Radiology Film Speed
undefined, object
copy deck
- large AgBr cyrstals, need less exposure to get ionized, grainier images, decreased latitude
- fast film
- don't store of films
- near radiation, formaldehyde fumes, peroxide fumes, amnonia fumes
- high contrast film, less forgiving, can not tolerate changes in exposure/processing
- narrow latitude film
- high detail, smallest crystals, used in dental films, need a lot of exposure, minimal graininess, increased latitude
- slow film
- dark environment, vertical position, cool area, dry
- storage of film
- commonly used, medium sized crystals-don't need as much exposure as slow film does, compromise b/w graininess and speed, smaller crystals, medium latitude
- medium film
- still in date
- use film that is
- anything on a radiograph that shouldn't be there
- artifacts
- films were touching fixer so unionixed crystals did ot get washed off
- green spots on film
- mAs or kVp or FFD too low, used grid but did not calc for it, developer solution to cold or not in it long enough, old chemicals, grid cutoff
- film too white ( not enough density)
- radiation, formaldyhyde/formalin fumes, peroxide fumes, ammonia fumes lead too
- fogging of the film
- softening of the emulsion and films sticks together
- high temperature and humidity
- determined by the exposures required to produce and image
- adequate density
- developer splashed on film before rest of film got developed- so spots are overdeveloped; light leaks; sharp pressure on film
- dark spots on film
- water splashed on film while drying can cause
- grey spots on film
- general purpose film, forgiving, accepts wide ranges of exposures and processing
- wide latitude film
- the exposure range which produces acceptable densities
- film latitude
- depends on the size of AgBr crystals in the emulsion, exposure required an image of adequate density
- film speed
- mAs too high, kVp too high, FFD too low, light exposure/leak, calc for a grid but did not use it, developer solution too hot, in developer solution too long
- film too black (too much density)