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jeffersonian democracy


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old democratic republicans who believed was of 1812 violated democratic prinapals
Gibbons v Ogden
steamboat case, state of NY tried to grant a private concern a monopoly of waterborne commerce between NY and NJ...developed interstate trade
Nonintercourse act 1808
reopened trade with all the nations except britian and france....waterd down version of embargo
Albert Gallatin
seceraty of treasury, national debt was bad, made tariff and bank bigger and beter
Era of Good Feelings
James monroe was president, fed party was dying, 2 generations..1. bygone age of founding fathers. 2. emergent age of nationalism
Inaugural Address
honest friendship with all nations, will of majority to prevail, equal law must protect equal rights, all republicans are federalists
tariff of 1816
passed by federalists, for protection, 20 to 25% on value to dutiable goods by high enough to provide safeguards
American System
1. strong banking system=easy credits. 2. protective tariff=east will have good manufacturing. 3.revanues would provide funds=network of roads and canals...developed profitable home market
Rush Baggot Agreement
between britan and US, limited naval aranment on the lakes, US and Canada shared boundery
patrons serving sentences under sedation act
Battle of Tippecanoe
discredited prophet and drove tecumshe into an alliance with britan, made harrison a hero
Fletcher v Peck
arose with a GA legistlatire was swayed by bribary granted 35 million acres in the yazoo river country to private speculators, legislature cancelled it, said constitution forbid state laws imparing contracts
Major goals of Marshall
increase the powers of national gov, diminish the power of the states, protect property rights, prepetuate fed priciaple of centralization
Monroes Doctrine
happened when adams won monroe over his way of thinking, a warining to the european powers 2 features..1. noncolinization. 2. nonintervention, proclaimed that in effect the era of colonization in the us had ended and henceforth the hunting section closed, warning against foreign intervention, personalized statement of policy
Darmouth v Woodward
the college had been granted a charter by king george 3 but the democratic state legislator had seen fit to change it, marshall said No...good effect=safeguarding business enterprises from domitation by state govs. bad effect=creating a preecedent that enabled charted corporations
Naturalization law of 1802
reduced the unreasonable requirement to 14 years of residance to 5 years
Panic of 1819
eflation,depression,bankrupties, bank failures, unemployment,soup kitchens, overcrowded prison, created backwashes in political world
Hartford Convention
demanded finnancial lassistance from GW to compensate for lost trade and proposed constitutional amendmanets requiring 2/3 vote in congress bofore and embargo could be exposed...federalist discontent...due to caputire of NO
Marbury vs Madison
developed judical review
Lewis and Clark
went on a two year expedition to explore northern part of LA purchase, created indian religion and adventrue stories
treaty of Ghent
proposed mediterranean between two in 1812, agreed to stop fighting and restore conquerd territory
young hot heads, yearned to wipe out a renewed indian threat to pioneer settles, hated british
Adams Oins Treaty
aka..Florida purchase treaty.... spain ceded florida as well as claims to oregon in exchange for americas abandonment of claims to texas
Pell Mell
seating without regard to rank.....Jefferson
McCulloch v Maryland
attempt by maryland to destory a brach of the bank of the US by imposing a tax on its notes, most famous marshall national bank, upheld bank rights to exist and be free from taxes

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