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perception MT 2


undefined, object
copy deck
expansions and contractions
20. Upright, inverted faces
we're good at recognizing upright faces, poor at inverted.
48. Corresponding points
places on each retina that would overlap if one retina could be slid on top of another
random dots moving in a shape,
47. Convergence
bringing your eyes closer together, more convergence=closer object
Motion aftereffect
adaptation to motion
13. Shadow
complex shapes in the scene to determine the diretion of light, simple rules to infer shadows
16. Shape from Shading
assume that light is coming from above,
31. Depth
how deep an object is
7. Ambiguous figures
not sure who owns the front
42. Atmospheric perspective
contrast between the object and background changes
4. Physiology of subjective contours
v2 cells can't tell the difference between a real line and an illusory one
measures blood flow in the brain
6. Border ownership
whoever owns the border is in front, is the figure
29. Prosopagnosia
can see details but can't recognize face
11. Lightness constancy
the constancy of our perception of an object's lightness under different intensities of illumination
17. Object recognition
high level vision
Uses of motion (4 of them)
recognizes objects, distinguish depth, interact with environment, direct our attention
46. Accommodation
bringing an object into focus
19. FFA, PPA, lateral occipital cortex
FFA(faces)PPA(places)lateral occipital cortex(objects)
12. L = I x R
light=light's intensity x reflectance
38. Linear perspective
illusion of space on flat paper
14. Reflection
much like a shadow, a reflection does not belong to the surface on which it is seen, does not have to match the scene, just has to have a glossy appearance,
Biological motion
lights on joints help us recognize it's human
22. Holistic processing
processing it as a whole vs. parts
37. Occlusion
signal that one object is in front of another
2. Gestalt grouping laws (all of them)
reflect the probability that bits belong together in real scenes: proximity(discs appear to groups in pairs due to proximity) similarity(similar discs appear in a group)closure(brackets that enclose space group more strongly than those that do not)good continuation(dots forming the smoothest contour group together)good form(contour bits forming the best shape group together)bad form(certain cues indicate that two bits do not belong together)
Change blindness
difficulty in detecting differences between two visual stimuli that are presented with another stimulus interposed between them
39. Known size
assuming distance from prior knowledge
8. Top-down knowledge
guessed based on a few distinctive features
1. Surfaces
what you see is a surface
45. Motion parallax
shift of an object against the background
51. Stereograms
some dots are shifted laterally
25. Object area
lateral occipital cortex
Common fate
states that things that are moving in the same direction appear to be grouped together
21. Face cells
FFA certain cells that are highly specialized that correspond to recognizing one individual
27. Visual agnosia
cannot recognize objects or report orientation (damage to ventral)
in temporal cortex, measures motion
5. Figureground
borders between overlapping objects to one of the objects and only one of them.
50. Stereopsis
depth due to binocular disparity
time to collision:distance/speed r(t)/v(t) distance from a point to center, velocity to that point
40. Texture gradient
size distortion due to distance
49. Binocular disparity
difference in separation of two images in two eyes
23. Body part area
EBA, activity in this area when viewing whole human bodies or parts
15. Discount the illuminant
makes the two areas that send equal amount of light very different
9. Neon color spreading
sports a neon glow so it looks like a full shape
34. Emmert's law
objects that are different distances appear different sizes
52. Disparity selective cells
neurons that are tuned to respond to specific amounts of disparity
28. Ventral, Dorsal streams
ventral(what) dorsal(where)
Optic flow
the flow of stimuli in the environment that occurs when an observer moves relative to the environment
24. Face area
44. Ames room
one side is a lot further than another, which gives illusion of size
focusing on stimuli of interest,
53. Binocular rivalry
difference in two objects seen by the left and right eye
3. Modal, amodal completion
modal(surfaces completing in front of another even though boarders are not visible) amodal(surfaces completing behind an occluding surfaces, surface is not seen but registered) 2 black bars on top of each other
18. Inferotemporal cortex
cells that respond to parts
26. Place area
PPA houses outdoor scenes, or buildings
32. Pictorial cues
depth cue, such as overlap, relative height, and relative size, that can be depicted in pictures
Structure from motion
variation in dot speed, edge move slower

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