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succeeded Lincoln
Andrew Johnson
abolished slavery
13th amendment
organization to help freed slaves and poor whites with food, clothes, job-training, education, medical help
freedmen's bureau
act gave blacks citizenshiiip and forbade states from passing discriminatory laws
Civil rights bill
1866, Republican leader
Thaddeus Stevens
made blacks citizens, gave equaal protection under law and states would not deny life, liberty or property
14th amendment
stated presidents could not remove cabinet officers they didn't appoint without 2/3 of senate approval
tenure of office act
secretary of war that Andrew Johnson fired
edwin stanton
stated no one can be kept from voting because of race, color or having been a slave
15th amendement
farmland rented and owner provided nothing for farmers
tenant farming
secret society was formed in tennessee in 1866
Ku Klux Klan
formed KKK
Nathan Bedford Forest
white southerners who joined republican party and supported industrialization in the south
northerners who moved to the south to take advantage of poor economic conditions or to help the newly freed slaves
act allowed the president to declare martial law inthe south whereever KKK was active
force acts of 1870-71
refers to the internal revnue collects who defrauded the federal gov. out of whiskey taxes
whiskey ring
established segregation on/in public facilities
jim crow laws
series of laws that restricted the rights of blacks
black codes
16th president, known for Civil War, emancipation proclamation, homestead act, assasination
abraham lincoln
secret organization of white men in the reconstruction period, organized in New Orleans
Knights of the White Cammellia
returned the right to vote and the right to hold fed and state offices to former confeds
amnesty act
1876 (Democrat) governor of NY, won the popular vote but lost his presidency
samuel J. tilden
upheld law stating segregated by equal constitutional
plessy vs. ferguson
selected griends of grants used their power for their own benefits, credit mobilier, whiskey ring, belknap accepted bribes
Grant's corruption
Feb. 24th 1868 impeached for Tenure of Office Act
Johnson's impeachement
ohio congressman (R) who won 1880 election
James A. Garfield
ran against Garfield as Democrat 1880
Winfield Scott Hancock
assassinated Garfield on July 2nd, 1881
Charles Guiteau
created civil service commission in 1883, supposed to create exams and administer them instead of spoils
Pendleton Act
democratic governor of NY who won 1884 and 1892 elections
Grover Cleveland
cabinet position created in 1889
Secretary of Agriculture
defeated Cleveland in the election of 1888
Benjamin Harrison
populist candidate that ran in 1888
James B. Weaver
republican, won 1896 elections
William McKinley
known as Front Porch Campaigner, backed by marcus Hanna's machine
William McKinley
democrat 1896, religious "Cross of Gold"
William J. Bryan
Pasted 2- 4 million dollars of silver to money, supposed to drive prices in order to help farmers
1878 Bland-Allison Act
favored bimettalism and wanted more money to be accessible to the farmer
Free Silverities
favored gold standard because it was stable
Gold Bugs
hurt farmers and was very unpopular
McKinley Tariff Act of 1890
dropped the rate of tariffs of many things by less than 2%
Tariff of 1883
bought or drove out competition; used integration operation to become successful
Andrew Carnegie
What did Andrew Carnegie's company make?
book Andrew Carnegie wrote in 1901 that said that the wealthy have power and responsibility to fix social problems
Gospel of Wealth
1882; idea to control all areas of production helped him become wealthy
John D. Rockefeller
What did Rockefeller make?
Oil, Standard Oil Trust
men like Carnegie and Rockefeller who controlled monopolies were called...
Robber Barons of captains of industry
trust or other combinations of businesses that restricted trade were illegal
1890 Sherman Anti-Trust Act
philosopher, thought of idea of social darwinism
Herbert Spencer
felt that society should use government to control economy and big business
Lester Frank Ward
developed first sleeper car, which was named after him
George Pullman
owners of uniion pacific RR started own construction company and gave themselves the contract to build their RR, made millions in illegal profits that was shared by congressmen
Credit Mobilier
he founded social organization for farm families but became a way to express grievances
Oliver Kelly and the Grange
1877 court case; Granger laws found to be constitutional
Munn vs. Illinois
1887 overturned Munn vs. Illinois because only fed. government has power to regulate interstate commerce
Wabashe case
created to regulate railroads and created the interstate commerce commission
Interstate Commerce Act
regulates carriers engaged in transportation between states
Interstate Commerce Commission
father of the skyscraper
Lewis Sullivan
author of "How the other half lives"
Jacob Riis
took pictures of tenement living to show plight of the poor immigrant population
how the other half lives
american capitalist, helped get McKinley elected, financial boss
Marcus Hanna
New York City Tweed Ring boss, controlled city democratic party
Boss Tweed
drew for the Harper's Weekly and Time and made Booss Tweed an international joke
Thomas Nast
enacted quotas aimed at Southeastern Europeans, only 2% of population allowed into the US
Imigration aact of 1924
agreeement between US and Japan, restricted Japaneses immigration to only those who had already been tot he US or had relatives in the US
Gentlemen's Agreement 1907-108
1880's called for use of literacy tests for immigrants, must be able to read. write 40 words
Imigration Restriction League
a 10 year suspension of Chinese imigration, 1st fed. law ending entry for idea of endangered good of others
Chinese Exclusion Act
democratic political organization in NYC, associated in late 1800s and early 1900s with corruption and abuse of power
Tammany Hall
american social worker who founded Hull House , 1st social settlement served as community center
Jane Addams
US clergy man and social reformer
Walter Rauschenbusch
international organization for philanthropic work
Salvation Army
union founded by william sylvis and advocated 8 hour workday
national labor union
agreement not to join a labor union
yellow-dog contract
list exchanged among employers with people's names to be barred from employment because of many reasons
members of privileged, established white upper middle class in teh US
1886 violent riot that started as a demonstration for an 8 hour workday
Haymarket Affair
suggested use of politics to solve problems instead of strikes
Uriah Stephens
labor union suggested use of politics to solve problems
Knights of Labor
Samuel Gompers founded labor union
American Federation of Labor
founded American Federation of Labor
Samuel Gompers
organizations formed together with the unions, focused on collective bargaining
American Federation of Labor
American Railway Union; radical socialist that had the first attempt at industrial unionism
Eugene V. Debs
association organized in Chicago for making a big railway trade-union
American Railway Union
founder of Industrial Workers of the World (Wobblies)
"Big Bill" Haywood
US socialogist, secretary of Labor
Frances Perkins
light bulb and electric motors
Thomas Edison
Philadelphia Centennial Exposition
Alexander Graham Bell
Alexander Graham Bell
Christopher Sholes
coal refining and manufacturing techniques
William Kelly and Henry Bessemer
oil drilling- producred first oil well in the US
Edwin Drake
a leader of woman's suffrage, started women's rights convention in Seneca Falls
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
social reformer, writer, first president of the New England Woman Suffrage Association
Julia Ward Howe
one of the most improtant workers for suffrage, first woman to keep her own name after marriage
Lucy stone
American Journalist, tried to reconcile NOrth and South
"New South" Henry Grady
Tuskegee Institute - founder and principal of Tuskegee, taught specific trades
Booker T. Washington
The Souls of Black Folks - cofounder of NAACP
W.E.B Du Bois
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
selected friends of grants used their power for their own benefits, credit mobilier, whiskey ring, belknap accepted bribes
Grant's Corruption
worst factory fire, owners had locked the doors and fire began and they couldn't escape
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
group that believed confed states seceded from union, confed territory of U.S. under jurisdiction of congress
radical republicans
most famous speech by Henry Grady
"The New South"
1876 (Republican), won disputed election known as "his fraudulency"
Rutherford B. Hayes
revived the knights of Labor, 1879
Terence Powderly
plantation divided land among several workers and workers give owner 2/3 of crops
what General Sherman had promised freed slaves, background for why former slaves were given land
40 acres and a mule
controlled New York City party by buying votes and defrauding city
Tweed Ring, NY
1863 granted pardons to all confeds who swear oath to union and obey laws
Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction
created by Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, goal of securing women's suffrage
National Women Suffrage Association
called for more equal distribution of wealth based on single tax system
Henry George
Garfield's vice president
Chester A. Arthur
1864 Radical plan with congress; job of reconstruction state majority of people on voters must swear oath in order to send representatives to congress
Wade-Davis Bill
Democrat running for office in 1868, lost to Grant
Horatio Seymour
ideas of survival of the fittest applied to the business world
Social Darwinism
passed 4.5 million dollars worth of silver to improve economic conditions
1890 Sherman Silver Purchase Act
worker who refused to join a labor union, or participate in a union strike, who takes the striking workers place on the job
Lincoln's Administration; Railroads over 20 million acres and $60 million
Pacific Railway Act
secretary of war, accepted bribes from merchants in the indian territory who wanted special concessions
William Belknap
National Labor Union; founded 8 hour workday
William Sylvis
lowered duties by 10%; called for income tax of 2% over $4000; declared unconstitutional (1895)
Wilson-Gorman Tariff of 1894
divided south into 5 military districts, civilian courts replaced with military tribunals
First Reconstruction Act
labor union by the workers in the garment industry
International Ladies Garment Union
most violent strikes, occurred when Carnegie Steel announced pay cuts
Homestead Strike (1892)
won election of 1868 by beating Horatio Seymour (Democrat)
Ulysses S. Grant

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