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is typically a peripherally located tumor but can occasionally be located centrally. is the most common lung primary in women and has been associated with smoking. Single cells, single atypical cells are characteristic of a malignancy.
cells in resp responsible for detox and repair
In ECA, what do most if not all N display
carcinoid tumors probably from what cell
what color pc on pap
round or rod-shaped cyto particles that can be seen on lt micro
cancer most likely to present as tissue fragments and single cells
porly diff scc
what are granulomas
nodular collections of epi histiocytes
what are ferruginous bodies usually surrounded by
giant cs common after what treatment
chemo rad
what cond can cause reactive changes in terminal br cs that mimic BAC
Pulmonary infarct
an entity present with COPD
curshman spiral
do corpora amylacea calcify
xo indicates
no barr bod and turners syndrome
what is ratio type 1(classic)EMA and non-classicEMadenos
2/3 are classic
what are asteroid bodies
intracytoplasmic radiate crystalline arrays
malig met cs in linear
The most common morphologic type of adeno of resp tract
3 categories of cellular changes from viral inf
ciliocytopthoria, enlarged hyper n with prom Ni,changes seen in assoc with herpes and cmv-halos etc
what are charcot leyden crystals
bipyramidal or needle-like red crystals composed of condensed granules ,derived from eosinophils
what stain to confirm cmv
what is function of alveolar macs
to rid lower resp tr of debris that makes it past ciliated br cs
what is the appearance RCH
tight cohesive gps of sm uniform cs often lined on one surf by ciliated columnar cs
most freq vag neo infants and children
rhabdo-bef 2
what is diff diag of ECA
poorly diff SCC
5 substances other than smoking implicated in lung cancer
asbestos,radon,nickel, arsenic, vinyl chloride
intranuclear protrusions of cyto are helpful diagnostic feature of what metastatic cancer
malignant melanoma
capsule of cryptococcus best seen with what stain
Is giant cell carc aggressive
5conds when type2 pneumocytes most common
lung injury,pulm infarct, infections, pneumonia, TB etc.
an opportunistic bacterial infection that predominatly effects immunocomprimised patients (AIDS, drug abusers). Its symptoms include fever, sweats and emaciation. It is often progressive and has a high mortality rate.
pulmonary TB
what is most freq metastic cancer in pap
what cells seen in chronic bronchitis and asthma
93% endomet adeno occur in whaat age gp
50 and older
what are corpora amylacea composed of
Appearance of cs of ECA on thin prep
3Dgps of various size and small flat sheeets with few cells,cs larger than normal,gps have smooth,sometimes scalloped borders,giving them a papp config
where do acinar adenos arise from
bronchial ep
population group sm cell most likely to appear in
older smokers
a diff diag of EMA other than ECA
6 conds, in which benign EMs encountered
1st half menstrual cycle,post-part,post-abortion,abnormal bleeding,iud,endometreitus
which is more likely to have prom irreg Ni ema or smcellSCC
what should you look for in determing if pink ammorphous mass is PC
empty spherical cavities
bizarre cells with pseudokeritinization and necrotic bkgrnd that can mimic kscc can be due to
rheumatoid granuloma of lung
what is second most freq metastic cancer in pap
Cancer that may form peripheral masses or invade entire lung
what cells in pseudostrat columnar (glandular) epi
ciliated columnar, mucous goblet, reserve( and Kulchitsky)
symptom fall tube cancer
watery disc
size int c N
35 Um2
2 clues to diag of BAC
abundant mucus and psammoma bodies
fst frue malig feature
chromatin irreg
what location is most common gyn malig
more than 2/3 are of uterus
What cancer described: very uniform rounded, size of pulmonary macs, flower petal config, pale nearly clear chromatin, prominent round central ni
Bronchogenic-acinar adeno
4 cells that originate from circulating blood and may be seen in broncho pulmonary mat
lymphocytes, eosinophils, neutrophils, plasma cells
a disarmingly round and regular n belongs to what cancer of resp tract
most common entity confused with adeno
immat sq met
age gp most malaeg tumors vulva
6 contraindacations for FNA
1.debilitated 2.hemmorhagic diathesis, 3.anticoaglation therapy, 4.suspected vascular lesion, 5.pulmonary hypertension6.echinoccus cyst
interstitial lymphocytes are typical in pts with what
alveolar macs found where
alveolar free space
describe chromatin in Ais
evenly dist,coarsely granular
bunch of grapes is feature of hsil or benign endomets
type of pneumocytes usually only visible when reactive
type 2
what are psammoma bodies
dark staining, rounded bodies with concentric rings and radial striations that appear in resp mat
what do cannonballs or popcorn balls refer to and what assoc with
coating of int cs by neutrophils-ass with trich
the chromatin pattern in lsil is
an entity present in asthmatic br and allergies
what memb lines chest wall
parietal pleura
what adeno most likely mlt Ni
what cells multi nuc mirrow images
what cond : pneumocytes singe or clusters, coarse chromatin,n memb irreg, inc n/c, often Ni, cyto often finely vacuolated or with prom vacs
reactive bronchioalveolar pneumocytes
atypical parak
describe chromatin in EM adeno
may be clumped and irreg dist
condition that typically arises in the terminal bronchioles and spreads through alveolar septae. The cytoplasm of these malignant cells can vary from having very little to being abundant. The cytoplasm can have mucin vacuoles as well.
when see lipophages in adults what must be considered
malignant cond
BACs essentially indistinguishable from other adenos but a clue
abundant clusters of strikingly uniform cs
what is amyloid
dense, acellular waxy material /colors "gr apple" after conge red staining
individual reserve cells resemble what 2 entities
lymphocytes or histiocytes
When see what appears scc the presence of what in background is clue(not psammoma body)
hemosiderin-laden macs stained with
effect seen in metastatic breast canc
saran wrap
what conds are charcot leyden crystals ass with
a type of carc said to be almost histeocytic
porly diff lg cell
what is most imp clinical hx in diag of malig melanoma
exposure to asbestos
when are acid-fast stains used
when reason to believe microbacterial inf
what are schaumann bodies
concentrically laminated calcifications found in cyto of giant cells
entity whose Differential diagnoses include atypical repair, which is typically 2-D and has bland nuclei,
What kind of growth char of BAC
metastatic tumor in papillary form
what cancer with round central,single or multiple macro Ni
size parabasal N
most common gyn cancer in US
EM adeno
what atypical cells may accompany fungal inf, esp aspergillus
macrophage that can occur in healthy peo but most often in infection ore irritation like Rad or instrumentation
multinucleated mac-foreign body giant cell
what does lactic acid do
maintain normal ph in vag
when is atrophy common
late post-me, childhood, post partum
how does RCH arise
when overlying glandular epi removed as in smoking or other chronic irritation
ratio/ menapausal women have atrophic smears
about 1/3
what would be the cause of this description:(Cytomegaly() enlaragement of N and cyto,maintaining N/c,often with dense,vac cyto and polychromasia
Rad eff
type of adeno that occ undergoes coag necrosis, the cells become dark and pyknotic mimicing kscc
bronchogenic adeno
be cautious in diag of BAC in pts with..
acute illness or fever
early morn deep cough sputum spec prepared and fixed in what
pathogenic fungus found mostly in SE states in N am
what is leukoplakia
form of sq met with surface ker considered pre cancerous
dust cell also know as-
carbon histiocytes
a well-differentiated variant of adeno with groups of uniform cells"hob knob" arrangement that typically maintain columnar shape, fine chromatin inconsp to prom Ni
mucor is part of what family
3Differential diagnoses for small cell carcinoma are
reserve cell hyperplasia; lymphocytes; and have no molding, and adenocarcinoma; which has more cytoplasm and nucleoli.
an entity present in heart failure,pulm infarct,and chronic bronchitis
corpora amylacel
5 most freq sources of metastatic carc in pap sm
ovarian ,GI.breast,lung,melanoma
are sheets of scc thick or thin
thick.but flat
when is tubal met common
cone biopsy and hysterectomy
which type BAC mucinous
describe chromatin in sm cell carc
salt and pepper
rosette arrangements of cs with enlarged,oval or elongated n, and evenly dist, coarsely gran chromatin is a classic feature of
RCH most common in what spec
br brush
a round to oval budding yeast with narrow based budding that can be seen single or within cyto of histeocytes and neutrophils
what 2 bodies suggestive of sarcoid
schaumann or asteroid
what is a diff diag of tubal met

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