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Histroy-chp 18 and 19


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What was the Mississippi River or west was known before 1840 as....
Great American Desert
The Pacific Coast
all eliminated by disease and either lived in tribes or with the Hispanics
The Pueblo Indians
1. Anasazi
2. Navajo
Plains Indians
1. Lakota
2. Cheyenne
lived off the land and fallowed the buffalo were war like and always in conflict and were most formidible against the whites
California populated by...
whites, and hispanic aristocrats ceased to exist, mexicans were the working class
Texas's Dilema
-economically displaced Hispaniscs who were three fourths of the population
-mexican resentment erupted
Juan Cortina
raided a jail and freed all mexican prisoners, harrassed the community for 15 years until caught
Chinese Migration
-came looking for gold
-industrious workers
-tended to become buinsess proprietors
-worked in mining first then railroads
-made up 90% of the workers
-flocked to san fransisco
Anti-Chinese Sentiments
1. Industrious, took jobs
2. operated opium dens
3. prostitution was common
4. formed gangs
5. called "cookies"
Chinese Exclusion Act
-suspended immigration
-barred Chinese alines from U.S. citizenship
-ended asian immigration until 1986
How much did it decrease asian population by?
Homestead Act of 1862
-160 acres for a small fee if improved over five years
-wasnt enough
-bleak life
Timber Culture Act of 1862
Ammendment ot the Homestead Act
-recieved an additional 160 acres if you planted trees
Famous Mining Towns
-cripple creek
-idaho springs
The Cattle Industry
1860s. long cattle drives
-Chicago was "cow town"
-cowboys were often veterens of the army, a few blacks and a few foreigners
The Virginian
a book written by Owen Wister and protrayed the old weast as idealizzed
Census of 1890
Fredrick Jackson Turner: historian from University of Wisconsin writes his essay "The Significance of the Frontier" and argues that the end of the frontier would end at the cincus of 1890 and will end an era of American History
Economic Transformation between 1870 and 1900
1. Rapid Industrialization
2. Semi-skilled labor replaced with unskilled labor in carqe factories
-lots of immigration
-large factories replace small factories
-corporate expansion generated jobs
-Thomas Eddison: light bulb
-Internal Comubustion Engine
-General Electric: produced 85% of the worlds light bulbs
The Coorporation
-allowed to sell shares of a buisness to generate capitol
-share holders didnt run with the company
-no personal liability, so you only lost what you put in
-coorporations survived share holders
Vertical Integration
involved taking over a buisness on which a company relies for its primary ext. industries owned by same comany
Horizontal Integration
Involved owning all the same type of buisness
Life of Worker
-average worker made less than the poverty line
-10-12 hours a day
-sweatshops and diseases
-child labor was common
-women made less than men
Settlement House
Hull House in Chicago founded by Jane Addams, helped ppl rebuild lives, day care for children
Social Gospel Movement
a thoery that said intervention on behalf of poor was doubful benefit, poverty=flawed character but give back to the the poor and set an example
Social Darwanism
applies Darwins theory to human society, the fit survive and the weak parish
1877 Great Uprising or the "Great Strike"
workers refused to let any trains move intil the pay cut was restored
-first major strike
Molly Maguires
irish background that brought violence and terror
Knights of Labor
Terence Powerly- secret organizaion who disapproved of strikes and suppored better pay and wanted political involvemtn
American Federation of Labor (AFL)
-open to killed workers
-supported strikes and collective bargaining
Haymarket Riot 1886
police killed four unarmed workers during Chicago strikes-not successful
Homestead Strike (1892)
Carneige Steel refused collective bargainning and hired scabs instead
Ludlow 1914 Massacre
Colorado Coal Mine Strike-unsuccessful and 20 ppl killed
Pullman Strike (1894)
led by Uegene V Debs and persuaded people to boycott pullman cars, president issued an injuction stating they are interferring with mail delivery, strike ends

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