Famous Greeks
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- Aeschylus
- writer of tragedies; wrote Oresteia; proposed the idea of having two actors and using props and costumes
- Euclid
- wrote about geometry
- Homer
- poet who wrote the Iliad and Odyssey
- Sophists
- traveling teachers that taught how to win an arguement; didn't believe in gods; refused the idea of an absolute right or wrong
- Socrates
- philosopher who believed in an absolute right or wrong; asked students pointed questions to make them use their reason, later became Socratic method
- Hypatia
- found out more of math and science
- Zeno
- founded Stoicism that taught happiness came from reason not emotion
- Plato
- philosopher who focused on government and made the Republic
- Aesop
- Made many fables that teach lessons
- Theocritus
- made short poems about beauty and nature
- Herodotus
- called "father of history;" but used some gods and goddesses to explain things
- Hippacrates
- "father of medicine;" wrote medical code of behavior
- Pythagoras
- philosopher; taught all the worlds relationships could be expressed in numbers
- Aristophanes
- made Greek comedies making fun of polititians and scholars
- Appolonius
- poet who made Argonautica
- Sophocles
- writer of plays; used three actors; and made Oedipus Rex, and Antigone
- Aristarchus
- Found the Earth revolved aroung the sun
- Euripides
- writer, used regular people instead of Gods, and tried to answer real life questions in playwrite
- Aristotle
- philosopher who wrote more than 200 books from politics to astronomy; made Lyceum and Assembly, two schools
- Epicurus
- founded Epicureanism that taught the goal in life was to seek out pleasure
- Archimedes
- found science of physics and found lever and compound pulley
- Eratosthenes
- found out the Earth is round
- Thucydides
- historian who was greatest historian in the ancient world
- Hipparchus
- found how planets and stars move