science test
undefined, object
copy deck
- conjugation
- a type of sexual reproduction in which two unicellular organisms transfer or exchange some of their genetic material
- sexual reproduction
- two separate organisms contribute genetic information to produce offspring that are genetically different from both parents
- spindle
- moves the chromatids during the later pahses of cell division; made of spindle fibres
- sex-linked characteristics
- a trait that is controlled by a gene on the X chromosome
- placenta
- the fetus is connected by to the mother by the placenta
- budding
- a type of asexual reprodution in which the offspring gegins as a small growth(called a bud) on the parent
- meiosis 2
- the second phase of meisosis; produces haploid gametes
- selective breeding
- two plants or two animals of one species that have desirable traits are bred with each other to produce offspring with the same traits as the parents
- cancer
- a disease in which cells divide very rapidly and uncontrollably; caused by mutation in the genes that control cell division
- homologous chromosomes
- a pair of corresponding chromosomes
- alleles
- different form of the same gene
- fragmentation
- a type of asexual reproduction in which a small part of an animal breaks off and grows into a new organism
- nucleolus
- an organelle in the culeus of a cell that produces and assembles ribosomes
- cervix
- the muscular opening between the uterus and the vagina
- penis
- the organ that contains the urethra; enters famale during sexual intercourse to allow the transfer of sperm
- nondisjuction
- an error in meiosis in which the homologous chromosomes do not separate; produces gametes with the wrong number oc chromosomes
- stem cells
- unspecialized cell that has the ability to reproduce itself and differentiate into a specialized cell
- corpus luteum
- the empty follicle after an egg has been released from the ovary
- traits
- one version of a characteristic
- internal fertilization
- the union of the sperm and egg inside the female
- centrioles
- organelles made of special microtubules; they are active during cell division in msot animal cells
- egg
- a female gamete; a structure produced by some terrestrial animals to protect the developing embryo
- urethra
- in males, a tube that transports both sperm and urine ourside the body
- meiosis 1
- the first phase of meiosis
- diploid
- describes a cell that has a complete set of chromosomes; symbolized by '2n'
- differentiation
- the process of growing from unspecialized cells into many different specialized cells
- somatic cells
- cells that reproduces bye cell division; also called a body cell
- haploid
- describes a cell with half the chromosomes number of the parent; symbolized by 'n'
- meiosis
- the process that produces gametes, which have half the chromosome number as the parent
- vas deferens
- a tube that carries sperm from the epididymis to the urethra
- clones
- an offspring of asexual reproduction; genetically identical to the parent and to other offspring produced asexually by the parent
- down syndrome
- a common disorder that results from a zygote with 47 chromosomes; down cyndrome individuals have three copies of chromosomes 21
- metastasis
- the spread of cancer cells away from their original location
- binary fission
- a form of asexual reproduction used by single-celled organisms to produce two genetically identical daughter cells
- parent cell
- a cell before it divides
- benign tumours
- stay in one place and dont effect functioning of neighboring cells(warts)
- embryo
- a developing organism produced from a zygote
- gene
- a segament of DNA that codes for a specific protein
- mutation
- a change in the DNA, or the genetic code of a cell
- nuclear membrane
- surrounds the nucleus and allows certain materials to pass into and out of the nucleus
- sex cells
- specialized cells involed in reproduction; eggs are female sex cells and sperm are male sex cells.
- sister chromatids
- a chromosome and its copy; chromosomes make copies of themselves during interphase
- hermaphrodite
- an organism that produces both male and female sex cells
- nitrogenous bases
- there are four different bases: adenine(A), thymine(T), cytosine(C), and guanine(G); pairs of these molecules form each rung of the DNA ladder
- fetus
- after 8 weeks we call the embryo the _________.
- uterus
- the organ in which the embryo develops; also called the womb
- sperm
- a male gamete
- genome
- all our genes
- cytokinesis
- division of the cytoplasm
- artificial insemination
- a procedure that involves introducing sperm into the reproductive tract of the female by a method other than sexual intercourse
- ovulation
- the release of a mature egg from the ovary
- daughter cells
- one of the two genetically identical cells produced when a parent cell divides
- epididymis
- structure that sits above the testis; stores mature sperm
- ovary
- a structure in the flower that contains the eggs; in animals the organ in which egg cells mature and are released
- genetically modified organisms
- an organism that contains genes that have been intentionally altered; includes many food crops
- follicle
- a structure in the ovary that contains a single immature egg and cells that nourish and protect the developing egg
- seed
- the fertilized egg in the ovary of a flower
- cell cycle
- the sequence of evens in the cell from one cell dividsion to another; includes interpahse and cell division
- invitro fertilization
- fertilizsation occurs in a petri dish in a lab, and then the fertilized eggs are implanted into the female.
- mitosis
- the process that divides the nuclear material during cell division
- asexual reproduction
- one parent produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parent
- testes
- produce and nourish sperm as they develop, and also produce testosterone
- external fertilization
- the union of the egg and sperm outside the body
- Messanger RNA
- copies coded message from DNA and carries it to cytoplasm
- gamete
- a haploid sex cell; a male gamete is called a sperm or sperm cell; a female gamete is called and egg or egg cell
- interphase
- phase of the cell cycle in which cells grow and work
- carcinogen
- any substance that can cause cancer
- klinefelter syndrome
- a disorder in which a male's cells have two X chromosomes and a Y chromosome
- malignant tumor
- invades surrounding tissue and interfere in functioning of other cells
- prophase
- the first stage of mitosis
- spores
- cell with thick cell walls similar to seeds, but is produced by cell division and grows into organisms genetically identical to the parent organism
- anaphase
- the third stage of mitosis
- centromere
- the region of the chromosome that holds the two sister chromatids together during mitosis
- amino acids
- small molecules that make up proteins; there are 20 different amino acids
- umbilical cord
- the fetus is connected to the placenta by the ___________.
- vegetative reproduction
- asexual reproduction in plants; includes producing runners, bulbs, tubers, and cuttings
- zygote
- the first cell of a new organism; a fertilized egg cell
- fallopian tube(oviduct)
- a tube that transports the egg to the uterus
- metaphase
- the second stage of mitosis
- vagina
- the structure that receives the male penis and sperm during sexual intersourse and is the birth canal through which a baby is born
- (deoxyribonucleic acid) a long molecule that provides instructions for making, running, and repairing a cell; made of sugar phosphate, and nitrogenous base molecules
- nucleotide
- molecule made up of a sugar molecule, a phosphate molecule, and a nirtogenous base
- turner syndrome
- a disorder in which a female's cells have only one X chromosome
- recombinant DNA technology
- combining genes from different individuals or different species into a gingle molecule of DNA
- menstruation
- the shedding of the endometrium
- telophase
- the final stage of mitosis
- seminiferous tubules
- a mass of coiled tubes in the testis that produce haploid sperm cells