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Medevial Times


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nobody owned land independently,
wars of the roses
a civil war between the house of york, whose emblem was a white rose, and the house of lancaster, whose emblem was a red rose, brought about the line of kings
mystery play
plays about the lives of the saints
Magna Carta
an agreement that a group of angry barons forced king john to sign. also called great charter. limited the kings taxing powers
battle of hastings
(1066) in this battle, Harold, the King of England was defeated by William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy
what were the results of the combinations of English and Norman people?
England became the most powerful force in Europe
describe the norman people
superb soldiers, excellent administrators and lawyers, great borrowers and adapters, but lacking inventors, and original ideas.
story with an added love interest and all sorts of wonders and marvels. also most favored form of literature
songs not written down but recited and sung in innumerable alehouses and at thousands of fire sides
king arthur and the knights of the round table
most famous tale of chivalry and romance
young person who lived with a tradesman in order to learn a trade
hundred years war
war between france and england where england lost most of its holdings in france
miricle play
rouch dramatizations of Biblical stories performed on large wagons or platforms
code of true knightly behaviors
gave the firstborn son exclussive rights to inherit his father's titles, lands, and estates
William the Conqueror
Duke of Normandy who invaded England to support his claim that he had been promised the succession to the English Throne
Domesday Book
the book of judgements, it listed all the landowners and showed the extent of their claims
societies to regulate prices and standards
the most famous of the morality plays and one still often performed in many countries
give the results of William the Conqueror's invasion of England.
inventory and seizure of property, martial law was put into effect, a strong central government was set up with lines of authority clearly defined
what was most effective in ending the middle ages?
achived an elaborately organized way of life completely contained within a common religion. king henry the 7th becoming king and the use of long bows.
pessants who served an over lord
give the effects of the church on the medieval society.
people of western europe belonged to one homogeneous society with a common culture and common set of beliefs. institution crossed physical boundaries and differences in language. latin became the language of all educated persons
geoffrey chaucer
the first truely great figure in english literature
what is the significance of the cathedral in literature?
where the first english dramas were performed
unfair systems of deciding guilty of innocent by setting them tasks
men who passed their apprenticeship and were in training to be masters themselves
morality plays
elaborate and sophisticated dramatic allegories in which characters representing various virtues andvices confronted one another
habeus corpus
the right to not be illegally detained
what were the crusades? what did they accomplish?
crusades in high hope, in a geunine desire to rescue jerusalem from the turks. they encouraged the ideal of knightly behavios known as chivalry
Angle Saxon Chronicle
a history written by monks hostile to William
common law
refers to law that is common to the whole country and all its people

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