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History Exam Guide

Do you know YOUR history?


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The private ownership of wealth/capital
Founded the Mughal Empire
Founded the Ottoman Empire
Suleiman the Lawgiver
He binded the ottoman empire, was the "greatest" sultan
Adam Smith
He believed that there will always be a lower class and that there will always be poverty
The belief that nations are the natural way societies organize themselves
Louis XIV
this French king built Palace of Versailles, created a 400,000 man army, and took militaristic power from nobles
A spanish writer, wrote Don Quixote
The form of art (1850-1900) that focuses on hard realities, personal experiences, everyday subjects
Tokugawa Ieyasu
Became shogun with Oda's death, created alternate attendance
This Gunpowder Empire was located in Iran/Persia, Shi'ites
3 G's
The three reasons europeans explored the world: gold, god, and glory
Belgian Congo
King Leopold II of Belgium covered up inhumane stories about this empire in africa
Founded Ming dynasty, made military reforms, tyrant
The Columbian Exchange
The global transfer of foods, plants, and animals during the colonization of America
Thomas Malthus
He belived that as populations go up, wages decrease
Middle Kingdom Complex
The thought that China was the center of the universe
United Provinces of the Netherlands
Divided religously, a rebellious piece of the Spanish Hapsburg
People born in latin america with spanish descent
Sepoy Mutiny
The rebellion of Indians against the British, due to the "bullet biting" (fat sealing)
Maria Theresa
Monarch of Austria during War of Austrian Succesion, attempted for absolute power, Hapsburg Dynasty
The Ancien Regime
this french class system was composed of 3 estates: 1st- Clergy, 2nd- Nobility, 3rd- Commoners
The belief that ALL power should be in the hands of the monarch
He invented the steam machine in cronwall
Treaty of Versailles
This agreement said that Germany accepts all blames for WWI, their territory is taken away
Phillip II
The son of Charles V, ruled the Spanish Hapsburg, had many economic problems
Joint-stock Company
A buisiness in which a number of people pool theyre wealth for a common purpose
General Schlieffen
This German general created plans (named after himself) of a step by step way to conquer Europe
Indian soldiers in the British army, overseeing their colony
The mosquitoe transported disease in africa that severely limited European travel
Prince Henry the Navigator
From Portugal, lead exploration of African coast
The people born in Spain/Portugal that had highest positions of power in Latin America
Simon Bolivar
Rebellion Leader in latin America
Charles I
Believed completely in Divine Right, dissolved parlaiment 3 times because of money issues
Hundred Days
The period where the Big 4 put the Bourbon Dynasty back in charge of France, after Napoleon
Age of Exploration
This age was caused by the creation of astrolabes, telescopes, etc.
The form of art (1860-1886) that focuses on the fact that there is no absolute color (blends), capture the moment
Founded the Safavid Empire, brilliant military leader
Painter for Phillip IV, portraits of Spanish royal family (Las Merninas)
Cottage Industry
When goods are hand-made in homes
The battle where Napoleon is defeated by the big 4, led by Wellington
Zheng He
Sponsered by Yonglo, merchant, made trade voyages
The history and struggles of the "haves" (Bourgeoisie) and the "have-nots" (Proletariats)
a form of art (1700's-1800's) that focused on realism, symmetry, and simplicity
Industrial Revolution
The period caused by growing international trade, capitalism, and joint-stock companies
a form of art (1600's-1700's) that focused on emotion, movement, variety, imagination
Shah Abbas I
The greatest ruler of the Safavids, hired Europeans to train army
Elizabeth I
Very strong English monarch, appealed to Parlaiment to get her own way
New Model Army
Cromwell's creation, a highly disciplined military
Frederick II The Great
Monarch of Prussia during War of Austrian Succesion, gained absolute power, Holenzollerns Dynasty
Peter the Great
Westernized Russia, reduced power of landowners
James Watt
Built steam engine, attended university of glasgow scottland
This brilliant militaristic strategist was born on Corsica, important in French Army
3rd of May
The painter Goya painted this anti-french painting, reveals brutality of Peninsular War
Arms Race
The competition to make superior weapons during WWI
Congress of Vienna
A meeting after Napoleon is banished to Elba to achieve European peace and stability
a painter, went bankrupt though he sold many paintings, superior use of light
African Slaves
Most were prisoners of war, brought to America for agriculture and mining
Boer War
the war between British and african natives, but lead to self governing: Union of Africa
Berlin Conference
Meeting held to discuss "scramble for africa"
James I
Monarch of both Scotland and England, arrogant attitude towards parlaiment
El Greco
A painter from Greece, hired by Phillip II, mystical/unearthly paintings( View of Toledo, Burial of Count Orgaz)
The Enlightenment
Created by philosophes, had 5 core ideas, caused by the scientific revolution
This Gunpowder Empire was located in Turkey
The form of art (1800-1850) that focuses on mysterious, embraces folklore/tradition, glorification of the hero
Belief that all factories, buisinesses, and natural rsources should be owned by the public
Commercial Revolution
New buisiness practices to handle large amounts of trade/money efficiently
This Gunpowder Empire was located in India
Oda Nobunaga
defeated Japan's daimyo, started unification, created the Shogun
British East India Company
Britain's colony in asia that they didn't have to oversee
A large latin American plantation/cattle ranch
The greatest leader of the Mughals, workaholic, illiterate, very fair
The study of "How do I know what I know is the truth?"
Woodrow Wilson
created the 14 Points at the Treaty of Versailles
The buisiness thought that government controls economy by granting monopolies
Created the heliocentric theory (Rotation around the sun), studied planetary motion
Enlightened Despot
a form of absoulte monarch that embraced ideas like reason and liberty

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