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Social Studies!


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Free Soil Party
political party founded in 1848 by th antislavery Whigs an Democrats
loyality to state or section rater than to the country
Mussouri Compromise
plan proposed by Henry Clay that would keep the number of slave states and free states equal
Wilmont Proviso
proposed law that would ban slavery in all lands won from mexico
Popular Soverrignty
polciy that would allow a terrotory to decide for itself wheter it want to be a free state or a slave state
Civil War
a war between people of thae same country
a runaway slave
Henry Clay
a famous senator who brought together the Great Compromise
John C. Calhoun
refused to compromise insisted that slavery should be allowed in western territores and fugitive slaves to be returned
Daneil Webster
supported Clay's plea to save the union

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