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Chapter 9


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monohybrid cross
a cross between individuals that involves one pair of contrasting traits
genotypic ratio
the ratio of the genotypes that appear in offspring
an organism's appearance or other detectable characteristic that results from the organism's genotype and the environment
the science of heredity and of the mechanisms by which traits are passed from parents to offspring
F1 generation
the first generation of offspring obtained from an experimental cross of two organisms
the entire genetic makeup of an organism; also the combination of genes for one or more specific traits
describes the allele that is fully expressed when carried by only one of a pair of homologous chromosomes
the likelihood that a possible future event will occur in any given instance of the event; the mathematical ratio of the number of times one outcome of any event is likely to occur to the number of possible outcomes to the event
test cross
the crossing of an individual of unknown genotype with a homozygous recessive individual to determine the unknown genotype
the transfer of pollen from the male reproductive structures (the anthers) to the tip of a female reproductive structure (the pistil) of a flower in angiosperms or to the ovule in gymnosperms
describes organisms or genotypes that are homozygous for a specific trait and thus always produce offspring that have the same phenotype for that trait
describes a trait or an allele that is expressed only when two recessive alleles for the same characteristic are inherited
describes an individual that has identical alleles for a trait on both homologous chromosomes
phenotypic ratio
the ratio of phenotypes produced by a cross
a reproductive process in which pollen from one plant is transferred to the stigma of another plant
complete dominance
a relationship in which one allele is completely dominant over another
law of independent assortment
the law that states that genes separate independently of one another in meiosis
F2 generation
the second generation of offspring, obtained from an experimental cross of two organisms; the offspring of the F1 generation
dihybrid cross
a cross between individuals that have different alleles for the same gene
one of the alternative forms of a gene that governs a characteristic, such as hair color
law of segregation
Mendel's law that states that the pairs of homologous chromosomes separate in meiosis so that only one chromosome from each pair is present in each gamete
incomplete dominance
a condition in which a trait in an individual is intermediate between the phenotype of the individual's two parents because the dominant allele is unable to express itself fully
the transfer of pollen grains from an anther to the stigma of the same flower or to the stigma of another flower on the same plant
molecular genetics
the study of the structure of nucleic acids and the function and regulation of genes
Punnett square
a graphic used to predict the results of a genetic cross
a genetically determined variant of a characteristic
P generation
parental generation, the first two individuals that mate in a generic cross
describes an individual that has two different alleles for a trait
a condition in which both alleles for a gene are fully expressed
the passing of genetic traits from parent to offspring

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