Exam 1Review
undefined, object
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- The term human "senses" is defined as:
- designed to attrieve information
- Marshall Mcluhan was:
- the most famous medis guy who came up with global village
- A spoken word is an extension of:
- thought (idea)
- what is a thought?
- it is a spoken word
- what is a written word?
- it is the extension of a thought
- Print/mass produced is an extension of...?
- a written word
- A camera is an extension of....?
- the eye
- the telegragh radio is an extension of...?
- the ear
- T.V was derived from what technonlogies?
- the radio and the camera
- From the camera, radio, and tv....this technology was produced. What is was it?
- the computer
- The telegragh radio provided this....
- a way to hear across space
- With thought you can .....?
- read and see across time
- With the phone you can....?
- see and hear
- Electronics is the global form of what?
- oral
- What was the "change" from Oral, Print, to Electronics?
Oral- Slowly
Electronic-Extreme acceleration - What was "pace" according to ...from oral, print, to electronic?
Electronic-network - What was "society" like for the oral, print?
Print-City nations - Where did knowledge/information come from for the oral, print, and electronic stages?
Oral- orally
Print- printed
Electronic- *Telegragh radio
*Camera...movies - How many lifetimes have we had Oral (verbal, art)?
- 75,000 years ago
- How many lifetimes have we had handwritting/ written words?
- 5,000 years ago
- How many lifetimes have we had the printing press (first technology of mass communicaton)?
- 550 years ago
- What does "Change" mean in the context of mass communication?
- how things have evolved over the years
- What was the primary goal of the Agrarian society?
- primary goal of this society was food
- What was the production technology of the Agrarian society?
- things were hand made--crats,plowing,etc
- Communication technology for the Agrarian society was according to...?
- oral---written (symbols) and art
Society has gone from: - Villages(tribes) to cities
- Production Technology in the Industrial society dealt with.....?
- Factories, machines, and the fact that alot of things were mass produced
- The method of Communication Technology in the Industrial society was....?
Printing press (LOWERED cost for
*things were printed basically in bulks -
Society has gone from: - urban cities to nations
- During the "information" society ...what was the means production technology?
- the media---(electronic, radio, t.v., computers)
- Over the past 200 years what changes have occured in the US workforce?
AGRICULTURE (growing food)--decreased to about 1-2%
MANUFACTURING (making things)--stayed the same
INFORMATION (technology0--increased - What is rhetoric?
- the idea of artful communication/ persuasion
- What are the 3 types of rhetoric?
-emotional - What are the 4 qualities of ethical proof?
-the idea that the source has a good -credibility (experts/ credible source)
-percieved intelligence
-virtous character(speakers image as good & honest)
-good will (positive judgement of speakers intention toward audience) - What are the six various emotions for emotional proof?
Love or Friendship
Indignation (sense of fairness)
Admiration - What are the 5 canyons of rhetoric?
Delivery - What was the primitive mode of communication during the "tribal age" and how did info.travel?
-oral and ear was the primitive mode
-traveled by interpersonal communicaton, poetry, rhymes, & songs - What is meant by the term "closed tribal communication?"
- if one person left the tribe, he wouldn't get any info. & there was no source of information.
- What was the print age?
-portable books were created...now you can read on your own
-people could leave and still get information - What was the electronic age?
-the telegragh was the first device created
-global communication came into process - What is meant by the term "medium is the message"? and why is this?
-this is where the medium (t.v, computer, etc) is more important than the message/context being given
-this is b/c the medium can change the way you act/ behave and you use your imaginaton in a different way than you would if you were reading a book or llistening to the radio. - What year did the Printing press come out in? What year for the telegragh?
-printing press: 1455