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FIST 100 Finals


undefined, object
copy deck
similarity bet. two characters or situations that invites the audience to compare the two
depth of field
distance that appears in focus in front of and behind the subject
a style of japanese animation; not geared for young audiences
offscreen space
part of the story world that is implied and not shown
minor studios
didn't own distribution companies in studio era; Universal, Columbia, United Artists
short documentary on current events; shown along cartoons and feature films in the 1930s
narrative, visual, sound element that is repeated and thereby acquires significance to the story, characters
selective focus
technique of manipulating focus to direct the viewers attention
horizontal integration
term that refers to organization of an industry wherein one type of corporation also owns others in allied indutries
eyeline match
a continuity technique that preserves spatial continuity by using character's line of vision as motivation
studio system
model of industrial organization in the film industry from 1915 to 1946
composition in depth
technique of arranging actors on the set to take advantage of deep focus cinematography
sound bridge
scene transition wherein sound from one scene bleeds over into the next scene
term describing a conclusion that does not answer all the questions raised in the story
mother india
mehboo khan/1957---radha; birju; ramu; shamu (husband)
battle of algiers
Gillo Pontecorvo/1966---ali la pointe; Gen. mathieu;
a non-standard narrative organization that assumes a "day in the life"
interpretive claim
statement that presents an argument about a films meaning and significance
unstated meaning implied by dialogue
direct cinema
cinema verite; documentary style in which the filmmaker attempts to remain as unobstrusive as possible
non-diegetic; any element in the film that is not part of the imagined story world
triumph of the will
Leni Riefenstahl/1935---hitler.....
shot hat interrupts a scenes master shot; may include character reactions or cutaways
overlapping dialogue
sound design the blends speech of several characters talking simultaneously
term for narrative, sound, visual element not contained in the story world
block booking
outlawed studio era practice where studios forced exhibitors to book groups of films at once
practice of repeatedly casting actors in similar roles across diff films
canted angle
dutch angle; a shot resulting from a static camera that is tilted to the right or the left
the falling of unraveling action after the climax of the narrative the leads to the resolution
analog video
a videotape system that records images onto magnetic tape
assistant editor
member of a film crew who assists the editor in technical aspects and supervises optical effects
continuity editing
also called invisible editing; minimizes audience awareness of shot transition
using ordinary film and blocking out top and bottom to create 1.85:1 aspect ratio
three act structure
classical model narrative form; 1st-characters and conflicts; 2nd-complication leading to climax; 3rd-denouement
integrated musical
musical where some or all musical numbers are not narrative motivated
loose framing
technique of leaving empty space around the subject to convey openness and imply off screen space
genre film that radically modifies accepted genre conventions for dramatic effect
hollywood blacklist
individuals who were prevented from working in the film industry because of suspected Communist interests
anamorphic lens
a technique using 35mm camera to create widescreen aspect ratio
the godfather
Francis Coppola/1972---Don vito carleone; michael carleone; santino
30-degree rule
camera moves 30 degrees when there is a cut within a scene
master shot
single take that contains entire scene
city symphony
a type of short film that blends elements of documentary and avant-garde film to document the wonder of the city
a character who in some way opposes the protagonist; leads to conflict
a marketing strategy of screening a blockbuster prior to general release only in premier theaters
Alfred Hitchcock/1958---Scottie/John; Madeleine/Judy
the characteristic of conventional narrative form where the conclusion ties all the loose ends
third person narration
literary narration from a viewpoint beyond any individual character
high concept film
post-studio era hollywood film appealing to mass audience; combines simple story with major movie stars and lavish marketing
omniscient narration
technique of storytelling from an all knowing POV rather than one individual character
film that fuses conventions of two or more genres
german expressionism
film style that emerged in the 1910s in Germany; heavily indebted to expressionist art; influenced film noir
formalist style
alternative to classical/realist styles; explores abstraction/aesthetics instead of storytelling
consistent style, theme, and subject matter developed over the course of a director's body of work
blue screen
a technique used during production to create traveling mattes for special visual effects
chronological and complete account of all the events in a narrative
bleach bypass
a process of film development that involves leaving the silver grains in the emulsion; result: desaturated color
soviet montage
alternative to continuity editing, developed in silent soviet cinema; editing should exploit the diff bet. shots
best boy
crew member who assists the gaffer
stop motion photography
prefogging; cinematographic technique that exposes raw film stock to light
camera distance
the space between the camera and the subject its filming
hollywood ten
ten hollywood writers and directors cited for contempt of congress for refusing to cooperate with House of un-american activities to root out communists in film industry
Kamal Amrohi/1972---shahabuddin; pakeezah/sahibjaan; salim ahmed khan
pulling / pushing
underdevelop to reduce contrast vs. overdevelop to increase contrast
black girl
ousmane sembene/1966---diouanna
color filter
a type of filter that absorbs certain wavelengths but leaves others unaffected
an abrupt shot that focuses audience attention on precise details that might not be the focus of characters
star system
system initially developed for marketing films by creating and promoting stars as objects of admiration
images that originate from computer graphics technology, rather than photography
negative cutter
technician responsible for splicing an assembling film negative to editor's spec
ethnographic film
type of documentary film whose purpose is to present the way of life of a culture
character actor
an actor whose career rests on playing minor or secondary quirky roles
vertical integration
business model adopted by major studios where they controlled production, distribution, exhibition
classical style
a style associated with hollywood filmmaking; emphasized efficient storytelling vs. aesthetic innovation
descriptive claim
a neutral account of the basic plot and style of a film
meshes of the afternoon
Maya Deren/Alexander Hammid/1943---man;woman
variable opening in camera lens that control amount of light entering
automatic dialogue replacement; technique for recording synchronized dialogue in post-production
an action film cycle of the late 60s that featured bold, rebellious Black characters
available light
natural light
early films that documented everyday events (ie workers leaving a factory)
compilation film
a film composed entirely of footage from other films
details of character's past that emerge as film unfolds
major studios
five vertically integrated corps; exerted greatest control in studio era; MGM, Warner Brothers, RKO, 20th Century Fox, Paramount
Brechtian distanciation
drawing attention to the process of representation to break the theatrical illusion and elicit an intellectual response
ali: fear eats the soul
Rainer werner fassbinder/1974---emmi kurowski; ali
aerial shot
a shot filmed from an airplane or helicopter
a short screen appearance by a celebrity playing himself or herself
foley artists
crew member who works in post production to create sounds of the story world
a flexible celluloid strip that, with emulsion layer, comprises 35mm film stock
apparatus theory
Jean-Louis Baudry; body of thought that film medium's technological apparatus, not only content of film, is inherently ideological
large-budget film whose strategy is to swamp the competition through market saturation
backstage musical
musical film where each song and dance number narratively motivated by plot
creating the appearance of movement by drawing a series of frames that are projected sequentially
phi phenomenon
optical effect whereby the human eye fills the gaps bet closely spaced objects; two lightbulbs - look like swinging
avant-garde film
experimental film or underground cinema; for artistic movement vs. commercial success; small audience, made by one person or small group
graphic match
shot transition emphasizing visual similarities between consecutive shots
average shot length
average length in seconds of a series of shots; measure of pace within scene of whole film
color consultant
a specialist who monitors the processing of color on the set and in the lab
persistence of vision
optical effect whereby the eye continues to register a visual stimulus in the brain for a while even if stimulus is removed
runaway productions
film production shot outside the US for economic reasons
devices attached to faces of actors to change their appearance
secondary footage that is interspersed with master shots
parallel editing
switch bet. two locations that make it seem as if events are happening simultaneously
intertextual reference
narrative, visual, sound element that refers viewers to other films or works of art
Louis Althusser; term for the way in which a society creates its subjects through ideological state apparatuses (?)
also called rushes, footage exposed and developed quickly for director evaluation
propaganda film
documentary or a narrative film (rare) that features only one side of the argument
restricted narration
narrative approach that limits the audience's view of events to that of the main characters in the fim
the imagined world of the story
abbas kiarostami/2002---driver mom; kid
a class or type of film; films belonging to a particular genre share narrative conventions, etc.
charge coupler device
chip in a video camera that converts light to electronic signal
production values
a measure of the visual and sound quality of the film; low budget vs. high budget
forced development
technique of overdeveloping film to correct underexposure
genre conventions
rules of character, setting, and narrative that films belonging to a genre obey
production term referring to coordinating actors' movements with lines of dialogue
Akira Kurosawa/1950---tajomaru(bandit); masako(wife); takehiro(husband)
four-part structure
contemporary modification of the standard three-act structure that identifies a critical turning point at the halfway mark of narrative film
author; term for film directors popularized by French film critics for directors with distinctive style
first person narration
story narrated by one of the characters within the story
tableau shot
mother long shot in which the film frame resembles the proscenium arc of the stage, distancing the audience
visual arrangement of objects, actors, and space within the frame
line of action
narrative path of the main or supporting actors; complex films may have many
narrative sequencing
arrangement of images to depict a unified story time
academy ratio
aspect ratio 1.33:1 standardized by Academy of Motion Picture Art and Sciences
line reading
the way an actor delivers a line of dialogue, including pauses, inflection
artful use of light and dark areas in the composition in black and white filmmaking
180-degree rule
continuity editing rule for positioning the camera in order to maintain screen direction
forced perspective
system of constructing/arranging buildings to create an illusion of depth
realist style
film style that in contrast to classical and formalist styles, focuses on characters, place, and spontaneity and digressiveness of life
method acting
style of stage acting developed from the teachings of Constantin Stanislavsky; get into character using emotional memory
frame narration
plotline that surrounds an embedded tale
Kuleshov effect
mental phenomenon by which viewers derive more meaning from the interaction of two sequential shots than from a single shot in isolation
film stock used in early cinema that was insensitive to red hues
night & fog
Alan Resnais/1955

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