Japans 208
undefined, object
copy deck
- kakuheki (隔壁)
- a partition
- kakugo suru (覚悟する)
- to be prepared/ready for, to be resolved, to be resigned
- hankakumei (反革命)
- a counterrevolution
- kakujin (各人)
- each person, everybody
- kakureru (隠れる)
- to hide oneself, to conceal oneself, to disappear; to retire
- kakurenbō o suru (隠れん坊をする)
- to play hide-and-seek
- kakuitsushugi (画一主義)
- standardization
- kakugaikyōryoku o suru (閣外協力をする)
- to support the government from outside the cabinet
- kakuritsu (確率)
- probability
- kakumeishisō (革命思想)
- a revolutionary idea
- kakumau (匿う)
- to hide, to harbour, to shelter
- kakudai (拡大)
- magnification, spread
- kakun (家訓)
- family creed/precepts
- kakusa (格差)
- a difference, differentials, a gap
- kakuryōkaigi (閣僚会議)
- a ministerial conference
- kakusei no kan ga aru (隔世の感がある)
- to feel as if one were living in a quite different age
- kakuho suru (確保する)
- to secure, to maintain
- kakuritsu shita (確立した)
- established
- kakuran (攪乱)
- a disturbance
- kakuekiteisha no ressha (各駅停車の列車)
- a local train, a local, a way train
- kakujitsusei (確実性)
- certainty, reliability
- kakugen (確言)
- affirmation
- kakuryō (閣僚)
- the Cabinet ministers
- kakudan no sa (格段の差)
- a marked difference
- kakudan no (格段の)
- marked, special
- kakushidate o suru (隠し立てをする)
- to keep a matter secret
- kakugaishō (各外相)
- a minister out of the Cabinet
- kakujitsuni (確実に)
- certainly, surely, for certain
- kakuhan suru (攪拌する)
- to stir (up), to agitate
- kakugen (格言)
- a wise saying, a maxim
- kakuseiiden (隔世遺伝)
- atavism, reversion
- kakuhanki (攪拌器)
- a stirrer, a whisk, a mixer
- kakushigei (隠し芸)
- a parlour trick
- kakushidori (隠し撮り)
- a sneak shot
- kakumeiteki (革命的)
- revolutionary
- kakumeitō (革命党)
- a revolutionary party
- kakuritsu (確立)
- establishment
- kakuchō (格調)
- tone, style
- kakusage (格下げ)
- demotion
- kakuitsu (画一)
- uniformity
- kakurikanja (隔離患者)
- an isolated patient
- kakugiryōkai (閣議了解)
- cabinet approval
- kakujitsuna (確実な)
- certain, sure, reliable; sound, authentic
- kakunō suru (格納する)
- to house
- kakumeisensō (革命戦争)
- a revolutionary war
- kakumei (革命)
- a revolution
- kakuribyōsha (隔離病舎)
- an isolated ward
- kakushakutaru (矍鑠たる)
- hale and hearty, vigorous
- kakuri (隔離)
- isolation
- kakunin (確認)
- confirmation, affirmation
- kakunai de (閣内で)
- in(side) the Cabinet
- kakuitsuteki (画一的)
- uninformed, standardized
- kakuri suru (隔離する)
- to isolate, to put/keep in quarantine
- kakusage suru (格下げする)
- to demote
- kakujū suru (拡充する)
- to expand, to amplify
- kakuritsu suru (確立する)
- to establish
- kakuran suru (攪乱する)
- to disturb, to upset, to stir up
- kakunenni (隔年に)
- every other year
- kakumakuen (角膜炎)
- inflammation of the cornea
- kakushidate o shinai (隠し立てをしない)
- to be frank
- kakumeiseifu (革命政府)
- a revolutionary government
- kakugi (閣議)
- a Cabinet council, a Cabinet meeting
- kakumaku (隔膜)
- the diaphragm
- arayuru kakudo kara miru (あらゆる角度から見る)
- to view from all angles
- kakumei o okosu (革命を起こす)
- to cause a revolution, to bring about a revolution, to revolutionize
- kakumeigun (革命軍)
- a revolutionary army
- kakumakuishoku (角膜移植)
- transplantation of the cornea
- kakudai suru (拡大する)
- to magnify; to spread
- kakunin suru (確認する)
- to confirm, to certify
- kakudaikaishaku (拡大解釈)
- a broad interpretation
- kakurega (隠れ家)
- a retreat, a refuge
- kakunōko (格納庫)
- a hangar
- kakudaizu (拡大図)
- an enlargement [-> 写真]
- kakuseizai (覚醒剤)
- a stimulant
- kakusan (拡散)
- diffusion, spread
- kakujitsuni suru (確実にする)
- to ensure, to make sure
- kakugen suru (確言する)
- to affirm, to assert
- kakugetsu no (隔月の)
- bimonthly
- kakuremonai (隠れもない)
- famous, notorious; obvious
- kakujū (拡充)
- expansion, amplification
- kakudo (角度)
- an angle
- kakusaku suru (画策する)
- to plan, to scheme
- kakuhōmenni (各方面に)
- in all directions
- kakugetsu (隔月)
- every other month
- kakugari (角刈り)
- a crew cut
- kakumakuginkō (角膜銀行)
- an eye bank
- kakuji (各自)
- each one, every one
- kakumeika (革命家)
- a revolutionist
- kakuribyōin (隔離病院)
- an isolation hospital
- kakugo (覚悟)
- preparedness, resolution, resignation
- kakudaishashin (拡大写真)
- an enlargement [-> 図]
- kakusan (核酸)
- nucleic acid
- kakui (各位)
- all of you, every one of you; Dear Sirs, Gentlemen
- kakusei (覚醒)
- awakening