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Medieval Test


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Thomas a Beckett
archbishop of canterbury
servant, green coat and hood, sheaf of peacock arrows and had a mighty bow, tan face, wore dagger, wore green horn
wise,chared large fees, had many robes, remember all cases, sash
Medieval period
sing, write poetry, lady's man, knight's son, good fighter, blonde, athletic, comparable to renaissance man
Battle of Hastings
King Harold vs. William the Conqueror
frame tale
canterbury tale is this
role of women elevated by
chivalry and devotion to mary
fat, happy, loves food, many horses, believed in new world manners, bald, big eyes,
chancer sore, good at cooking, frequent drinker, ulcer on chin, white stew, poor hygiene, roger
1st animal hunted
deer, ran away, cornered shot
Le Morte D' Arthur
Thomas Malory
referred to languages, french, latin. means the story contains characteristics associated with french writings
poor but holy, gives money to parishioners, sets ideal for others, patient, ideal person of clergy,
forman, accountant for lord, steals money from lord, old and irritable, was carpenter, logn legs but didnt show, had dirt on everyone, wore blue overcoat, wore rusty blade, slender, hot tempered, close shave,
the reptition of one or two lines, usually at the end of a stanza
yellow hair, came from rome, shiny eyes, mare, no beard
ideal commoner, third estate, brother of parson, fertilized fields, live din peice, loved god, helped neighbores
Domesday Book
thorough survey of England to create an efficient system by William
ballad stanza
tradition ballads follow a specific form
set up of tales
each would tell 4 tales, two one way and two back, 29 pilgrims, only wrote 23.5 tales
seduces girls, gets pregnant and arranges marriages, loves money, knowns tavern well, loved gossip, gave knives and pins to women, lived by begging, hubert-lisp
magna carta
set up habeas corpus, limited monarchy, trial by jury, rights of nobles, clergy, freemen
holy wars
decipher rhyme and meter
william caxton
movable type
offcier of church who calls peopel for trial, ugly, red complexion, pimples, boils, eczema, loved garlic, ale, and onion, wore garland on head, liked paronder, narrow eyes-greed, corrupt
characteristics of knight in med romance
1. great hero whos birth is mysterious. 2. ignorance of real parents. 3. for a time, true identity may be unknown. 4. meets challenge before honor. 5. triumph benefits nation
a narrative poem that was orignially composed to be sung or recited
characteristics of medieval romance
1. an idealization of chivalry. 2. an idealization of hero/knight and his noble deeds. 3. a knight's love for a lady 4. imaginary or vague settings 5. mystery and suspense/supernatural elements 6. a concealed or disguised identity 7. repetition of the mystic number 3
huge man, lived in dartmouth, thick gown, dagger strapped, tan, drank wine, good fighter, beard
weaknesses of feudal system
black death, fighting changes, poll tax, peasants revolt
Richard the Lionhearted
henry's son, exploits in crusades
large and wealthy landowner, fine living,white beard, bad temper, drank win, kept table out all day, hung dagger and slik bag from belt, sheriff and auditor
steward for law school, not intelligent but clever, sly, streetsmart, frugal
characteristics of ballad
1. rely on dialogue rather than narration. 2. written in particular dialect. 3. tragic 4. based on truse stories 5. rapid and dramatic action, form of entertainment for listener. 6. gaps in plot and explanations for charcter motivation missing. 7. symbolism 8. legacies or testaments 9. repition of words or phrases
3rd animal hunted
fox, hides but gets killed
the guildsmen
haberdasher, carpenter
William's work
The Tower of London, Oxford
Henry II
most famous Plantagenet, killed Thomas a Beckett
delicate,good manners, wears gold broach that says loves conquer all, beautiful forehead, grey eyes, head of her group, shouldnt be on pilgrimage
incremental repitition
the repetition in succeeding stanzas of lines containing some small addition, or increment, is used to build climax
associates with muslims and not godly because of this, knows all medicines, and astrology, fond of gold and makes a lot of money, wasnt well read in bible, wore blue and scarlet
Thomas Malory
took tales of King Arthur and combined to make morte darthur
landowners become tenants
studied philosphy, lazy, didnt take care of himself or horse, patched overcoat, student at oxford,
location of Tabarb Inn
wife of bath
contrary to ideal woman, five husbands, gap toothed-attractive, deaf in one ear, bright scarlet stockings, good at making cloth, wore rug and spurs on feet
drunk, rash man, interrupts host, big boned, hair and beard red, wart on nose, black nostrils, wore sword, big mouth, stole corn, wore white coat with blue hood, played bagpipes
2nd animal hunted
boar, fights back, gets exhausted and killed
meek voice, humble, rusty armor, reserved, chivalrous
benficence, pure mind, brotherly love, manners, compassion
intelligent, memeber of rich rising middle class, forked beard and gown, wore beaver hat, knew how to make a profit

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