanical digestion
like carbohydrates, fats are high-energy nutrients that are composed of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen
is the last section of the digestive system. it is about one and a half meters long. it runs up the right-hand side of the abdomen, across the upper abdomen, and then down the left-hand side. the large intestine contains bacteria that feed on the material passing through.
large intestine
the large intestine ends in a short tube called the rectum. here waste material is eliminated from the body through the anus, a muscular opening at hte end of the rectum
the substances in food that give the raw materials and the energy needed by the body are called nutrients
the amount of energy released by nutrients in the body is measured in units called calories.
a flap of tissue that seals off the windpipe, preventing food from entering it.
a thick, slippery substance that makes food easier to swallow
needed for normal muscle and nerve function
forms an important part of red blood cells
nutrients that are not made by living things are called minerals
involuntary waves of muscle contraction that push food through the digestive system
the tiny finger shaped structures that cover the inner surface of the small intestine are called villi. nutrient molecules pass from the small intestine into the bloodstream through the villi.
molecules that act as helpers in a variety of chemical reactions within the body
undigested food is prepared for egestion. the excess water is absorbed.
what happens in the large intestine.
almost all chemical digestion and absorption of nutrients takes place in the small intestine. it is 6 meters long, it makes up 2/3 of the digestive system
small intestine
the largest and heaviest organ inside the body that is located in the upper part of the abdomen is the liver.
mechanical-food gets chewed. chemical-starch>broken down into sugar.
what happens in the mouth
in chemical digestion, chemicals produced by the body break foods into their smaller chemical building blocks.
chemical digestion
helps form bones and teeth
nutrients that contain nitrogen, as well as carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen are called proteins
the process by which your body breaks down food into small nutrient molecules
chemical digestion-the proteins, fats, and starches are completely broken down and they are absorbed.
what happens in the small intestine
a triangular organ that lies between the stomach and the first part of the small intestine. like the liver, the pancreas plays a role in many body processes. as part of the digestive system, the pancrease produces enzymes that flow into the small intestine. these enzymes help break down the starches, proteins, and fats.
mouth-esophagus-stomach-small intestine-large intestine
the path of digestion
mechanical digestion-the food is mixed with the digestive juice. chemical digestion-the proteins are broken down
what happens in the stomach
the most abundant substance in the body
no digestion occuring. the moistened food is swallowed and pushed down to the stomach
what happens in the esophagus
helps maintain water balance

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