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The building block of a nucleic acid, consisting of a five-carbon sugar covalently bonded to a nitrogenous bas and a phosphate group.
linkage group
the collection of genes, located on the same chromosome, that are usually inherited together
an event capable of causing a mutation
(biology) an organism that has characteristics resulting from chromosomal alteration, a change in DNA sequence that affects genetic information
parental type
the genotype of a parent
what an organism looks like as a consequence of its genotype
asexual reproduction
reproduction that does not involve the union of gametes and in which a single parent produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parent
somatic cells
any cell other than a gamete, has 46 chromosomes
occurs when a haploid sperm cell from father fuses with haploid ovum from mother. Union of gametes - fusion of nuclei, forms zygote, full set of 46 chromosomes(human)
are lipids & carbohydrates that are part of the gram - bacterial outer membrane that are released when a bacterium dies, heat stable
The diploid product of the union of haploid gametes in conception; a fertilized egg.
one of the two strands of a chromosome that become visible during meiosis or mitosis
an extremely long macromolecule that is the main component of chromosomes and is the material that transfers genetic characteristics in all life forms
A single-stranded nucleic acid that passes along genetic messages, plays an important role in the production of proteins
When both phenotypes appear in heterozygous individuals; Examples: Blood type A crossd with B = type AB
1. the process in cell division by which the nucleus divides, normally resulting in two new nuclei, each of which contains a complete copy of the parental chromosomes
(genetics) a combining of genes or characters different from what they were in the parents, An exchange of DNA segments by crossing over.
genetic makeup of an organism, results in phenotype
test cross
A genetic cross between an organism displaying a recessive phenotype (homozygous recessive) and an organism displaying a dominant phenotype (for whic the genotype is unknown), done to determine the unknown genotype.
varying form of a gene Aa aA AA aa
a mature sexual reproductive cell having a single set of unpaired chromosomes
self cross
organism crossed with itself
genetic map
graphical representation of the arrangement of genes on a chromosome
each variant for a character, such as purple or white flower color
A unit of heredity- unit of genetic function which carries info for single polypeptide chain or RNA
a small usually single-celled reproductive body produced by many plants and some protozoans and that develops into a new individual, haploid reproductive cell
any agent (person or animal or microorganism) that carries and transmits a disease
back cross
mate a hybrid of the first generation with one of its parents, otherwise known as incest (P x F1)
(genetics) cell division that produces reproductive cells in sexually reproducing organisms
the act of pairing a male and female for reproductive purposes
an animal that has undergone mutation
recombinant type
non-parental type formed by recombination
the exchange of genetic material between two paired chromosome during meiosis, when two homologous chromosomes cross over and trade parts
(genetics) an organism or cell having two sets of chromosomes or twice the haploid number
the four chromatids in a pair of homologous chromosomes that come together as a result of synapsis during meiosis
a nucleotide w/o a phosphate (contains a purine or pyrimidine base and a sugar)
vegetative reproduction
Angiosperm asexual reproduction. Grows new plant by mitosis alone, no fertilization., method of asexual reproduction used by many flowering plants
a threadlike body in the cell nucleus that carries the genes in a linear order
sex chromosomes
In mammals, the X and Y chromosomes
The chromosomes other than the sex chromosomes.
genes/alleles that are inherited together on the same chromosome.
(genetics) the act of mixing different species or varieties of animals or plants and thus to produce hybrids
poisonous proteins secreted by bacterial cells, released during growth, heat labile, mostly gram +
a point of overlap of paired chromatids at which fusion and exchange of genetic material occurs during prophase I of meiosis
(genetics) an organism or cell having only one complete set of chromosomes
where maternal and paternal chromosome intertwine
reduction division
cell division that occurs in meiosis and results in haploid cells
the side by side pairing of homologous maternal and paternal chromosomes at the start of meiosis
sex linkage
an association between genes in sex chromosomes that makes some characteristics appear more frequently in one sex than in the other
The two chromosomes of a pair that are simiar in structure. They carry the same genes, but their DNA sequences may be slightly different.
the process whereby seeds or spores sprout and begin to grow
nucleic acid
A polymer (polynucleotide) consisting of many nucleotide monomers; serves as a blueprint for proteins and, through the actions of proteins, for all cellular activities. The types are DNA and RNA.
incomplete dominance
A type of inheritance in which two contrasting alleles contribute to the individual a trait not exactly like either parent; blending inheritance.

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