tkmb ch12-20
undefined, object
copy deck
- impassive
- showing no emotion
- iota
- very small amount
- expunge
- to remove completely
- corrupting
- bringing a person down to a lower, moral level
- prerogative
- right, privelidge
- counsel
- a lawyer
- infinite
- endless
- erosion
- gradual wearing away
- indignantly
- angriliy
- subtlety
- delicacy
- neat
- unmixed with anything
- contentious
- always ready to argue
- varmints
- flies or other flying insects found near garbage
- subtle
- not openly obvious, quiet
- cast
- an eye that rears or turns off into another direction
- dispel
- drive away; to drive something away
- ecclesiastical
- church-like
- chiffarobe
- large cabinet with drawers and space to hang clothing
- flighty
- foolish, irresponsible
- amiably
- good naturedly
- tenet
- principle, belief, generally held to be true
- ruddy
- redish
- dogged
- stubborn determination
- asafoetida
- strong smelling, garlic-like substance used in folk medicines
- affirmed
- firmly declared or stated
- discreet
- carefully phrased or cautious
- tight
- drunk
- khaki
- strong twilled cloth with dull, yellowish-brown color
- mandrake roots
- root of mandrake plant (which is said to have magical powers)
- candid
- open and honest
- tedious
- boring, tiresome
- perpetrated
- committed
- affliction
- condition
- mollified
- soothed, calmed
- pilgrimage
- long walk
- volition
- will, a person's will to do something or not do something
- gullet
- throat, neck
- affirmative nod
- to shake your head in positive manner
- fey
- strange, eccentric
- church
- to ban someone from a church
- gardenia
- large, fragrant flower
- ground-itch
- allergic reaction caused by hookworms
- shinnied up
- drunk
- refuse
- garbage
- benignly
- kindly, gently
- dispelled
- driven away
- snuff
- preperation of powdered tobacco, usually sniffed through nose
- caste system
- class distinctions based on birth and wealth
- sulky
- moody and quiet
- namesake
- person you're named after
- uncouth
- crude, unmannerly
- soberly
- serisously
- slop jars
- large pales used to receive waste water from wash basin
- garish
- showy, very bright, gandy
- caliber
- quality
- contempt charges
- open disrespect of court of judge